Vertical lighting/scrog, should i switch from fluoro's to Metal Halide?


Well-Known Member
I love the pics... how do you write on them, do you have a tablet or something?

What's a photo loupe?

Also, why did you start flowering when you did? Why not later? Just curious.

That vertical screen looks great... I wish I could pay as much attention to my plants as you can to your one. I bet she is nice and spoiled.

Nice seedling too (other thread I guess).


Well-Known Member
I love the pics... how do you write on them, do you have a tablet or something?

What's a photo loupe?

Also, why did you start flowering when you did? Why not later? Just curious.

That vertical screen looks great... I wish I could pay as much attention to my plants as you can to your one. I bet she is nice and spoiled.

Nice seedling too (other thread I guess).
Thanks Jig, Yep got a Wacom tablet. I love it, drawing on the computer is like second nature now.

Here's a photo loupe:

They're pretty cheap. You have to be able to put the edge of the glass right up to what you want to view and then your eye must be right up to the black eye piece as well. But i figure if you are using a hand microscope you could use one of these, and IMO the loupe is much easier to use. Check for one if you're interested.

No idea now that i think about it, i wish i had waited longer. I'm gonna have to ask the wife if she remembers why i put it to flower.

Yea you can't beat having an individual screen for each plant. Haha she's spoiled rotten :mrgreen:... daddy's little girl and everything.

I can't wait to get the perpetual schedule of harvest one plant every month on track. Thats the reason for the plants being separated.

Oh man and i had a brilliant idea the other day and thats why i bought the new buckets. I can't wait for them to get here so i can show you guys my idea with build pics. I think you guys will enjoy it better with the pictures and the anticipation should make things more exciting too. I'll give you a hint, it has to do with "revolving" and "scrogs"... hope i didn't give it away:mrgreen:;-)

thanks, its actually going to be given away. I germed it because my Orange Crush clone wasn't taking. But the clone finally took and now i don't have room for both. So i figured take the clone because I'm sure its female and give away the seedling because i don't have the space.

Ps. Loved the porn earlier, started drooling :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The choice to switch from fluorescent to metal halide in a vertical setup depends on a few factors, mainly grow space, ventilation requirements, temp requirements, etc.

Metal Halide lamps perform as well as T5HO watt for watt until you get past 250 watts. Then that Metal Halide lamp starts pulling away from the T5HO array, at a rapid pace.

If you're using regular T8 or T12 fluorescents - go for the metal halide. You might need to rearrange your room, but you'll get set soon enough and all will be well.


Well-Known Member
The choice to switch from fluorescent to metal halide in a vertical setup depends on a few factors, mainly grow space, ventilation requirements, temp requirements, etc.

Metal Halide lamps perform as well as T5HO watt for watt until you get past 250 watts. Then that Metal Halide lamp starts pulling away from the T5HO array, at a rapid pace.

If you're using regular T8 or T12 fluorescents - go for the metal halide. You might need to rearrange your room, but you'll get set soon enough and all will be well.
Thanks for the response Kali, check out the pics a few posts back. I went for the metal halide because i was just using t8's. I plumbed it right up with the other cool tube. It works perfectly. Thanks for the input I didn't know those facts about the t5s when the reach 250w. I always thought that flouro tubes though cooler running were moderately less efficient when compared to a metal halide lamp of the same wattage.

In the end all i can say is that new bulb is a hell of a lot brighter than the previous fluorescents and I'm very happy with it.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig,

I'm thinking of starting a grow journal with the new blueberry clone i have. But i'm wondering if i should wait until i have my new buckets made to start the journal. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
See, I had this idea where you could run vertical linear fluorescents to get the most out of them if you put them in a specific configuration. After making a few designs the best one out of all of them was this one:

For a 3'x3' area, this would maximize the capability of T12 and T8 fluorescents. For a 5'x5' area, this would use the most of T5HO. If you could put the plants on rotating platters, this would further maximize the capability of the system.

And cooling it would be as simple as just moving air through the box, no cool tubes needed. You might need to slightly shield the T5HO lights with a super thin plastic sleeve, but the T12 and T8 lamps could touch the plants without issue.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jig,

I'm thinking of starting a grow journal with the new blueberry clone i have. But i'm wondering if i should wait until i have my new buckets made to start the journal. Any thoughts?
My thoughts: I like starting things early... I would start it now. But...

I think some people on this site might look at the set-up and think..."this guy isn't even going yet, I don't really care about this journal".

So... you might get more viewers (and more help) if you wait.... but, you might get important you need now with the journal up early.

Toss up... I think if you can wait, you should. But I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you've put a lot of thought into that.
Second this. Nice design man. I bet you have a few of those drawings sitting on your computer.

I thought about different configurations like that but it calls for a great deal of customization and said customization becomes rather expensive quickly. I really had something similar in mind for my space while i was toying around with the idea of a customized flouro tube set up. My idea though was four bound together as a central column and then 4 in each corner much like yours. I ended up only making half of it because of funds.

I saw an extremely productive set up where a guy lined the interior of a large plastic trash can with VHO's and gave it 360 degrees of light. In the end he had a plant that completely filled the trash can, i think it was somewhere around 30-50 gallons. So i think you're "prime growing" locations are correct. Now if you really wanted to go full out with your design you'd put a fluoro tube at each corner of the squares of the grid. That'd be another 8 more and it would make each grid space a "prime growing" location right?

All that said for my space fluoros were not the right choice and i'll explain why:

First my grow room needs to be stealth, i have a lot of people over on a regular basis and no one can know, well because they're all stoners, and it gets pretty dry here and they all start fiending. Last thing i need is my friends turning into my customers, bad deal right there. Money + Friends = Bad always. Plus i have no desire to sell and they'll definitely try to weasel it out of me.

This means that i have had to suffer on power with a few items of the grow. As a whole my ventilation is a little under powered, I'm venting a thin but tall linen closet with just pc fans i mean what do you expect. Being under powered though i still run a 78-83*F grow room temp during the day and then ambient room temp at night (70*F). I did that by making the vent holes adequately sized.

With under powered ventilation i absolutely had to cool tube my lights to remove that heat completely from the grow room as i am not able to exchange the air in my grow room enough to remove the heat. I am only able to exchange it enough to suffice as a fresh air source, and again not as a means to control heat. This is the first problem that arose from using fluoros, i had to rely on my ventilation to remove their heat and not a cool tube. When i added the metal halide and cool tube i was able to switch out the fluoros that were adding overall heat to the grow room and replace it with a light that barely gives off a trace of heat. I think my room might actually be running slightly cooler with the new light. Thats why i have the range of 78*-83*F because today my room was showing a temp 78*F when it had been constant at 83*F for the duration of the fluoro set-up. It needs more of a time trial before i can say the grow room is running cooler.

To continue with why they we're not a good choice for me was that for their wattage they heated my room too much for my ventilation to handle. This means that i was stuck to being able to use a low overall wattage of light in my veg area. This threw off the timing i was trying to maintain to have a relatively productive perpetual cycle of 1 plant every month. Because the fluoros were not giving off enough light for the plant to veg to the proper size to be moved into the flowering chamber in time to maintain the schedule, everything got all out of whack. I'm hoping with the (9000 MH - 2800 FLOS = 6200 Difference) 6,200 lumen jump in lighting will allow my plant to veg to the right size in time to maintain the perpetual cycle.

Haha that answers your early flower question from earlier Jig, The wife informed me that i was trying to maintain my cycle and thats why it went into flower.

Ok Kali here's the short version:

For my space and equipment, the fluorescent tubes gave off too much heat for me to put enough of them in there to veg my plants in the proper amount of time for me to maintain the cycle that i want to.

I felt i had to give the response to your post as much effort as you put into it.

Jig: Hmm yea i see your point. I think the buckets will be arriving within the week or early next week. Also my plant is sort of small as it was a small clone so giving it a little bit of time to grow is a good idea i think. It will show slightly better. So i guess my answer is i will wait another week to start the journal, this will give me time to work on my revolving detachable scrog prototype for the buckets. Hey i'll be able to start the journal with a good set of build pics which is always appetizing and should draw in some viewers. Thanks for the input. It's always appreciated.