Vote ron paul!!!!

I thought Bachmann won the Straw Poll????????????????????????

20+ years in Washington and people have never heard of him huh? That's Ron Paul's problem and one that he isn't going to over come in just 16 months. If he can't make a name for himself having spent over 20 years in office and 2 failed Presidential runs then I don't know what to tell you or him except that it isn't the Media's fault.
we have people show clips of the old turtle fucker on TV all the time.

yea on Fox and CNN news channels, sometimes. How many people in the range of 18-25 years old watch either of those? Lots of people I know don't even keep up with world, national, or their local news. How can they be expected to keep up with political candidates?


Far from it buck, in my opinion ALL of them crooked to some degree, so who is ur choice? U probably don't have one. This whole illusion of democracy, is a joke, america is. A joke. They have most of the massed fooled and. Love every moment of it. They drug us, poisn us, use our kids as pawns in wars that we have no business in. While all u can do is criticize what other people believe n and stand for, y don't u try to add some solutions to the problem, instead of trying to bring down the vibe,
Ever seen the movie "OutFoxed"? Fox and Rupert Murdoch are polluting your mind. The media is corrupt. Fox, MSNBC, and CNN are meant to distract you from any real issues in our world.

It is very difficult to find balanced, factual journalism in the world today.

The media is controlled by corporations.
yea on Fox and CNN news channels, sometimes. How many people in the range of 18-25 years old watch either of those? Lots of people I know don't even keep up with world, national, or their local news. How can they be expected to keep up with political candidates?

how can someone possibly be expected to keep up with candidates in this 24 hour news cycle age of information and technology?

it's fucking impossible.
How can you be a mormon and smoke weed? its against thier religion. Does that make you a Mitt Romney morman, or the opposite
Harry Reid morman?

There are no mandates, doctrine, restrictions on Cannabis usage for medicinal purposes in the Mormon church. Just like Alcohol and Tobacco. I'm voting for Obama

Obama 2012
So what y'all are saying is this, if u get elected to office it means u were the best candidate????? I call BS,
Far from it buck, in my opinion ALL of them crooked to some degree, so who is ur choice? U probably don't have one. This whole illusion of democracy, is a joke, america is. A joke. They have most of the massed fooled and. Love every moment of it.

the election in 2000 was decided by 537 floridians or so.

what a joke, better not bother voting.

They drug us, poisn us, use our kids as pawns in wars that we have no business in.

i didn't notice any draft. those kids sign up for those wars voluntarily.

i haven't noticed being drugged or poisoned lately, unless you count the evil fluoride conspiracy.

While all u can do is criticize what other people believe n and stand for, y don't u try to add some solutions to the problem, instead of trying to bring down the vibe,

i have already stated in this thread i will be voting for obama again.

thanks to legislation he signed into law, my wife can now get insurance despite a pre-existing condition, her birth control and other preventative medicines are not tied to a co-pay anymore, i received thousands of dollars in tax breaks, and my friends have saved even more by upgrading to energy efficient appliances that save them money anyway.

the solution is surely not anything the turtle fucker proposes, like getting rid of civil rights legislation and penning racist newsletters.
Ever seen the movie "OutFoxed"? Fox and Rupert Murdoch are polluting your mind. The media is corrupt. Fox, MSNBC, and CNN are meant to distract you from any real issues in our world.

It is very difficult to find balanced, factual journalism in the world today.

The media is controlled by corporations.
of course Sara, whaen Ron Paul won a straw poll, fox news showed last years crowd response, during gulf war, cnn acted like they had a team over there. Reporting on it, when they were really in the studio next door. This is how dumb ur system thinks u are


I said Bush never golfed after the war started . post 9/11 Bush NEVER golfed. Obama golfs ALL the time. figures you would take me out of context, only makes sense seeing as how you're a bitch
I don't know where all of you guys are getting these facts about him being racist, Paul is not racsist, he's a LIBERTARIAN.

I hear. U buck, good reason to vote for obama. But the system is flawed, and to u can c that for urself, nothing nyone says or do will change ur mind. Politics are just a distraction. Ther are bigger things in motion here. And that is y I say "wake up" look @ what really goes on behind doors, our people and country are in danger! W3 the PEOPLE have. To wake up and buck this corrupt system
ron paul, champion of equality....unless you happen to be gay, in which case your life style is unacceptable according to him

In 1980 he introduced a particularly bigoted bill entitled “A bill to strengthen the American family and promote the virtues of family life.” or H.R.7955 A direct quote from the legislation “Prohibits the expenditure of Federal funds to any organization which presents male or female homosexuality as an acceptable alternative life style or which suggest that it can be an acceptable life style.”
unclebuck youre so caught up in racism how do you feel about the millions of blacks who voted for barack obama solely becase of his skin color
I said Bush never golfed after the war started . post 9/11 Bush NEVER golfed. Obama golfs ALL the time. figures you would take me out of context, only makes sense seeing as how you're a bitch

that video was from august 4th, 2002. in case you are too mentally deficient to realize, 8/4/2002 is AFTER 9/11/2001.

you make it too easy.

Not in 2011, not in 2008 and not 20 years before that. Maybe he used to not be in support of gay mariage but his stance for the last 20+ years is that he wants mariage to be a matter in the churches, and not have any federal or state mandates: