Vote ron paul!!!!

nothing you say makes sense. literally everything you post is worthless. where did anyone say anything about a zombie? your a fucking dumb puppet. i hope you enjoy it
Bush never golfed.


Why are you people against Libya?
Official US policy for 25 years has been regime change in Libya

Any of you ever heard of Lockerbie?
Want a passenger list?
nothing you say makes sense. literally everything you post is worthless. where did anyone say anything about a zombie? your a fucking dumb puppet. i hope you enjoy it


if you are going to call someone a dumb puppet, try not to make mistakes that my 7 year old nephew could avoid.

you said you were a christian, i deduced that you believe in this "christ" character that christians are always rambling on about. he died and came back to life days later, according to your guys tale. that is total zombie shit.

Bush gave up golf when america went to war, becuase he did not want to be seen having blast while america's brother's and sister's die on the battlefield. Obama only finds time to be president in between vacations and fundraisers. I think we are going on 40 fundraisers now. Bush had 3. Bush never golfed. Obama always golfs. Barbara Bush had 1 aid. Michelle Obama has 32 aids.Obama goes to expensive Martha's vinyard to spend tax dollars and other extavogent places ALL the time. Bush vacationed in Texas with the tumbleweeds in the desert. Not exactly expensive for taxpayers, ecspecially when he already owns the property

You sound like someone who watches Hannity. He is an uneducated entertainer just so you know.

"Now, watch this drive..........................................."

[T]he Associated Press reported on Oct. 13, 2003, that he’d spent a “cool, breezy Columbus Day” playing “a round of golf with three long-time buddies.

Someone is filling you head with utter bull shit. You should be mad at them.
As more and more people become aware, and as the media slowly starts to give him attention becuase of the recent media flock about how RP was NOT getting any media attention..hopefully yes.

dude, everyone IS aware. like i said, we did all this 4 years ago. who isn't aware of ron paul? please enlighten me.
As more and more people become aware, and as the media slowly starts to give him attention becuase of the recent media flock about how RP was NOT getting any media attention..hopefully yes.

we have people show clips of the old turtle fucker on TV all the time.

his revolution currently has him at about 8% in the polls, same as he has been all year long.

YAWN. some revolution.
dude, everyone IS aware. like i said, we did all this 4 years ago. who isn't aware of ron paul? please enlighten me.

I get the feeling the new RP Army is a little naive. A lot of us have seen this movie. No need to tell us how it ends.
i just don't get how people can simply keep parroting the same crap for years and years. what has ron paul done in the last four years that will get him more votes then he got FOURS YEARS AGO???? :?
i just don't get how people can simply keep parroting the same crap for years and years. what has ron paul done in the last four years that will get him more votes then he got FOURS YEARS AGO???? :?

That's y they say never talk politics. Or religion, people just believe in these things the way they see them. Now as for our government, that's a joke, our system has just been that, a system! And a system designed for certain classes to prosper, and others to fail. All our president's for the last 30 (maybe more) have been corrupt, THEY don't give a shit about, u, me, none of us, both parties are controlled by one group, (corporation) y do u think we still have these
Problems, RON PAUL is americas last chance, if we don't wake. Up and get some one in office who cares about the PEOPLE, next year will b the end of. America. As u know it, (u heard it here first) and this is coming from a black democrat, should say former! :) big ups to the man Ron Paul! U have my vote, all these other ones running are just puppets controlled by special intrests groups
...RON PAUL is americas last chance, if we don't wake....

imagine that, a ron paul worshipper telling us we need to "wake up" and predicting impending doom. not unexpected at all!

unbridled pessimism is usually the formula for winning elections :lol:
dude, everyone IS aware. like i said, we did all this 4 years ago. who isn't aware of ron paul? please enlighten me.

hehe you might be surprised how little information bimbo collge girls, "bro's" and the alike know about politics or even canditates who are running. So many people I talk to have never heard of Ron Paul. They vote for whoever their "bro" or their parent is voting for. This is why RP wins straw polls amongst young people. Romney wins with the wealthy, and Bachman get the religious vote.
hehe you might be surprised how little information bimbo collge girls, "bro's" and the alike know about politics or even canditates who are running. So many people I talk to have never heard of Ron Paul. They vote for whoever their "bro" or their parent is voting for. This is why RP wins straw polls amongst young people. Romney wins with the wealthy, and Bachman get the religious vote.

Yeah Ron Paul is Going to score big with the Pro Choice people, The Blacks and anyone with a couple of brain cells