Vote ron paul!!!!

can i ask all you ron paulophiles what is up with this fluoride conspiracy i keep hearing about?

the john birch society people that ron paul loves (and who love ron paul) used to say it was a communist plot, but recently, your fellow ron paulophiles have told me that it is a nazi plot. can someone please clear up this confusion on who is poisoning my water and to what end?


we mereged with the Nazis and communists, so it's not like the people informing you are wrong, zionists are also involved, the globilists use fluoride to make people complaicent and sterile and servile and more suseptable to mind controll
reasearch it yourself i no longer waste my time on trolls who just want to agrue

i am a troll for asking a question?


i think you are just too cowardly to explain. or embarrassed that it makes you look like some conspiracy theorist kook.

he takes a two week vacation every month. while everyone else in the country works their asses off for barack to blow our tax dollars.

really? two weeks every month?

they say marijuana is bad for time perception and short term memory. you may want to sit the next few rounds out, champ.
we mereged with the Nazis and communists, so it's not like the people informing you are wrong, zionists are also involved, the globilists use fluoride to make people complaicent and sterile and servile and more suseptable to mind conyroll

Nazi's were Zionists. Enjoy that research!
we mereged with the Nazis and communists, so it's not like the people informing you are wrong, zionists are also involved, the globilists use fluoride to make people complaicent and sterile and servile and more suseptable to mind conyroll


well, at least the decision to fluoridate water or not is based on the most local level possible, so victory for the ron paul supporters, right?
And he keeps to himself so I don't care. At least Huntsman believes in evolution and science. I think he is the only Republican candidate that does or at least clearly stated so.

I don't think you understand his perspective. Evolution, to learned Mormons, is an expression of Free Agency. In other words, God set things in motion and let the chips fall where they may. He believes Science is influenced by the spirit of God. To put it simply. Man never would have advanced in Science if God wasn't involved. He also believes that someday (if he plays his cards right) he will be creating planets of his own. I'm a Mormon too. I know from whence I speak.
I wonder if the President who ever, was given the power to have either the senators or congress regardless of their being a rep. or demo..
when they are acting like they are to have them dragged out of the meeting and shot on the street for being a traitor to the state.
I wounder if that would get things moving better???????????
It bothers you that a President takes a vacation?

You need a life. (or a cracker.........)

Don't tell me what I need brother. I've already got a life and it's probably 3x as promising as yours, thanks.
It is you, the American taxpayer and citizen who will suffer under another spending-happy obama admin.
Ron Paul 2012 for real freedom! He's what we NEED!

he takes a two week vacation every month. while everyone else in the country works their asses off for barack to blow our tax dollars.

Really? Maybe you need to look into how many vacation days Bush took during the same time frame. I think it will open up your eyes a little bit.
I don't think you understand his perspective. Evolution, to learned Mormons, is an expression of Free Agency. In other words, God set things in motion and let the chips fall where they may. He believes Science is influenced by the spirit of God. To put it simply. Man never would have advanced in Science if God wasn't involved. He also believes that someday (if he plays his cards right) he will be creating planets of his own. I'm a Mormon too. I know from whence I speak.

How can you be a mormon and smoke weed? its against thier religion. Does that make you a Mitt Romney morman, or the opposite
Harry Reid morman?
i dont care what i look like. call me a conspiracy theorist it makes no differnce. i stand up for what i think is right not bow down cuz my master says so. you may let people influence you and control you but not me. im a christian and i go by what i feel in my heart is right. our government is responsible for 911 and a whole lot more. all for money. thats the sad truth and some people just refuse to belive it. you really think our leaders want whats best for us? no they want whats best for them and thats their new ferrari and 2.5 billion dollar mansion
I don't think you understand his perspective. Evolution, to learned Mormons, is an expression of Free Agency. In other words, God set things in motion and let the chips fall where they may. He believes Science is influenced by the spirit of God. To put it simply. Man never would have advanced in Science if God wasn't involved. He also believes that someday (if he plays his cards right) he will be creating planets of his own. I'm a Mormon too. I know from whence I speak.

Deists believe a lot of that too. They just don't bother trying to name shit that never had one in the first place. Mormons aren't all that bad. They tend just to harm their own if anyone and thankfully leave me the fuck alone.

I did go to a wedding this year. The Bride's family were Mormon. I thought a soccer tournament was going to break out. Everyone looked the same. It was a little odd.

well, at least the decision to fluoridate water or not is based on the most local level possible, so victory for the ron paul supporters, right?

Yes to some extent I agree, but it was implemented with misinformation and govt incentives and encouragement, but your right some communities have chosen to add fluoride and some have successfuly fought to keep and
Y from being added to their water
Don't tell me what I need brother. I've already got a life and it's probably 3x as promising as yours, thanks.
It is you, the American taxpayer and citizen who will suffer under another spending-happy obama admin.

i can tell your life is likely more awesome than anyone here as you were so prompt to highlight the awesomeness thereof. the fact that you were able to quantify how much more promising your life is than a random stranger on the internet is impressive, thus your life is undoubtedly promising to an awesome degree.

by the way, my taxes went down under obama. i used the savings to make myself financially independent by investing into my business. my wife can now get health insurance.

the best we would have got with a ron paul presidency is more lenient turtle fucking laws and a bunch of pardons for convicted turtle fuckers. i have no interest in fucking turtles, unlike ron paul.
Don't tell me what I need brother. I've already got a life and it's probably 3x as promising as yours, thanks.
It is you, the American taxpayer and citizen who will suffer under another spending-happy obama admin.

Sorry. Most Parrots enjoy a cracker. You want to repeat stupid shit that others say, fine. I'll call you out on it though when you do squawk. Want to compare vacation days with Bush and Reagan? You're going to be real pissed when you discover how many days they were on 'vacation' during the same amount of time.
and what is this site about? marijuana.. something that could be used for medical purposes and has no dangerous effects like pharmaceuticals. but its illegal because that would take away alot of money that the gov doesnt want to give up. some people are just so oblivious to see whats going on around them
i dont care what i look like. call me a conspiracy theorist it makes no differnce. i stand up for what i think is right not bow down cuz my master says so. you may let people influence you and control you but not me. im a christian and i go by what i feel in my heart is right. our government is responsible for 911 and a whole lot more. all for money. thats the sad truth and some people just refuse to belive it. you really think our leaders want whats best for us? no they want whats best for them and thats their new ferrari and 2.5 billion dollar mansion

can you repeat that aloud? i can not read what you type because i have to bow down to the people that influence and control me.

so, you really believe in a zombie that defies physics? cool stuff.
Really? Maybe you need to look into how many vacation days Bush took during the same time frame. I think it will open up your eyes a little bit.

Bush gave up golf when america went to war, becuase he did not want to be seen having blast while america's brother's and sister's die on the battlefield. Obama only finds time to be president in between vacations and fundraisers. I think we are going on 40 fundraisers now. Bush had 3. Bush never golfed. Obama always golfs. Barbara Bush had 1 aid. Michelle Obama has 32 aids.Obama goes to expensive Martha's vinyard to spend tax dollars and other extavogent places ALL the time. Bush vacationed in Texas with the tumbleweeds in the desert. Not exactly expensive for taxpayers, ecspecially when he already owns the property
lol im just saying he is on a vacation right now, of course all presidents take vacations, I didn't think that remark would be taken so seriuosly but I guess watch what you say on the internet right? fuck me..

You were saying RP wouldn't do anything if he were president becuase he would be faced with "real issues". well these real issues are what he is talking about. Federal reserve regulation reform, healthcare reform, SSA reform and is anyone else talking about this? I can't say I've seen too many, the only one that comes to mind is Garry Johnson.You can't just say he won't do shit in office, there is no back to that.