Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Hey @Laughing Grass have you ever made plain cheese? Like farm cheese? It's super easy and you can have lots of good stuff........and cheese! Gal of good whole milk brought up to temp (think it was 180° but I might be wrong on that) kill the heat and drop some acid......like lemon juice lol in........let it set. There's a little more to it but not much. Use the curds (fat) and whey (protein) make anything you want.
I stopped and got a Philly cheesesteak smothered in cheese, onions & peppers, with a side of fries...I needed a beef fix after that prime rib pic last night @Laughing Grass

Now to get some work done...and plant some seeds I just germinated

A philly cheesesteak sounds pretty good right now! I skipped lunch today.

Hey @Laughing Grass have you ever made plain cheese? Like farm cheese? It's super easy and you can have lots of good stuff........and cheese! Gal of good whole milk brought up to temp (think it was 180° but I might be wrong on that) kill the heat and drop some acid......like lemon juice lol in........let it set. There's a little more to it but not much. Use the curds (fat) and whey (protein) make anything you want.

No we don't really each that much dairy. Believe it or not illegal to sell whole milk in Canada to anyone who's not in the dairy cartel.
Whole milk in USese means full fat milk (4-5%), not raw.

Homo milk... whoever came up with that name needs a kick in the nuts

I guess you can get sick from non pasteurized milk?
You can, but interestingly enough most cases of dairy food poisoning is due to after pasteurization contamination. Pasteurization is more or less required due to the industrial scale of dairy production; the mixing of milk from multiple herds. One sick cow or dirty udder would contaminate 10's of thousands of gallons. Small scale operations like Amish and Euro cheesemakers can and do take good care of their cows else the biz is destroyed
You can, but interestingly enough most cases of dairy food poisoning is due to after pasteurization contamination. Pasteurization is more or less required due to the industrial scale of dairy production; the mixing of milk from multiple herds. One sick cow or dirty udder would contaminate 10's of thousands of gallons. Small scale operations like Amish and Euro cheesemakers can and do take good care of their cows else the biz is destroyed

It's good to be in the know..