To be fair, no one liked him from the instant he got into congress. At least, no politicians. And it's not politicians we're trying to get to recognize him, it's the people who only get their news from mainstream media who along with his political adversaries, are afraid of him because he speaks the truth. His biggest support is from the people
Thanks to Ron Paul and some others I have represenitives doing that for me, Paul challenged the constituanality of the war in lybia along with Kuccinich, that is still in court, so is the health care mandate and national healthcare.
I think the past 10 years of Bush&Obama have taught us all that no matter who is in office... we are going to get fucked. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. - Some dude that probably also didn't give a fuck about us.
Paul was wrong on Libya. Check out a television set near you. We helped free those people. It's what America has always stood for.
Agreed. Which is exactly why if you search "Lame Duck" and "Day one" you are likely to find my posts stating that RP would be one from one. It's hard enough to get things done as President when half of Washington is against you. Try doing it with all of Washington being against you.
The sad reality of a Paul Presidency.
True. I do care who they appoint to the Court. Nothing else matters.
... he needs all the signatures we can generate!
the new world order does not want ron paul in office. we need him in office to stop it or you will be fighting for your freedom just like the people who founded this country. the best thing thing the devil ever did was make people think he didnt exist. the nwo is real
We need to unite at a more local level to defeat the evil that has controlled us for hundreds to thousands of years.QUOTE]
you are aware that Ron Paul is for smaller federal government and states rights to make their own laws right?
be positive that R.P can and WILL make a change if he's elected. He will be just as vocal as he is now about the issues that need to be addressed, I don't see why he wouldn't be.
be positive that R.P can and WILL make a change if he's elected. He will be just as vocal as he is now about the issues that need to be addressed, I don't see why he wouldn't be.
Because once the real problems a President faces lands on his lap, he won't have time to. Meet the New Boss.......
You mean Barak Obama? Cus he's on vacation...
can i ask all you ron paulophiles what is up with this fluoride conspiracy i keep hearing about?
the john birch society people that ron paul loves (and who love ron paul) used to say it was a communist plot, but recently, your fellow ron paulophiles have told me that it is a nazi plot. can someone please clear up this confusion on who is poisoning my water and to what end?
It bothers you that a President takes a vacation?
You need a life. (or a cracker.........)
well lets give ron paul the chance to make a change and if he fails then i think its time the people take matters into their own hands and practice their right to bare arms. thats really what its gunna come down too and im ready