If prop 19 passes, i can GUARANTEE you within 2 years it will be down to atleast $5/gram. Medical grade.
Of course they are. Regardless of what the polls say or don't say, the fact is that ANY cannabis-related legislation will typically require almost near solidarity among medical and recreational smokers and well as a healthy dose of support from the non-smoking public to achieve the majority a voter initiative needs to pass.
And to all those who keep calling medical cannabis a scam, fraud or whatever, the fact is that Prop 215 is purposely ambiguous in it's applicability. Medical cannabis is for anyone that derives any benefit to life and/or quality of life from cannabis use. This was an important part of the discussions that went into the drafting of Prop. 215.
Well, where we are coming from we think you have short-sighted ideas with long term consequences brudda... Its a difference of opinion... To each his own...
Its still regurgitation my man... Heres a link for this, heres a link for that... oh and a link for this... WOW!!!! Great Job!!! You still dont get the fact that people are gonna feel the way they feel and are gonna vote the way they vote.... Im not trying to change anybodies minds on this thread... Are you??
what i dont understand is, why anyone 18-20 years of age that can legaly grow smoke and posses mj under prop215 would vote for prop19 wich state very clearly that you must be 21 or older.
and people say 19 does not effect 215 .... bullshit
Rancho Cordova is asking voters to make the city the first in California to approve a tax on home-grown pot for personal use.
brought to you buy prop 19
look man im voting no. its not my fualt you hate the "drug dealers" that suppply you now bet you didnt hate them before prop19.sorry you would rather buy your weed at a gass station.
and if u got your 215 card and are paying 60 an eighth thats your choice.
i got my 215 card because i get headachs for $60.you dont need aids or be dying to get your card.
you just need the want to live a better, more comfortable life.
i grow my own weed and buy it inbeetween harvest of other growers for no more than $120 an once for top grade medical of course
look man im voting no. its not my fualt you hate the "drug dealers" that suppply you now bet you didnt hate them before prop19.sorry you would rather buy your weed at a gass station.
and if u got your 215 card and are paying 60 an eighth thats your choice.
i got my 215 card because i get headachs for $60.you dont need aids or be dying to get your card.
you just need the want to live a better, more comfortable life.
i grow my own weed and buy it inbeetween harvest of other growers for no more than $120 an once for top grade medical of course.
Oh yeah and i pay zero none 0 taxes not 1.8 not 0.8 not 0.1 nothing.
Plus you dont need an "ailments" for 215 card, like l said i got mine for headaches not mirgrains just you average headache.
All you need is $60 and the want to live a better more comfortable life.
then you get all the benefits of prop 215.
what we need is a prop that take the necessary dr. recommendation out of 215 then that would be great .
And after reading the sacbee article, I see that the thrust of the proposed tax is toward PERSONAL USE, NOT MEDICAL!
If you are unable to separate personal, recreational use from medical use, don't worry, PROP 19 DOES!
LOL, and as if such an outrageously over the top tax could be imposed anyway!
Uhhh......keep trying Needy, it just gets funnier each time.
AND BTW: "prop 19 destroys 215 because of these words in the proposition:.............................................................".
Still waiting for that.....BB