VIDEO:Baltimore PIG ASSULTS, THREATENS, and steals teens sk8board


Well-Known Member
When I was a teen I was with a group of friends and I pulled that "Dude chill routine" with a cop....I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I was jacked up against the wall with cuffs on....LOL, you can bet I never called another cop "Dude" or told a cop to "chill out" again....It's all about yes sir and no sir after that day....Sir yes Sir, fell free to shine your boots on my ass Sir....LOL


Too many brownies
When I was a teen I was with a group of friends and I pulled that "Dude chill routine" with a cop....I didn't even get to finish my sentence before I was jacked up against the wall with cuffs on....LOL, you can bet I never called another cop "Dude" or told a cop to "chill out" again....It's all about yes sir and no sir after that day....Sir yes Sir, fell free to shine your boots on my ass Sir....LOL
If I was the dude in your avatar....Id just invite the cop to have a seat in my car for a little bit First though Id guarantee to the cop that everything would be good afterwards hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I think one guy has it ass backwards..
The good cops are the MINORITY!!
The power tripping pigs OUT number the good coolheaded cops..
Atleast back in my hometown anyways..

You guys also need to know THIS isnt a lone inncident..
Cops have been tasering/macing kids, elderly, and defenseless handicaped people all across America man..
You just dont hear about it on the mainstream news that much..

Or its only on the local news, and its only a 2 min story, which is quickly brushed aside..

These links claim to be the uncut videos..
YouTube - go skateboarding day cop vs skaters(uncut)part 1
YouTube - go skateboarding day cop vs skaters(uncut)part 2
I havent watched them yet, but still who fucking cares wtf they were doing eariler..
Ok I watched them, this is ACTUALLY a different story all together..
Actually THESE video is much more brutal then the first i posted..
These are different skaters, and cops! Different city..

On the second link you hear the cop threatening to mace these KIDS..
THEY are FUCKING kids!!
You dont assult and mace KIDS!!
wtf kinda pussy cops are they??

So the first video IS the "full video" there isnt anything more.. Atleast that I have found..
I sent a message to the uploader, who was the guy video taping it and asked if there is anything more..
Still waiting for reply..
I also asked to know follow up, like if the cop was repremanded or anything..

On the video you see, the cop is ONLY yelling at them for skateboarding..
He didnt just "pull a kid by the arm" either..
He put the kid in a headlock..
Throws him to the ground, then as the kid tries to stand up, it pushed again to the ground..

SEROUISLY ANYONE with kids WOULD NOT stand there and say oh that was fine of the cop to do..
Here is the link again it works fine! Just tested
YouTube - balimore cops V.S. skateboarder

Here are more police beating up on handicaped people
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
police tasering elderly and handicapped people to DEATH
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Here is a VERY chilling search result about just how many people are being killed by tasers..
police taser deaths elderly handicapped kids - Google Search

The day of RECKONING IS AT HAND!! Its time to choose a side!!

Also I have traveled abit.. NEVER but in AMERICA is this shit happening..
In other countries police are very kind, and the citizens are not afriad of them like in America..
They are well respected, and have good reputations..

They are supposed to protect and serve, not dictate, and kill innocent people..

WHO pays their salary??
We are NOW guilty untill proven otherwise..
Sad but TRUE!
Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
get educated, get ready, and choose a side.. This shit will come to a head soon enough
People are NOT supposed to fear their local law enforcement..
This is the state of affairs we are in, and has been for quite a while..
Thank GOD we have the internet, and can inform others like never before!!


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
in that video you see a poor woman stripped searched by both male and female officers for NOTHING..This was a response to a 911 call where this poor woman was infact THE victim to begin with!BUT she is arrested, and strip searched by 7 people man and women, while handcuffed and face down in a jail cell... Kept TOTALLY NAKED for 6 HOURS with NO blankets or ANYTHING to cover herself or keep warm!SHE was denied medical attention, and injured in this assult!!THIS IS FUCKING OUT OF CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
DUDE r u kidding me? You actually going to say this is "Standard" police behaivor, and should be allowed?Dont you know ANYTHING about the constitution or your civil rights?ALSO FYI He dont make DICK off me... Wake up brother, you are apparently blind to whats happening in America


Well-Known Member
fdd no joke.. AND the pig has the nerve to say the kid needs to get beat at home.. WHEN he know DAMN well parents are getting their kids nabbed by Family Services for hitting their kids..@ COD4 you obviously HAVENT watched ANY of these videos..What if this was YOUR kid, or girlfriend/wife..THINK before you speak..


Well-Known Member
And another COD4, who are "people like me"People that enjoy their freedom, and can see how America has fallen into Despotism?Its people like ME that still have what our forefathers had.. That is a since of PRIDE, and the ability to see things for what they really are..I suggest to everyone remember WHY America fought for its independence in the first place...Cant remember, it was TAXES!!So now we live with taxes, AND allow ourselves to be tourtured by those who are supposed to protect us..Dude please.. If people only knew wtf freedom really was, things NEVER would of came to such a horrible pass...
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.- Mark Twain, Notebook, 1935
You probably dont even understand wtf this mean.. Or how its even matters in todays worldMaybe someday you will.. When that day comes maybe you too can call yourself a true patriot...Being a patriot ISNT waving some flag like a zombie, OR putting a yellow ribbion bumpersticker on the back your ride..Its about sacrifice, and having the will to stand up for what you know is right, and the balls to speak out about things you KNOW are WRONG!!


Well-Known Member
And another COD4, who are "people like me"People that enjoy their freedom, and can see how America has fallen into Despotism?Its people like ME that still have what our forefathers had.. That is a since of PRIDE, and the ability to see things for what they really are..I suggest to everyone remember WHY America fought for its independence in the first place...Cant remember, it was TAXES!!So now we live with taxes, AND allow ourselves to be tourtured by those who are supposed to protect us..Dude please.. If people only knew wtf freedom really was, things NEVER would of came to such a horrible pass...You probably dont even understand wtf this mean.. Or how its even matters in todays worldMaybe someday you will.. When that day comes maybe you too can call yourself a true patriot...Being a patriot ISNT waving some flag like a zombie, OR putting a yellow ribbion bumpersticker on the back your ride..Its about sacrifice, and having the will to stand up for what you know is right, and the balls to speak out about things you KNOW are WRONG!!
People like you as in...followers of Alex Jones. Do you ever get the feeling normal people are laughing at you when you're not around?
I have no ribbons on my car, and I have no American flags in my home. And while we are at it, what rights have you lost?


Well-Known Member
fdd no joke.. AND the pig has the nerve to say the kid needs to get beat at home.. WHEN he know DAMN well parents are getting their kids nabbed by Family Services for hitting their kids..@ COD4 you obviously HAVENT watched ANY of these videos..What if this was YOUR kid, or girlfriend/wife..THINK before you speak..
What? Think before I speak...coming from you? That's cute.


Well-Known Member
DUDE r u kidding me? You actually going to say this is "Standard" police behaivor, and should be allowed?Dont you know ANYTHING about the constitution or your civil rights?ALSO FYI He dont make DICK off me... Wake up brother, you are apparently blind to whats happening in America
Bro, you're off your fucking rocker...


Well-Known Member
im sorry but i was the asshole kid i didnt care who it was if someone was fucking with me i would go to their asses with what ever i had. in that video of the skaters and that girl i would have number one run the fuck away, handcuffs are easy to get out of and two a cop putting his hands on a girl let alone an under age girl like that is fucked. thats why they make skate board trucks so strong:mrgreen: one hit on the cops head everyones free run mother fuckers!!!!!!! no but for real when shit like that starts to go down is when its time to take action. seeing that video makes me want to knock the dust off my skate board and be a dick



Well-Known Member
sry cod4 im with joeblow on this shit. in my small town the cops make ones on the video look like angles.



Well-Known Member
sry cod4 im with joeblow on this shit. in my small town the cops make ones on the video look like angles.


I said the cop was a jerk off, but it's just not that bad. Fuck man, I've had worse shit happen to me on a few different occasions. The kid got yelled at, get over it.
Now the person in a wheel chair getting dumped, that's actually bad. This punk kid getting yelled at? PFT


Well-Known Member
COD4 is officially smoked himself retarded.. IDK if there is any comming back..BTW I do think before I say or write ANYTHING.. You should try it..So you havent even answered my Question.. You think that is decent police behavior??What freedoms have you lost.. hmm well lest seeREAD IT and weep..Secret Patriot Act II Destroys Remaining US Liberty Total Police State Takeover The Secret Patriot Act II Destroys What Is Left of American LibertyI bet you still AHVENT even watched ANY of these police brutallity videos have you??WHAT IF that was you kid getting assulted, or girlfriend assulted and stripped by 7 officers, both men and women???Simple questions, how about an answer...Have you REALLY lost site of what it means to be a free person in a free society?You ASKED what freedoms you lost, I hope you dont take the lazy mans wayout and DONT read the answers you ASKED for..I guess you think warrentless sneak and peek searches, and raids are ok, and perfectly legal as the constitution stands..