Vocabulary/Slang Terms (Updated With the Missing Terms)

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Thanks for spending the time on this,your getting a rep from me. I feel you on the repeat posts but the search button is so wack it is unreal.
+ REP ----- +LIKE -----
Just wanted to let you know that I journaled all of your vocab list for myself or whoever needs it so i had it handy if i ever need it. Thanks a lot. Really dude, thanks. Wish I could give more Rep.
thats a good thread to admire Marijuana grows.
+ rep man.You are too much good with your thread.
Nice write.
They can confuse anyone when your first getting started, and the ppl call you a n00b when you don't know :-P
Glad the terms helped.

Good luck in your grow!
I've been on RIU since December. Still don't know what troll is. Sorry to seem so dense but would someone explain it to me?
Troll - A Derogatory term used for someone who "trolls" around on forums. It essentially refers to someone who comes into a thread without any knowledge of what's being discussed and throws an opinion in without reading back at all. It is VERY commonly misused and used to refer to anyone on a forum that someone doesn't like. It's use has become common when insulting someone, cause it's use invokes a mob mentality among forum users. When they here someone called a troll, they will almost immediately turn on that person and ridicule them until they leave the thread.

I personally DESPISE this term. Because it's primary use is one of negativity. Rather then teaching someone who comes into a thread, you call them this....
Especially since HALF the people on thos forum are just trolling around it, and not actually posting journals or reading something new to learn from...mostly it's long time users chatting with one another.
Gotcha. Thank you for clearing that up. I could sense it was something negative but didn't understand the metaphor