Waaaa hooooo Spring Has Almost Sprung

I don't claim to read my dog's minds BUT I am only guess this to be

"F*CK the gardening and come and play wif us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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The weather has just been gorgeous here lately. I've been doing all kinds of raking and gardening. Frisbies that had been buried underneath the snow have now appeared. :cry: We took our other gurls on a trail we hadn't been on since we had our shepherd. (gulp:-|)
I cried.:cry:

I have some more of those dawrf irises. They are just so cute:mrgreen:

I also have some stink lilies coming up. They grow about 4 to 6 feet and smell very skunk or like weed. :hump: They are very pretty. :mrgreen:

We also had a fire today to burn all the leaves which was nice. I just love going out to have my puffs and smell the fire still burning. :mrgreen:

I am even sleeping better because I wear myself out with all the gardening. Then I sleep like a baby and haven't even been having nightmares. Awesome. :mrgreen: PLUS the dogs get exhausted and aren't as demanding. They sleep more too.

Yeah. I LOVE springtime.


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Me too. Another thing I love about this time of year is that now I can open up all the windows and air out the house plus in the morning hear all the different birds.
I miss hearing the varieties of different birds. Now red wind black birds are back and some the baltimore orioles; different woodspackers and finches

At night I love hearing the wolves and coyotes. Every once in a while you hear a pack of them howling and its especially tantilizing when there is a full moon. Its really cool.

A couple of times we have heard them surrounding our house yet I never ever feel fearful. I never fear animals because they are more predictable then humans.

I went out and got some more MG soil and have a lot of transplanting to do. So desperately want to take a nap but have far too much to do.

I love the fact that there is more light in the day. S.A. D. days are over:D

YES~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I LOVE SPRING!!!!!! waa hoooooooooooooooo.
I have spring fever:)
Hi Lacy, spring is springing up all over the place here too. Most of my bulbs are coming up. I even have bleeding hearts and lillies starting to show. I have yet to rake my lawn though, that is hard work, and I have to build myself up for it so I am not aching for days after lol. I need to get a load of soil here to fill up my beds and make a new one. I am also planning a walkway path in front and along the side of my house. My trees are budding too, it is great. The rabbit that visits my garden actually found my neighbours this year and only ate half my stuff, lol. So less chopping for me, lol. :mrgreen::peace:
Hasn't it just been the nicest here lately? Oh my goodness I am in my glory. All my bulbs are coming up also.

Today I had to transplant every single one of my plants. Gosh. I have a lot of plants growing right now. :mrgreen:
More than I thought. :-| I love when that happens.

Raking is really hard work. We have at least one acre to rake; the rest of our property is forested and we leave it oh natural!!!! I have been raking the last few days and my shoulders and neck are so sore but if I don't get a head start on this property it gets overwhelming and I feel like I can't catch up. Besides which I am out bright and early and can't keep myself out of the dirt right now. I am loving it. We do have a john deer with a leaf collector which helps a lot.

We still have a 1/ 2 truckload of top soil fropm last year and some mulch so I think I am good to go for now.

Rabbits. I LOVE bunnies!!!!!!!!! Ha thats funny that you mention your neighbours because they are constantly complaining about the rabbits and have all kinds of them eating up the vegging and spring sprouts. They never do that over here 'cause I feed them sometimes. :mrgreen:

Probably pisses my neighbours off but I know they l-o-v-e me:mrgreen:

One of my gurlfriends is a Registered Massage Therapist and gives the best body massages but she moved away. :cry:

Bubble bath next best thing. :hump:
Hi Lacy, spring is springing up all over the place here too. Most of my bulbs are coming up. I even have bleeding hearts and lillies starting to show. I have yet to rake my lawn though, that is hard work, and I have to build myself up for it so I am not aching for days after lol. I need to get a load of soil here to fill up my beds and make a new one. I am also planning a walkway path in front and along the side of my house. My trees are budding too, it is great. The rabbit that visits my garden actually found my neighbours this year and only ate half my stuff, lol. So less chopping for me, lol. :mrgreen::peace:
We have a nest, if that's the right word ,of bunnies in our back yard. The neighbour hates them, she has a show garden,we don't....
Nest. Um. :roll: I thik nests are for birds. Bunnies have a different name but its not coming to mind off hand at the moment.

We have a show garden and they don't. :mrgreen:

Today it is going up ti 24 degreeessssss..

another waa hoooooooooooooooooo

I am in my shorts and a T. Oh how I l-o-v-e- spring. :mrgreen:
We have a nest, if that's the right word ,of bunnies in our back yard. The neighbour hates them, she has a show garden,we don't....
Wow tuss. That bearded iris is gorgeous. What stunning colour it has.

I love the velvety feel they have and the little fuzzy thingy's inside. :mrgreen: There are so many varieties of these and they are so easy to grow. I love them.

What type of tree is that. Is that a flowering crap apple of some kind of flowering cherry?
my spring has sprung
it is a dogwood, pink and white. more pink than white. in the side yard i have a pecan tree that is 14' around measured five feet up from the ground but its still bare:sad: got like 10 more iris buds though and they should be out any day now. they are super easy to grow i just throw em on the ground and their off and growing in no time
Wow tuss. That bearded iris is gorgeous. What stunning colour it has.

I love the velvety feel they have and the little fuzzy thingy's inside. :mrgreen: There are so many varieties of these and they are so easy to grow. I love them.

What type of tree is that. Is that a flowering crap apple of some kind of flowering cherry?
Ahh dogwood. There are so many different types. Beautiful.

Yes I like the irises because of thow easy they are to grow. The tubers barely need covering up and prefer not to be.

I got to give my palnts a sunbath and shower to start to harden them off. I wanted all these plants for my outdoor grow but have ben told to flower some in 3 weeks.:-? and I have also been told I can't grow monster plants any more. :cry: Boo! Oh well. They can be just as big growing horizontally. :hump:

Here's another reason why i like spring.

Outdoor grow started :mrgreen::blsmoke:
it is a dogwood, pink and white. more pink than white. in the side yard i have a pecan tree that is 14' around measured five feet up from the ground but its still bare:sad: got like 10 more iris buds though and they should be out any day now. they are super easy to grow i just throw em on the ground and their off and growing in no time


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I have a couple of seedlings that I am not too sure about. I added two seeds to a couple of pots and had to rip apart roots :? and one isn't looking too good. Its out of the sun now and I will see how it does.

The other one is just deformed. The top leaves are singles and the bottom leaves are singles but the new leaflets coming out tof the nodes look to be proper so i am going to wait for a while and cut the top off.


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Hey lacy, jimmy. :) I hear you about opening all the windows, shoot I moved a box and found a fart from last year.. !st bunch of sprouts died....:( O well start some more that's all .... stupid helmet wearing sprout