Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Ive always wanted to toke in an igloo. I think it would be cozy
done it...i win!

morning all! sleep-in sunday!!!! im awake....bout to bake! i bet its cold outside, but im not even looking. im in a good mood and winter depresses me BIGTIME... watched the new Journey To THe Center of The Earth in 3-D last night, pretty cool
It just ended ,,A&E it was .. I think... The Bourne Movies are good ,, I like them ,I'll be watching a lot of Tv today ,, The almost Mrs is going out with her friends to see "Twilight" this afternoon.. So its Just me the dogs and ALL THIS WEED .. I need a new BIC lighter

Thanks for rubbing whack o weed in my face......:shock:
I usually do my posting in the morning, once around lunch time, and then before I need to go to sleep. it's pretty predictable. ;D

I try to post evenly though. it's weird that you've never seen me on early.

I think it's about time for my workout though, so I'll be back in a couple of hours. :)
im always up early with my daughter, usually on while she watches cartoons every morning to catch up. winter is also my slow season with work so im gonna be bored here daytimes alot now too. smokin n coffee here is where its at!

btw, no microwave weed this morning. my friend allie left me some goodness AND some kief last night
Hey Twisty ,,I found this on a fluke ,, Its Just what Ive been looking for . and solid bodied with vents ..Im going to get it ,,It''ll be my birthday present,, I'll have it by spring ,,I think its a great deal.. What are your thoughts I'll pour a cement pad to set it on.. with a drain too

Sam's Club - Backyard Hobby Greenhouse - Silver - 6' x 8'
That'd be great, and the price is right. You consider the $$'s some spend on tents, vents, lights and you're well over the few hundred that'll cost.. If you're lucky enough (which I know you are) to have the land thats the way to go.. especially if your in a heavy rain wind area as you are.. Plus you don't have to haul rocks like you were doing (I think) when I 1st started following the "Adventures of Korvette 1977".... Good find.. get the bigger one and I'll move in.. your illegal immigrant gardener... :p
both customer review say its crappy vette... they say is made super cheap and the clear panels are thin BS plastic.

Yea My Mom pointed that out ,, i showed her as a Hint ,, She said get the better one at twice the cost .. Im going to assume she is picking up the other end .. My mom Grows Orchids ..
good morning people, wake and bake :-Dbongsmilie

Morning dude/dudette........:weed:

Yea My Mom pointed that out ,, i showed her as a Hint ,, She said get the better one at twice the cost .. Im going to assume she is picking up the other end .. My mom Grows Orchids ..

LOL oh no My mom would not approve .. But She did once say she would rather see people smoke Pot rather than cigarettes

God love them..cool mom's that is..... few and far between... I was lucky too......:joint::joint:
[quote="SICC";1660655]Feelin good now, damn i love my Bubba Kush :weed:

how was everyone's weekend?[/quote]

Wussup sicc? Weekend went by too fast, and i procrastinated and now i have a paper and quiz due tonite. But can't stay off riu. what about you cuz, how was your week end?