Don't vote No. Vote YES! And read this to get the truth about Prop 19
The shallowness of the OP's link left me with more questions than answers, mostly because it was all prefabricated bullshit that made very little sense, at all! Please don't insult my intelligence - was I suppoed to follow along and beleive that string of illogical fantasy? The only way you could fall for that is if you are as paranoid as the author and follow him down the rabbit hole (ala "Alice in Wonderland").
First of all, let's get that "1 Ounce" thing out of the way! A little bit of knowledge is, indeed, a dangerous thing. The way the "Anti Prop 19" link was written, it appears that "adults" would only be allowed to posses 1 ounce of dried cannabis - even though they would be allowed to grow in an area of 25 square feet. Those numbers didn't make sense to me when I read the full text of the initiative - so I did a little reshearch of my own, at a "Pro Prop 19" website. That "1 Ounce" figure is very misleading, it's not the maximum you would be allowed to posses at all! In fact it is the minimum that a "Dry City" would be allowed to "Restrict" you to. Let me explain a little more, each individual city and county in the State of California would have the expressed right to control most all facets of how they would handle the legalization of marijuana, including taxation, distribution, sales control, specific possesion details, etc. That's up to, and including, maintaining a complete prohibition (the way it is now). That is what I mean by the term "Dry City", one that maintains a complete prohibition against marijuana. Even in a "Dry City", where possesion and sale of marijuana would still be prohibited, the State Law would supercede and allow any "legal" adult to carry "Up to 1 ounce" of marijuana on their person. There appears to be no limit to the size of the "Stash" you could have in a "Pot-Freindly" city - but that remains to be seen!
Can anyone deny that Marc Emory is the Poster Boy for "World Wide Acceptance for Marijuana"? Smoking, growing, whatever! His philosophy is "Give it back to the people"! He doesn't pull any punches about gready "Commercial Growers", Cartels and "Street Sales Organizations" being against Prop 19. The following is an excerpt from one of his articles about legalization, he is explaining that are 3 groupes who are opposed to Prop 19 and why they are opposed. You can find the whole article here :
The first group is the police and prison industry, represented by their unions and spokespeople. These are the system exploiters who have profited greatly and built power bases at the expense of the people. These are our archenemies, people who think it’s okay making a buck by arresting, strip-searching, incarcerating, harassing, and jailing ordinary cannabis consumer and home-growers. They are destroying our constitutional freedoms, seizing our kids, and forcing the cost of marijuana up to immoral prices as part of their love affair with prohibition.
The second group includes the cartels, thugs, street gangs, large commercial growers, commercial medical marijuana growers and their dependents that make exploitative profits taking full advantage of prohibition-inflated prices. They correctly surmise that when every adult in California can make all the homegrown cannabis an individual can produce in 25 square feet, the need for them and their rip-off prices evaporates. Like, gone, baby gone. And with home grows legal, police will target the exploiter large scale grows. Who needs their $350- to $450-per-ounce cannabis when we can all safely and legally grow our own weed at home for about $12.50 an ounce?
The third group is the so-called old guard of the cannabis or medical marijuana movement. The wonderful Proposition-215 pioneer Denis Peron is one, but there are many others. Their opposition is entirely trivial and irrational. It stems from a professional jealousy that a successful, compassionate man like Richard Lee (who has provided over a million dollars of his well-earned money to support this initiative) is doing it without their blessing. No one asked Dennis Peron's permission. Dennis is a hero to the pot movement and has done a great deal to provide marijuana to medical users, but it seems he feels the world of activism has passed him by – because it has, and he's jealous.
I'm not a "Commercial Grower" and I don't see any reason for me, or anyone else, to fall for this kind of "Scare Tactics" bullshit spread around by selfish, money hungry growers who are affraid of the compitition that a "Free Market" would bring. It's not about some Ya-hoo who is affraid of Philip Morris - it's about me, and anybody who feels like it, growing our own - legally!
Californians - vote "Yes on Prop 19!".
yes.. i really don't think that medical patients are going to see any difference except that there will be more places to acquire medicine and the price will be lower.. if you have a garden larger than 5x5 right now then you would need to show authorities your prescription papers - i do not think that will change with prop 19 - you will still simply need to rely on your doctor's recommendation stating that you require a certain amount.. the supreme court of California supports doctors' recommended dosage for patients.. prop 19 in no way overrides prop 215..
if i had something to lose from legalization i would be seriously considering how to work the legitimate side of the business right now - not roaming forums and blogs trying to slow the process down because it won't work - full legalization is coming, so prepare for what is in store - corporate industrialization, more clinical medicinal usage, large scale hemp farming, commercial establishments, licensed home grow ops.. there will be tons of room for the people who grow under the table now to have good jobs working with the plant that they love..
i wonder what tens of billions of dollars going back into the california economy looks like...?
This is a very interesting dilema we have here. thanks for the link. it is like the healt care bill... there are a lot of people who thought we were getting free health care. Now i have to pay for health care or be fined. So on this issue I don't think that the gov regulating anything is good. They want to be able to tax it and they can't figure out how to tax the growers. So this is how they figured out how to do it. I read that the Oakland city council gave them the go ahead last Tue. for industrial growing. So as for the Mom amd pop growsers who support the impoverished economies all over Cali, if the inititave is passed they will just go back underground. Unfortunatley this will cause more proplems. If there was a way that there could be legitamite Mom and pop grow businesses where they could pay taxes and write off expenses and have employees do you think they would go fo it? I'm sure they would. There really are more bigger problems in this counrty than MMJ. Oakstrdam is going to to charge $100 for an eighth when its all said and done. I'd rather buy locally at a cheaper price and support my buddy even if it was illegal.
Question: How much in taxes woiuld the state make if they were able to legitamize all the small time growers? as oppessed to a couple large corporate opperations? I think the state needs to rethink this.
At this time I woulld vote NO and keep things the way they are.
im voting no, everytime i say this its like a bashing from hell people come outta the woodworks
At risk of flaming here ( I am really not trying to induce flaming ). It seems to me that the major issue at hand from the post is that it would cost $200K for the license to sell cultivate and distribute MJ. This is very costly and will push out the "little guy" (in the legal distribution arena anyway). It is set up so that those with money can monopolize the market and do whatever they please. I am not a fan of this either. I dislike big business in every way I could possible say. But for those people who enjoy MJ and would like to use it recreationally, this is a great jumping off point.
It's also important to mention that the 200K fee is for the city of Oakland only. It costs 200k because city counsel member and mayor candidate Rebecca Kaplan is 100% owned by Richard Lee. He funded her initial campaign to put her on the city council and continues to fund all her campaigns. She is the one making it happen for him in Oakland. He is only able to do this because there aren't a lot of competing well funded lobbies in Oakland.
Could this happen in other places too? Sure it could, absolutely. I'm sure there will be other cases of this happening. But it's not a given that it's going to happen frequently. In fact, it's very unlikely. There will most likely be many cities/counties where permits to start for profit cannabis related businesses will be affordable. To point to Oakland as what is going to be the norm in California is completely inaccurate. It took a very special set of circumstances to do what is being done in Oakland.
That doesn't make it right... No one that grows for ANY type of profit can be thrilled about paying $200K+ in Oakland. so if you're an Oakland resident you are really gonna be screwed harder than anyone else...
its just this type of slime ass crap that makes me want to vote no. with 215 you don't pay a fee to obtain a license to grow/sell just pay the cost of your card every year...which is a whole lot cheaper and affordable to literally everyone (who can't get $100-$200 per year for card? ) beyond that renewing a card is much cheaper (usually) than the inital cost the first year.
I think what Oakland is doing is wrong...i think they are just trying to cash in on this and its wrong...they don't deserve 90% of what they are asking.