Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I was our areas timothy Leary.. I brought most of the acid around.. used to get clinical cid too..blotters sheets of 100's I'd get at $50.. orange barrel or sunshine @ $0.25 each.. I loved acid, must have tripped about 2,000 times..that clinical was motion hallucinations..I saw it snow up once..that was a rush..what what what did did did you you you say say say no no no echo echo....:shock:

wow, i was just marveling earier tonight about how i used to get it for like 175 a sheet and now its like $10 a hit around here. i havent dosed in like ten yrs and dont think i could ever pay 10 a hit...
Up and at them. Kilobit's gonna be wake and baking cause it's cold and not trying the star gazing today, will shoot for next weekend. Soooooooo anyway everyone have a Happy fecking day. Peace. Toke a Toke a Toke a if you say it right it sounds like Belushi's Toga Toga Toga haha:joint:

I think I'm gonna take my new camcorder with me for my trip to get some Dinky Donuts coffee. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, that might be comical, maybe, depends on if I'm on or not. hehe

Bought some fecking strawberry papers yesterday, just to try something different, son these papers are thick and smoke almost like a small cigar. Not bad, but they sure as shite don't taste like strawberry. Were the feck is Frankenberry and Count Chocula when you neeed them. Oh shite, the weed is kicking already. HaHaHaHa, oh yeah baby.:joint:
Next wednesday me and my girl are going to see Dark Star
Look here
Penn's Peak - "The Best Place To See A Show"
The Deadheads will be flooding the mountain

Sounds good vette... There are a couple of cover bands I'd like to see.. Australian Pink Floyd, who have the exact equipment and backing of floyd.. Theres a big live music bar near me and I want to see Kashmir..the Zep (my fav) copy band........ You're prices there seem pretty fair too.......

wow, i was just marveling earier tonight about how i used to get it for like 175 a sheet and now its like $10 a hit around here. i havent dosed in like ten yrs and dont think i could ever pay 10 a hit...

The last time I did cid was probably 1992, it was a pathetic weak trip.. barely made your nose twitch.. You just can't explain "old day 500 mic acid" to someone who wasn't there to try it....where do you begin...

Up and at them. Kilobit's gonna be wake and baking cause it's cold and not trying the star gazing today, will shoot for next weekend. Soooooooo anyway everyone have a Happy fecking day. Peace. Toke a Toke a Toke a if you say it right it sounds like Belushi's Toga Toga Toga haha:joint:
I think I'm gonna take my new camcorder with me for my trip to get some Dinky Donuts coffee. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, that might be comical, maybe, depends on if I'm on or not. hehe
Bought some fecking strawberry papers yesterday, just to try something different, son these papers are thick and smoke almost like a small cigar. Not bad, but they sure as shite don't taste like strawberry. Were the feck is Frankenberry and Count Chocula when you neeed them. Oh shite, the weed is kicking already. HaHaHaHa, oh yeah baby.:joint:

LOL.... Ya stoner.. only a stoner would take a camera to the donut store.... Tell them you're doing an expose on store conditions..that'll get a rise out of them.... I like a blueberry joint every once and awhile........
Have fun Kilo Spielberg.......... :blsmoke:
Good morning friends!!

It's around 8.20am here where I am..and after having my morning read through some posts and threads, decided it was time to spend some time with miss mary jane annnnnnnd hit my bizzzong.

wake n' bake............nothing quite like it.

Mornin all 3rd cup of coffee not baked yet but I'm trying hehe. They say practice makes perfect so I will spark another and this should complete my quest.
So you all think it is cold eh? Try -7 c, with snow on the ground here (that is 19.4 f for you Americans), lol. BBBrrrrrrrrrrr
Good morning friends!!
It's around 8.20am here where I am..and after having my morning read through some posts and threads, decided it was time to spend some time with miss mary jane annnnnnnd hit my bizzzong.
wake n' bake............nothing quite like it.

Morning newbie guy/gal.....:weed:

Wake and bake bongsmilie bongsmilie bongsmilie
Sorry Twisty, no room in the bed, once the bird goes in the oven my hubby gets something to be thankful for, it's tradition. :mrgreen:

I'll sit in corner and watch.....:hump:

Wow I feel good .. not all blah .. whew .. Good morning

A smooth landing is always welcome..especially as we age... No :spew: is good....

Morning Miss ,, Its brrrrr here 13 degree's

-9c here...15 F
I don't know what the temp is here, freaking cold. It's pajama party day !!!
