Virgin seeking experienced hand...


Well-Known Member
Hi Saint;) Hi Doktor;) All's well here... my clones look pitiful...yea, their going through shock now, LOL I will not peek until Sat. If no roots by then & they still look yucky then in the trash bin they go. Seeds will be here by early next week. I've also cracked some excellent bag seeds & they will go into jiffy pots today... going to try that as opposed to the rockwool??? Any comments before I do the deed? Also, I wanted to throw a +++rep out to DL for suggesting the Subculture beneficials. I really think that's the direction I'm going with this grow. Fishenfool is loving it & did you see those roots?!?!?!?! All the H2O2 & Physan 20 in the world isn't going to stop the basic problems with the BCNL Bloombox. I liked Jigfresh's comparison to a Ferrari, LOL Also, I think I may be getting some WW to play with;) Let's see MJ grow....IT'S TIME!!!

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
Hey MJ, just stoppin in to see how things are goin. Good luck with the clones, I hope they take and show some roots. Best of luck with the new seeds aswell.



Well-Known Member
nice plants fishen those roots are beautiful.......i love roots so much heh ..kinda weird but when i use to clone that is what i was always waitin to see whether from rockwool cubes or neoprene inserts ....i just kinda got use to being really exited when seein roots lol

i got a rainforest system now that is pretty nice it is loaded up with 36 rooted rockwool cubes ..hope they dont get to wet

so mj how is everythin goin what is current situation ....did clones ever root .....or are you startin new seeds ?
thanks doc i 2 get excited about nice wight roots, this is the first time i used subculture and im liking it. here is a pix from last cycle i just found. purple kush.



Well-Known Member
mj you sound like a professional!

taking cuttings is an art. its not difficult, you will find wut works for you, then you can experiment with heat mats and how much misting. good roots can come in a week. good roots can take 3 weeks. even if it takes awhile to root the plant should be fine.

how often do you mist? you cant really over do it the first few days. i know you are using a humidity dome, but misting will keep them from shocking. try misting every half hour, or even when you visually cant see water drops on the leaves. then ween off the misting. also, no nutes until you have a strong root ball.

ive been skimming your thread, i think if im ever in dire need of advice, im gonna create another user name and have it be a girl. you have been given enough advice and how to's in this thread to make your head spin.

as for my grows. the puple durban is getting ready for outdoors. but wut is exciting is the little hashberry is getting bigger and bigger. there is a pic in the last post of my thread.

*hopes for a female* i ask you to send your lady vibes to it!

good luck with your new seeds, you will be surprised how much better you have gotten at the process. dont give up on your clones. just mist em like crazy!

peace and good growing!


Well-Known Member
Fishen look at MBLAZE's grow LOL Insane I tell ya'...WOW is all that comes to mind M...very nicely done;) BTW that PK is looking fine Fishen...dialed in you are...NICE! Slammin I am rubbing my female "vibes" all over this post so blow it towards your plant. I am thinking the clones aren't going to be joining us... Dear Lord baby Jesus let them have peace already GRRRRRRRRR On the flip side, I had 10 cracked seeds with lil white tails that were buried in some nice warm rockwool today. Fishen how in the hell do you use those peat things...I looked like a worm with the sh*t slung out of it after fighting that stuff. Does that flake off in your res? Man!! ++ rep to you for using that. I did rinse the rockwools & then dipped them in PH 5.8 water with 2 drops H2O2 & 3 drops superthrive. They are tucked away in a nice, warm, dark place just now. OMG I hope they're not all boys;) LOL Oh yes, BTW Slammin' I am a professional but sometimes being female helps. I've been told I have male tendencies though LOL I think this is a great place to learn & as you can see I am learning from the best!! You're the greatest...Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
WOW!! All of my seeds have sprouted... have placed them under CFL today! All have roots coming out of bottom of 1" rockwool already...WOOHOO!!! I need an opinion on whether I should now place in 3" rockwool or just go ahead & put them in pots with rocks? There is no hydroton to be found anywhere around here...should I order some or do you think lava rocks will suffice? Am hand watering for now...plain PH 5.8 water;)comments? suggestions? opinions? I'm all ears!! Peace, MJ


Well-Known Member
Hi mj.... I don't really have good reasons, but I would put them in the rockwool. I guess becuase it seem like a nicer more comfortable bed for the new plants to lay in. Anyhow... glad they all sprouted.... let's hope for girls.


Well-Known Member
mj this is important now .......use the hydroton this time ....the pellets

that rockwool tends to get too wet i notice and roots grow slower in it ....i would plant it with some hydroton pebbles .....3 inch net cups right .......yea rockwool gets too wet for me ....and i believe fishen uses pebbles also ..

o and fishen has this exact same system right ...and he is doin good ...he is prlly your best asset when it comes to your particular setup ..

i used subculture before i always loved it

that is my opinion u should get one from everyone tho ...

"the only true knowlegde is knowing you know nothing at all"


Well-Known Member
Thx for the ideas. I only have lava rocks so that's what I've used. Not sure if that will work but oh well LOL 7/10 plants have done exceptionally well..nice & green under the CFL. The other 3 for some reason were crimped off at the base of stem & have been disposed of. Hand watered all seedlings with about 8 ml of PH 5.8 water only. Ordering beneficials today & may get some Hydroton on-line as well but prolly wont be able to use this time, GRRRRRRRRRR Temp running in mid 70's with RH 40%-60% depending on air flow to room. WOOHOO...on the grow again;) MJ


Well-Known Member
Hey MJ good to see things are back online for U. So how do they look then? Must see pixels haha. U should be fine in the rocks alot of people use this as well as hydroton. If i could afford the rocks i would probably use them to maybe. U should be fine with the 1 inch squares as well. I use peat plugs and thats about how big they are. But just a little longer. I think ur doing everything proper. When the roots hit the water u wont need to worry about hand feeding anymore. But if u have roots in the rock it will be beneficial to hand water the rock until the roots get there. U dont have to but it might speed the roots to the water.
When the roots hit the water give them a shot of GROW nutes and watch them explode. Ill usually drop a capfull in the bucket see what they do for a few days. Once they get acclimated start abusing them.Gently but Firmly. See what they want.
Start talking real nice to them now. Make sure u use some Naughty words.Its very important.



Well-Known Member
hey mj dewey changed the contest thread .....the link is on page 34 of the thread we been typin in ....

glad to hear you have gotten new seeds and are firing back up agin ....ill tell you what ....that perseverance is essential if you do not have a master showing you step by step ......i know that you will get that machine poppin out beautiful buds fairly soon ........

if i can add any advice tho its this ....
dont mess with any type of sprayin of the leaves this time ....stay away from domes ...especially with cloner machine ....and if you keep it simple you can learn faster from things you add to equation

i agree with the subculture ....keep it alive and it will prlly knock ol slime monster out ..



Well-Known Member
i agree with the subculture ....keep it alive and it will prlly knock ol slime monster out ..


hi mj , im glad to see your back in the game. i have total confidance in your abilty, may the bud gods shine on you.

i had a litle trouble this weekend. i moved 4 girls on saterday in to flower or what i thought would be flower. after moving and seting up my DWC system i opened up my new reflecter and light, o did i tell you i moved up to 600w system. got a new balist ( quantum 600w ) . well when i left the hydro store i asked if i would need anything to conect the ballist to my lamp , and thay said " i will have no problems conecting with what i have " rong thay dident sell me the litle conecter cord i need for it to conect my lamp. ( im screwed ) plants are to big to put back into veg i had to leave them neer a window. im hoping the 14 hrs of inderect light will be enugh untill friday when i return. 6 more PK will go into flower on friday. ill try to send some pixs.


Well-Known Member
one more thing subculture m & b is some crazy sh*t , when i tryed to separate my roots i had to cut them i had n choice. the roots in my tub are biger at 4 weeks than thay usualy are after full flower. there were somany roots it ingulfed my air stones and my ph probe i had to cut to remove them. huge roots all because subculture m & b huge u must try it!!!!


Well-Known Member
current situation ......notice i am not a real stickler if week 7 plants are growin with same nutes as week 2 or 3 .........although i believe two trays should really be used one for first 4 week nutes and second for when you should add the real phosphorus boost



Well-Known Member
hey mj sorry to keep blastin your thread to bits with chatter but i finally figured out how to do my signature thing ....its to my album that i am adding some older photos too ...the other album i have is of current situation(new gro op) hopefully it shows it when i post ....wish it would show in old posts


Well-Known Member
Hi!!! I've had so ,much trouble getting onto RIU the last few days, GRRRRRRRR
Hi Fishen;) I have ordered the so psyched about your results...WOW!!! Sorry to hear about your ballast drama...I hate getting excited about something only to be let down. Do you use 3" rockwoolsor go straight to hydroton? Am needing some help to get this right this time...THX kiss-ass

Hi Doktor;) Your pics are great!! Thx for your vote of confidence...Things have changed here...all but 2 bagseed seedlings were culled...I now have 3 Jack Flash X Haze (Fem), 3 Mother's Finest, & 3 Northern Lights X Hash plant. I am finding with my bagseed seedlings the 1" rockwools dry out very quickly even under the CFL with ideal temps. Would just filling the res & having bubblers on help? I think I should keep hand watering for now? How's the contest going? I'm watching, of course!!

Peace & may the godess of fertility shine on you all!! MJ


Well-Known Member
Mary jane you can borrow my hand any time any where.keep the seeds under a low intence light like a cfl or flourent has soon has the plant has true leaves and they are around 5 mm each put them under biggerlights for 1 hour then increase through the week till the harden off you should have no problem.There is no need for humidity domes for seeds clones yes but not seeds let them just come through they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
i agree with tyke ...i never use domes anymore ......they baby the plant too much ...whether it be clone or sprout ........yea mj i have ran em sorta like you were sayin with the bubblers on and let em just sit in ther ...problem ther is you dont want that rockwool real real soaked ..its a dance between wet and dry when it comes to fast root growth ......