Waitn on roots?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
at what point do u give up? Mine r about 2weeks old.7 look dead&5look great.no roots that i can see. They are late flowering clones.how long should i wait?till they root or die?
Its probly a stupid question!i know. Its killin' me waitin' for'em to root.(if their gonna)im thinkin' about just dumping them&buying some clones so i can get to growin'! I want 1 more indoor grow before outdoor seasons here.ya know what i mean!lol
cloning from the flowering cycle is do-able but those cuttings should have been done prior to the flowering.I dont know your circumstances but anyway...Its like taking a harvested plant and throwing it back into a veg cycle, this can take 3-4 weeks for the girl re-group and get her shit together.I have done it,as far as late cuttings and it from what I can remember, it took some time.I do all my cuttings in a 5 gall with micros, sometimes when I get a stubborn one, I will pull her out for 10 min.,dip her back in the clonex again,let that set up, then put her back in the bath.That usually jump starts them after some time in already with no results.
Speakn' of the outdoors, god it is right around the corner, my mouth is watering already...I would just ride it out man, hope for the best, otherwise, chalk it up to a botany project and try some different things with the cuttings. Humidity, temp, all good? remember not to much direct light,energy has to go for root production, not photosynthesis.
Good luck Brah-
Started to get rid of one of my clones that looked dead&when i pulled it from the soil-IT HAD ROOTS! Im so stoked!thanx to u mrs robinson!im figurin' they all probly rooted! Fu*k ya! That would be amazing!!!
Be patient, it can take them a while. especially the later in flowering ones. If they look dead toss em out if your sure its a lost cause, some failure is normal.

after seeing roots on the worst1,idk. Well i held out& this morning-few have roots poppin out peatcups!omfg!woopwoop!thank u all for ur help.i believe i cloned something!!!
Hey mrs.R- the roots that are growing out the cups,i put a layer of dirt down on bottom of dome for roots to grow into.is this ok idea?does it matter when i plce in bigger container?should i leave top off dome?plz help.
Is it bad for the roots that grow out of cup ok to be exposed although there still in dome?i worried&put a layer of dirt on bottom of dome. Ima put'em in party cups tomorrow night.
I dont know what you have your children rooting in..., cups? what kinda cups? they shoulda been in some grodan, something. You have them in cups with soil? nice soil? Send me a pic of your cups and what you got goin on and i will take you right where you need to go....as far as roots being exposed, other than in some kinda flood and drain, no, not a good thing for roots to be getting direct light and to be dry, especially when they are just gettin their wheels on.
Im using peat cups(plantable ones) w/ff soil. Im using home made domes.i put moist soil in bottom of dome for roots to grow into untill i can get them in boigger cups