Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


New Member
I'm fine, it's cold and boring here, I already have cabin fever and it's just now december. It seems like my plants at a stand still, I can't seem to see much growth on them. I know a watched plant never grows, so I try not to look at them too much.


Well-Known Member
mmm pizza :mrgreen:
Hell yeah!! All day, everyday!!!:blsmoke:

I'm fine, it's cold and boring here, I already have cabin fever and it's just now december. It seems like my plants at a stand still, I can't seem to see much growth on them. I know a watched plant never grows, so I try not to look at them too much.
It is always like that, then they will spurt up! My last grow I topped because they were indoor and I like to control the height. After I did it I thought I made a mistake...nope, they still grew 4feet...
Yours will spurt, I betcha!:wink:


New Member
I never knew growing weed would be so trying, I never have this many issues with other things. Maybe it's because I want the weed to grow so badly it's being all "whatever" on me......:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean, I do think it is because we want it so bad!

Well, Shawn (bro n law) told me today he is moving on January 4th. He has an opportunity to go to California and live with this lawyer chick he has been messing around with. So, I will have an empty nest soon:cry: yeah right!! Woooo Hooooo....BYE!! Have fun, good luck, god bless....yaddy yaddy yaddy, blah blah blah:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
but who will help protect you from the birdies?
Shoot, those birds will attack him before me. I am always getting him out of jam with those birds! I have been working with a Parrot Behaviorist and he has taught me a lot. He told me last week he thinks after another month or two he will cut me loose on my own. I have learned a lot of techniques and so far (knock on wood) no bites have been rendered....to me atleast.:mrgreen:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Yummy, sugar cookies are done and are being decorated now. The xmas tree is up and a few decorations set out. This was all after dusting, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming the house today. Time to fire it up. :mrgreen:bongsmilie:peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic

Real tree?

out. :blsmoke:

No, I have a real nice fake one with lights already on it, lol. I am sure my dogs would either pee on, drink the water or try to eat a real tree. So this way, no need to be messing with the lights and it is up in minutes looking great!. :mrgreen::peace: