Viking Fruit 15/16

Ill be honest i actually used second hand soil left over from last year..they stretched a bit but i only do one transplant so buried them up to the cotyledons when i transplanted to final spot
Ill be honest i actually used second hand soil left over from last year..they stretched a bit but i only do one transplant so buried them up to the cotyledons when i transplanted to final spot
Man I used last years for seedlings too lol. I figured the plants dont need much in the way of nutrients and last years crop woulda sucked it dry ( good girls):hump:
So far so good the look great.
Ive ammended the rest and its cooking now, what is it with people that throw out their soil as if it goes off? Weird!
Never seen a use-by date on a bag of soil before. Maybe its just me lol!
As l9ng as you dont load up with chems and re-ammend its fine...i find even when i did chems it could go 3 plants worth without adding reammending.
Im kinda thinking new soil every 2 grows.
I ammended this years 2 months ago so it had time to cook and its only 400 litres soil in the one hole so ill do 2 years then replace but the soil i take out ill prep for chillis the next 2 years after ;)
Investing in a worm compost set up for next season
For my exp sun is fine providing soil is moist while the popping but yeah if its 5 days of 38 when popping i would put in a spot where they only get just a few hrs harsh sun a day .
...ive used seedling soil and found it to full of woodchips i prefer soul i can sift like sand between the fingers a but...but thats me it works for me
Hmm maybe I'll shade them a bit till they pop or so they only get a few hours sun.. Ha nice why no reuse last years soil eh! The seedling soil I had was decent and not to woody so I might give it a try
Hmm maybe I'll shade them a bit till they pop or so they only get a few hours sun.. Ha nice why no reuse last years soil eh! The seedling soil I had was decent and not to woody so I might give it a try
If its at home and you got a shade clothed area they will still be ok in full sun all day if their is shadecloth above them