Viking Fruit 15/16


Well-Known Member
Some shit below rgd Aus laws from some news site.....

The government in Australia approved a measure that legalizes medical marijuana for people with painful and chronic diseases. The Australian Parliament amended the Narcotics Drugs Act to allow cannabis to be legally grown for both medical and scientific purposes.
The Minister for Health Sussan Ley says the move is unprecedented in Australia and a triumph for the many supporters who have been fighting to change the attitudes of the government towards medical marijuana. From now on, patients who use cannabis for medicinal purposes will not be treated as criminals.
While the Australian law provides for a structure to create a legal supply chain, it is still up to the individual states to legalize medical marijuana and associated growers. According to Michael Katz of the University of Sydney Business School, many of the states will need to amend some of their laws before cannabis is legal, but many seem willing to do so.
Katz says passing such legislation by the Australian government will likely help avoid many of the legal ambiguities experienced in the United States. While some U.S. states, like Alaska, have legalized marijuana sales, the drug is still illegal under current federal law, which has created confusion about what is legal and what is not.
“What this means for Australia is when the states go through their process, they’ll be doing so within a national framework,” Katz noted. “As they approve things on their end, they’ll be entering into an orderly process.”
Many expect it will be at least six months before cannabis growers and suppliers will be able to apply for a license. While medical marijuana is now legal in Australia, the government still considers recreational weed illegal.