Very simple question


Ok, i just started my first grow, but i never found out whats the exact amount of time i'll need for the grow from start to finish how long shoukld it take for me to finish my grow.( im growing 1 plant inside under CFL lights

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
you can veg how ever long you want but flower time that is anywhere from 8 weeks to 11 maybe more you can go 12/12 from seed if you want a shorter time but also smaller yield


Active Member
it is strain dependant, and also depends on space. If you have 20 ft ceilings you can grow as long as you want. Most people veg for 3-4 weeks, and flower for 8-10 weeks, like I said the veg time is up to you and the flower time is strain dependant. So expect 3 months

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
ya...unless u have an autoflower (which someone here will argue) u can veg as long as u want and flower 8-14+ weeks depending on strain