Well first off Mr. Higher then Almighty... where do we start with you. I promise I won't give up on you like obviously your parents have done up to this point in your life. I don't blame you, I blame society so keep your chin up son.
Excuse us for applying basic principles of action and reaction, to a scientific use i.e. salt metal maybe corrodes. I am not a scientific engineer to state the correct chemical reactions caused in these particular salts and lids. Also "you're" corny, not "your" which would be used like "Your corncob is shoved so far up your ass, I think your hot air is producing popcorn."
You can't assume that everyone has such drastic changes in seasonal temperature, but that is not even the point. Yet you try to argue an irrelevant point of anyone's posts. You just chimed "November", no maybe that is all your simple mind can produce. I see by your reply, that I was probably not too far off from the truth.
Now with that being said you're probably high most of the time, at least lets hope with your view points and grammatical accuracy.
Thanks for the laughs, and yes everything I do say is negative to troll like yourself. I provide the accurate, helpful non-assholish advice to those deserving. I hope you understand.