Don't make me fly over to straighten you out Ruby. It won't be pretty.Im a sad fuck at the moment although that might make me smile for 5 seconds

Don't make me fly over to straighten you out Ruby. It won't be pretty.Im a sad fuck at the moment although that might make me smile for 5 seconds
@TWS do you mind giving me a quick play by play on this? A simple one. Is the 3oz of popcorn activated first (oven?) and then you say shake cooked down, please explain. I will try this.I made tinatcure for the wife last night and licked the spoon and pan and now after sleeping all day I still can't open my eyes.
frozen 3oz popcorn, 750 ml 151 bacardi, 24 hr soak & shake cooked down, added to 1 bottle of honey .
@TWS do you mind giving me a quick play by play on this? A simple one. Is the 3oz of popcorn activated first (oven?) and then you say shake cooked down, please
1 First freeze your trim and booze.@ruby fruit seems like a few of us are having some negative vibes at the moment. Keep your head up brother, thats all I know! In the present only, fuck yesterday, and today dictates what tomorrow may bring. 1 day at a time
cool man thanks. I will give this one a go pretty soon.1 First freeze your trim and booze.
2 mix together and put in fridge and shake vigouresly every few hours until you take it out.
3 strain thru cheese cloth and straight thru coffee filter into medium sauce pan . ( takes patients to get thru coffee filter)
4 on medium heat ( not boiling but steaming) cook alcohol out until only the oil is left. This is where the decarbing takes place.
5 add pre warmed honey ( tap hot ) to sauce pan and mix .
6 let cool and use a funnel to pour back into honey bottle . You will have some extra so have a small medicine bottle available
1 First freeze your trim and booze.
2 mix together and put in fridge and shake vigouresly every few hours until you take it out.
3 strain thru cheese cloth and straight thru coffee filter into medium sauce pan . ( takes patients to get thru coffee filter)
4 on medium heat ( not boiling but steaming) cook alcohol out until only the oil is left. This is where the decarbing takes place.
5 add pre warmed honey ( tap hot ) to sauce pan and mix .
6 let cool and use a funnel to pour back into honey bottle . You will have some extra so have a small medicine bottle available
Sweet thanks tws. Pretty much the same steps I did the other day with my home brew 80% but I evaperated all the liquid off. Ima give your way a go for sure though. Love me some honey.1 First freeze your trim and booze.
2 mix together and put in fridge and shake vigouresly every few hours until you take it out.
3 strain thru cheese cloth and straight thru coffee filter into medium sauce pan . ( takes patients to get thru coffee filter)
4 on medium heat ( not boiling but steaming) cook alcohol out until only the oil is left. This is where the decarbing takes place.
5 add pre warmed honey ( tap hot ) to sauce pan and mix .
6 let cool and use a funnel to pour back into honey bottle . You will have some extra so have a small medicine bottle available
Lol u fucken nutter..i smiled for 6.5 secs
Man after you have been around West Africa, India, even Cambodia, theres so many levels of worse off than we are. I understand feeling down bro, sort of in an in between place myself but try to keep smiling for my kids and wife, else they feel down too......Anyway to better days my friend.Lol u fucken nutter..i smiled for 6.5 secs
It will take a while for me but im slowly getting better ..i fear the damage has been done but theres others worse off....
Merry xmas to my riu family