Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Whey is a byproduct of cheese making. Essentially if you drink liquid protein we are pretty much just quibbling about the source, milk vs muscle and the color blue/white vs red/clear ;D

Do not look up the allowable limits of blood and pus in milk.
When I was young I knew a girl that would literally puke if she heard or read the word "pus". Of course I had to test that claim; and it held 100%, we called it the "Pamela Constant" in HS
Whey has spiders associated with it

And frightened miss muffet away

Whey is a byproduct of cheese making. Essentially if you drink liquid protein we are pretty much just quibbling about the source, milk vs muscle and the color blue/white vs red/clear ;D

Do not look up the allowable limits of blood and pus in milk.

I'm not looking it up, sometimes ignorance is bliss.

When I was young I knew a girl that would literally puke if she heard or read the word "pus". Of course I had to test that claim; and it held 100%, we called it the "Pamela Constant" in HS

When I took the roast out of the vacuum bag and the blood started pouring everywhere I just about gurged.