VHO, very high output from advanced nutrients



hello people i do not use AN. i use canadian express with a super flowering additive as well called head master and get great results.i did use some stuff called ozi-magic and ozi tonic for a while which was great to but not as good as head master although it is expensive it does pay for itself and they buds are just amazing in size and taste just my 2 cents worth


Well-Known Member
Its cool man, its a debate at the end of the day, and debating is good for everyone, newbies and exp growers alike, even if they do get a bit heated.

Yea i will do that grow mate, although il need to take out a second mortgage to pay for the AN range :lol:, and il use the entire range as they reccomend.

Quite looking forward to it now!

I mean't no offense, and I did not intend to call you arrogant, just that your post, or more specifically, your comment was an arrogant one. If I offended you, I'm sorry, wasn't my intention.


Confucious say - He who goes to bed with itchy arse wakes up with smelly finger

thats funny-Confucious say "man with hole in pocket feel cocky all day"


Well-Known Member
Confucius say - Man with one chopstick goes hungry.

Confucius say - Man who farts in church, sits in his own pew!

Confucius say - Man who run in front of car get tired.

Confucius say - Man who run behind car get exhausted.

Confucius say - Man who fishes in other mans well, catches crabs.

Confucius say - Too damn much.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see that. Seriously. You do a side by side, unbiased experiment, from clone, in the same environment, and if you can change my mind I'll switch. I'm not preaching the gospel of AN, I have just seen it work.

I'll give you mad props if you do it though. All those additives are expensive as shit! I stick with the sensi, big bud, overdrive, and that's too costly for me. I can't even think about buying voodoo, pirana, tarantula, b52, bla, bla, bla.
only problem is that side by side wuld prove nuthin

if u want a result and u get it u cant say u proved somthin becuz u might have tipped teh results without meaning 2

scientist has 2 b impartial
u gotta b open 2 all results or u wont b fair

and Advanced Nutrients aint taht expensive round here i dunno what the fuss is


Active Member
this thread was originally on advanced nutes VHO, the folliar spray. i want to see a side by side with vho and one without


Well-Known Member
only problem is that side by side wuld prove nuthin

if u want a result and u get it u cant say u proved somthin becuz u might have tipped teh results without meaning 2

scientist has 2 b impartial
u gotta b open 2 all results or u wont b fair

and Advanced Nutrients aint taht expensive round here i dunno what the fuss is
How would it not prove nothing?? 20 clones, grown in the same environment, from the same mother, the same age, under the same light, 10 fed on the whole AN range, 10 fed on my usual two bottles???

It would prove alot in my opinion, if i get near enough the same results from both feeds then AN isnt worth the money they charge, if i get spectacular results from the AN line up, and all the shit they say it will do for your plants then i might even switch to AN myself, but this i doubt very much, if i get much better results from my usual two bottles of certified organic ferts, then it just proves that AN is BS?

And where is round here to you?? For me to switch to the whole AN range itd cost me about £250 every couple of harvests, as opposed to £20 every couple of harvests, in comparison it seems rather expensive to me?


Sector 5 Moderator
I would not doubt that AN got started with lawsuit money but if they were smuggling *thousands* of pounds... holy shit; that's a LOT of loonies baby! Anyway... it's good stuff; I have almost everything they sell but I think they are really big on marketing. I don't doubt their sincerity or the quality of the product but, for me, I just want big fat sweet tasting buds that don't require $100 per plant in nutes. I'm doing my next grow with Ionic 2 part.


Well-Known Member
How would it not prove nothing??
bcuz if u want the expiriment 2 come out 1 way u arent objective

ask any scientist
u know that whole "double blind" expiriment thing they do where the test subjects and the test givers dont know who got the new drug and who got the fake drug? cause if the test givers know which is which they might accidentally mess up teh results

same kinda thing
u want ur favorite 2 be teh best and ur more familier with it so u will b more likely 2 get the results u want no matter how fair u try 2 b.

And where is round here to you?? For me to switch to the whole AN range itd cost me about £250 every couple of harvests, as opposed to £20 every couple of harvests, in comparison it seems rather expensive to me?
lol let me just mail in my address 2 teh cops

just say they aint gotta put stuff on a boat to get it 2 me, k?

i dunno conversion or nuthin but 4 my stoner math i get more green at teh end of a grow than it costs extra 4 the advanced nutrients
4 me it costs more not 2 use AN


Well-Known Member
Ive tried about every different variety of nutrient available in my country and unfortunately Advanced Nutrients isnt being sold here or else I would have tried it. Out of all the brands available to me I've decided on the most expensive one purely because I got good results consistently while using it. But that is not to say that some other brands have certain products that outperform the one I currently use.

However for cloning, I used to get 100% success when I was using willow juice, but that ended when I moved house and....no more willow tree. So now I am forced to use shop bought cloning and rooting products and the success rate is pretty much like everyone else, 9 out of 10.

Anyways, to all those AN fanatics, does anyone know how many winners of the Cannabis Cup used Advanced Nutrients in their grows?


Well-Known Member
OK everyone stopped talking about VHO. BACK TO THE TOPIC.

I was desperate for fast results and I bought VHO. It was thursday night. On friday I watered my 4 day old plant with VHO at about 10ml per gallon water. I over watered and let the water come out the bottom of the soil pot and partially fill the small plastic saucer. The soil pot was only about the size of a party cup. I over watered because I would be away for the weekend and I didn't want the plant to wilt or dry out. So I went to visit my family 4 hours north. I left on friday morning after the watering. I came back on Sunday morning and rushed to the plant to make sure it wasn't dry. When I opened my small grow box with 150 watt hps bulb........SHOCK AND AWE.....I could not believe my eyes.....OMGOSH..............For a moment I thought this couldn't be possible. VHO had turned my 4 day old seedling into a mini bush in 48 hours at 18 hr light. I was so surprised I called my girlfriend and told her. THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING NUTRIENT EVER. I then went out and bought a lot more AN. Sucess from day one, i then bought b-52 and added to VHO....I was even more amazed at the results. So people, try VHO alone and see yourself. I dont advertise or work for AN, I just want to use what works the best. This is true and I will never stop using VHO. The one week old plant started growing branches!!! In two weeks of using VHO it made my plant a huge bush! time to flower early!!!:leaf:

These pics are the first two weeks from seedling.



Well-Known Member
OK everyone stopped talking about VHO. BACK TO THE TOPIC.

I was desperate for fast results and I bought VHO. It was thursday night. On friday I watered my 4 day old plant with VHO at about 10ml per gallon water. I over watered and let the water come out the bottom of the soil pot and partially fill the small plastic saucer. The soil pot was only about the size of a party cup. I over watered because I would be away for the weekend and I didn't want the plant to wilt or dry out. So I went to visit my family 4 hours north. I left on friday morning after the watering. I came back on Sunday morning and rushed to the plant to make sure it wasn't dry. When I opened my small grow box with 150 watt hps bulb........SHOCK AND AWE.....I could not believe my eyes.....OMGOSH..............For a moment I thought this couldn't be possible. VHO had turned my 4 day old seedling into a mini bush in 48 hours at 18 hr light. I was so surprised I called my girlfriend and told her. THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING NUTRIENT EVER. I then went out and bought a lot more AN. Sucess from day one, i then bought b-52 and added to VHO....I was even more amazed at the results. So people, try VHO alone and see yourself. I dont advertise or work for AN, I just want to use what works the best. This is true and I will never stop using VHO. The one week old plant started growing branches!!! In two weeks of using VHO it made my plant a huge bush! time to flower early!!!:leaf:
Dang! hmmmmm do i need it?

No, you dont lol

Two of my plants at around two weeks old on nothing but straight tap water, just in a good quality multi purpose organic compost.



Well-Known Member
No, you dont lol

Two of my plants at around two weeks old on nothing but straight tap water, just in a good quality multi purpose organic compost.

mine where much bigger at two weeks. this was with a 150 watt HPS solo.

plus what power light did you use? or outdoor?


Well-Known Member
mine where much bigger at two weeks. this was with a 150 watt HPS solo.

plus what power light did you use? or outdoor?
The point im making is not "my plant is bigger than yours" lol the point im making is that it is NOT needed to grow a healthy fast growing plant.