VIDEO:Baltimore PIG ASSULTS, THREATENS, and steals teens sk8board


Well-Known Member
cod4 the problem is the fact that you dont think its that bad. and if you have had worse one would think that you would be on the other side of things here. has this been going on so long that we will just not really notice it anymore?? i mean come the fuck on people this is AMERICA this is not what we stand for.



Well-Known Member
I said the cop was a jerk off, but it's just not that bad. Fuck man, I've had worse shit happen to me on a few different occasions. The kid got yelled at, get over it.
Now the person in a wheel chair getting dumped, that's actually bad. This punk kid getting yelled at? PFT

he had him around the neck and threw him down. then pushed him again when the kid sat up. watch it again.:peace:


Well-Known Member
COD4 is officially smoked himself retarded.. IDK if there is any comming back..BTW I do think before I say or write ANYTHING.. You should try it..So you havent even answered my Question.. You think that is decent police behavior??What freedoms have you lost.. hmm well lest seeREAD IT and weep..Secret Patriot Act II Destroys Remaining US Liberty Total Police State Takeover The Secret Patriot Act II Destroys What Is Left of American LibertyI bet you still AHVENT even watched ANY of these police brutallity videos have you??WHAT IF that was you kid getting assulted, or girlfriend assulted and stripped by 7 officers, both men and women???Simple questions, how about an answer...Have you REALLY lost site of what it means to be a free person in a free society?You ASKED what freedoms you lost, I hope you dont take the lazy mans wayout and DONT read the answers you ASKED for..I guess you think warrentless sneak and peek searches, and raids are ok, and perfectly legal as the constitution stands..
I just read through the list of these liberties that I have lost. First of all, whoever re-wrote this shit and re-worded it obviously has an agenda. Only the second paragraph in I come to this:
Under Section 501 a US citizen engaging in lawful activities can be grabbed off the street and thrown into a van never to be seen again.
If you're going to put out propaganda, at least try and be semi-lowkey with it. This type of text is laughable.
Second, all the shit in that link doesn't effect me and never will. I'm not a terrorist, I don't make bombs, I don't give money to terrorists, I don't kill people and I don't kidnap people. It's kind of sad that you get this worked up over such shit to be honest.


Well-Known Member
Screw that cop...its comin on CNN in a few minutes and I cant wait to see how much trouble that officer is in.
Let someone treat my kid like that. He wouldnt be suspended and waiting to hear what happens. Talk about power trip.
With my tax paying dollars going towards his paycheck and he would treat someones kid with such disrespect? Fuck that.


Well-Known Member
and the video of that woman in jail was the victim remember so that show it can happen to anyone not just the people that are wrong cod4



Well-Known Member
he had him around the neck and threw him down. then pushed him again when the kid sat up. watch it again.:peace:
I watched it once, I really don't want to watch it again TBH.
When a cop pushes you down, it's probably a good idea to sit the fuck down. I've had guns shoved in my face for no reason by cops on a few occasions, this video simply doesn't have an effect on me, I don't see it as being that bad.

The kids were doing something they shouldn't be doing, the cops a stupid asshole, I don't see what the big deal is. The little douche got his feelings hurt and cried in front of his buddies because the asshole cop yelled at him...WOW, call the press.


Well-Known Member
and the video of that woman in jail was the victim remember so that show it can happen to anyone not just the people that are wrong cod4

Yah I saw that one too, that was pretty bad but not worse than the wheelchair one


Well-Known Member
I watched it once, I really don't want to watch it again TBH.
When a cop pushes you down, it's probably a good idea to sit the fuck down. I've had guns shoved in my face for no reason by cops on a few occasions, this video simply doesn't have an effect on me, I don't see it as being that bad.

The kids were doing something they shouldn't be doing, the cops a stupid asshole, I don't see what the big deal is. The little douche got his feelings hurt and cried in front of his buddies because the asshole cop yelled at him...WOW, call the press.

they did call the press pay attention. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Well if being a "normal" person mean ignoring the truth, then Im glad I took the red pill!Its your life, and your kids futures if you have them, or plan to have them.. You really want them growing up in a policestate... Fearing their local law enforcement, whom are supposed to be protecting their civil rights?FDD did u watch the links on page 3?? Plus the lady that was stripped and assulted by police in a jail cell.. When she didnt nothing at all wrong?? It dont really get much more shocking.. Between that the skater, and the poor guy in the wheelchair getting dumped on his face.. Id say the police across the country are fuckedI posted ALOT more about people getting killed from tasers, and other handicapped people getting mased, and tased videos and links


Well-Known Member
I am assuming that you (COD4) do not have any children, but when you do, you will know how insulting this would be to an adult, if another adult were to do that to their own child.

I dont give a shit how much authority that cop has. That kid didnt do anything to get touched.


Well-Known Member
"ACLU" said:
How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism" (12/6/2002)Section 802 of the USA PATRIOT Act (Pub. L. No. 107-52) expanded the definition of terrorism to cover ""domestic,"" as opposed to international, terrorism. A person engages in domestic terrorism if they do an act ""dangerous to human life"" that is a violation of the criminal laws of a state or the United States, if the act appears to be intended to: (i) intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping. Additionally, the acts have to occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States and if they do not, may be regarded as international terrorism.Section 802 does not create a new crime of domestic terrorism. However, it does expand the type of conduct that the government can investigate when it is investigating ""terrorism."" The USA PATRIOT Act expanded governmental powers to investigate terrorism, and some of these powers are applicable to domestic terrorism.The definition of domestic terrorism is broad enough to encompass the activities of several prominent activist campaigns and organizations. Greenpeace, Operation Rescue, Vieques Island and WTO protesters and the Environmental Liberation Front have all recently engaged in activities that could subject them to being investigated as engaging in domestic terrorism. One recent example is the Vieques Island protests, when many people, including several prominent Americans, participated in civil disobedience on a military installation where the United States government has been engaging in regular military exercises, which these protesters oppose. The protesters illegally entered the military base and tried to obstruct the bombing exercises. This conduct would fall within the definition of domestic terrorism because the protesters broke federal law by unlawfully entering the airbase and their acts were for the purpose of influencing a government policy by intimidation or coercion. The act of trying to disrupt bombing exercises arguably created a danger to human life - their own and those of military personnel. Using this hypothetical as a starting point, we will go through the USA PATRIOT Act and explore the new governmental powers that could be brought to bear on Vieques Island protesters whose conduct falls within the overbroad definition of domestic terrorism. Seizure of assets - Sec. 806: Section 806 of the Act could result in the civil seizure of their assets without a prior hearing, and without them ever being convicted of a crime. It is by far the most significant change of which political organizations need to be aware. Section 806 amended the civil asset forfeiture statute to authorize the government to seize and forfeit: all assets, foreign or domestic (i) of any individual, entity, or organization engaged in planning or perpetrating any act of domestic or international terrorism against the United States, or their property, and all assets, foreign or domestic, affording any person a source of influence over any such entity or organization or (ii) acquired or maintained by any person with the intent and for the purpose of supporting, planning, conducting, or concealing an act of domestic or international terrorism against the United States, citizens or residents of the United States or their property or (iii) derived from, involved in, or used or intended to be used to commit any act of domestic or international terrorism against the United States, citizens or residents of the United States, or their property. This language is broad enough to authorize the government to seize any assets of any individuals involved in the Vieques Island protests or of any organization supporting the protests of which the person is a member, or from any individuals who were supporting the protesters in any way. Possible supporters of the protesters could include student organizations that sponsored participation in the demonstration, the Rainbow/Push Coalition, the Rev. Sharpton's National Action Network, and religious or community organizations that provided housing or food to the protesters. The civil asset forfeiture power of the United States government is awesome. The government can seize and/or freeze the assets on the mere assertion that there is probable cause to believe that the assets were involved in domestic terrorism. The assets are seized before a person is given a hearing, and often without notice. In order to permanently forfeit the assets, the government must go before a court, but at a civil hearing, and the government is only required to prove that the assets were involved in terrorism by a preponderance of the evidence. Because it is a civil proceeding, a person is not entitled to be represented by an attorney at public expense if they cannot afford to pay an attorney. The time between seizure and forfeiture can sometimes be months; meanwhile, organizations or individuals whose assets are seized are forced to make do without the assets. Only the most financially flush non-profit organizations would be able to successfully defend themselves against government forfeiture. In short, without the full due process afforded in criminal cases, the U.S. government can bankrupt political organizations it asserts are involved in domestic terrorism. Disclosure of educational records - Sec. 507: This provision of the USA PATRIOT Act requires a judge to issue an order permitting the government to obtain private educational records if the Attorney General or his designee certifies that the records are necessary for investigating domestic or international terrorism. No independent judicial finding is required to verify that the records are relevant. This means that the Attorney General may obtain the private educational records of a student involved in the Vieques protests by asserting that the records are relevant to a domestic terrorism investigation. These records may include information such as a student's grades, private medical information (counseling, abortions), which organizations the student belonged to, or any other information that the educational institution collects about its students. Disclosure of information from National Education Statistics Act - Sec. 508: This provision of the USA PATRIOT Act requires a judge to issue an order for the government to obtain educational records that have been collected pursuant to the National Education Statistics Act. NESA includes a vast amount of identifiable student information from academic performance to health information, family income, and race. Until now, this information has been held to strict confidentiality requirements without exception. Again, all the government needs to certify is that the information is relevant to a terrorism investigation and the court has no choice but to issue the order. Single-Jurisdiction Search Warrants (Sec. 219): This section of the USA PATRIOT Act amends Rule 41(a) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure to authorize the government to go before a singe Federal magistrate judge in any judicial district in which activities relating to the terrorism may have occurred, to obtain a warrant to search property or a person within or outside the district. This means that the government could go to a single judge to get a warrant to search the property or person of the Vieques activists in New York, Chicago, California, or wherever else the protesters were from. If the government chose to go before a magistrate in New York, a person in California, who wished to seek to have the warrant quashed because he or she believed it was invalid, would have to find a way to appear before the New York court that issued the warrant. This would be a daunting task for most.Post-PATRIOT Act LawsSince passage of the PATRIOT Act, two other new laws have passed that implicate domestic terrorism.Taxpayer Information - 26 U.S.C.A. Sec. 6103(i)(3)(C) requires the Secretary of the Internal Revenue Service to provide taxpayer information to the appropriate Federal law enforcement agency responsible for investigating or responding to the terrorist incident. If abused, this provision could be used by law enforcement to gain access to confidential taxpayer information of political protesters.Regulation of biological agents and toxins - 42 U.S.C.A. Sec. 262a and 7 U.S.C.A. Sec. 8401 regulate biological agents and toxins. If a person is involved with an organization that engages in domestic or international terrorism, he or she is not permitted to gain access to these regulated agents. Under the law, the Attorney General identifies individuals involved in ""terrorism"" to the Department of Agriculture. Once the person is listed, he or she cannot get access to any of the regulated agents or toxins. This provision will probably not impact most people, however, it might impact someone such as a scientist who might regularly use biological agents or toxins in their work. Conclusion - The ACLU does not oppose criminal prosecution of people who violate the law, even if they are doing it for political purposes. However, we do oppose the broad definition of terrorism and the ensuing authority that flows from that definition. One way to ensure that the conduct that falls within the definition of domestic terrorism is in fact terrorism is to limit the scope of the conduct that triggers the definition. Thus, domestic terrorism could include acts which ""cause serious physical injury or death"" rather than all acts that are ""dangerous to human life."" This more narrow definition will exclude the conduct of organizations and individuals that engage in minor acts of property damage or violence.American Civil Liberties Union : How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism"
COD4 If worse things have happened to you, then you need to know your rights, and get paid.. They cant treat people this way for skateboarding, traffic violation, or just because they had a bad day..PSAnyone know why my text gets all lumped together, then I specificly space out my words, and paragraphs?


Well-Known Member
If worse things have happened to you, then you need to know your rights, and get paid.. They cant treat people this way for skateboarding, traffic violation, or just because they had a bad day
The police can do wtf ever they wanna do, you know that lol


Well-Known Member
COD it DOES effect you man.. You still DONT get it.. Yeah the site as agenda.. ITS TO WAKE PEOPLE UP!! Its abit dramatic, but it dont mean its a lie..You can go read the patriot act for yourself..UNDER section 802 of the patriot act anyone can be called a terrorist, and deported held without a trail..Wake up!American Civil Liberties Union : How the USA PATRIOT Act redefines "Domestic Terrorism"

No, it doesn't effect me. You can say it does till the cows come home, the shit doesn't effect me. When a citizen gets ripped off the streets and deported for no reason whatsoever, show me.


Well-Known Member
NO they CANT man... THEY have to follow laws, and ARE NEVER allowed to infringe on our civil liberties, and constitutional rights!Maybe if you are a murderer or violent felon they can treat you this way.. NOT just for skate boarding..You still never answererd the questions.. IF that was your kid, or wife that was assulted would you still say its no big deal..ITS people like you (no offence) that are so passive to this kinda behavior which allows this sotr of thing to take place.If noone ever stands up for their rights then it WILL only get worse... America CANT afford to let things get ANY worse then they already are..EVEN if the cop(s) get fired or suspended that will atleast send the message, and cops will think twice before violating someones civil rights..Really they dont teach police about citizens rights.. Atleast NOT nearly enough.. That shit needs to be burned into their minds as deep as ALLL other training they go through..Really it should be MORE THEN ANYTHING else.. Because they are PAID by US, they are here and ONLY here to PROTECT and SERVE US!!Dont forget that FACTPeace man!


Well-Known Member
Thinking this dont effect me, or it wont happen to me, is EXACTLY what allows this kind of things to happen to OTHERS.. Dont ya get it?READ that link its straight out of the patriot act, and the ACLU explains HOW IT EFFECT US ALLLLL FFS :P