Very specific question! I need help! Please


Hi Guys! Thanks for the help!!

So my concern is that I fucked up the the timing in the summer which means that 3 of my ladies are still needing another 4-5 weeks to be ready but
the sunny hours are getting shorter (they are receiving around 7-8-9 hours of proper sun or sometimes less cuz its totally cloudy all day) due to it's already September plus my house is blocking the sun between 2pm and 4pm. This sunny hour shortnesses are going on for like 10-12 days.

I did start late in this summer so thats why I ended up in this situation.

So my specific question is, if I move them inside (I have a proper tent kint, 1000w) and they start to receive 12 hours of light again, WILL THEY START TO FALL BACK INTO revegetation?

I know they are not getting again 18 hours but 12 hours compared to 7-8-9 maybe would make them to reveg? or its gonna be fine?

I hope you guys understand what I mean. Please enlighten me! I am being super worried!! Many Massive thanks!!!
no, they wont reveg on 12 hrs of light. they would need longer then that. but id be worried about bugs n grubs yo may have picked up from outdoors.
With access to less light due to positioning, as well as the day shortening, your yield will suffer. Imagine a tomato plant that get's shaded by 2 pm, it simply won't grow as many tomatoes, or, the tomatoes it does grow will not mature as fast or as much as a plant that gets full sun. To reveg a plant, you usually throw it into 18/6 at least, but you have to ask yourself, do you have the space inside to do that AND then to finish them inside for the entire flowering period? If not, just keep doing your best to take care of them, take what you can get, and then fix these issues and plan better for next year. Good luck!