Well-Known Member
Do you think the free market would provide 911 service ? Right now all homes have phone jacks, and whether they have a service provider or not, you still are able to call 911 from your home just by plugging in a phone. Will the free market still provide that service ? How much you think the free market would charge to put out your house fire ? We have a free market now for mailing off shit. USPS charges me .49 cents to mail a letter. The " free market ", be it UPS or FEDEX now charges me 7.25 to mail that same letter.You primary assumption is flawed. You imply because something is done a certain way, that it is the ONLY way it can accomplished or that it is the right way to do something.
You think a forcible imposition done by people calling themselves government can magically change it to being a "service". Of course roads, postal services , security and fire protection etc. could be provided in a free market.
You don't know what a free market is, which is why you are confused.
How does the police department work in a free market, do you have to pay for service after you have been raped or robbed ?
side note:
Do they ever take you guys out on field trips in that institution ? Allowing you mentally insane individuals a chance to see the real world every now and then ? If so do you have to be at a certain level of crazy to be allowed to go ?