Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
i know everyone listens to bob, but anyone listen to his son kymani marley? jammin his hsit right now, its kinda a cross between reggae and hip hop definetly heavier reggae influences. its good shit


New Member
but I bet you're glad she's feeling better, sick kids are always hard, they look so tiny and you just want to take it away from them. Now go wash all those door knobs and light switches with bleach water. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i will miss...but i think it might be my turn, coughing alot this morning. i cant tell if its from excessive smoking saturday night(had a GREAT time BTW) or if im getting sick myself.

i got one of those rare all-night-sitters in the form of grammie saturday night. went to a dope-ass party and saw alot of my friends i dont get to see too often. great music all night(Pranksta crew DJ's Rock!!), danced my narrow white ass off most of the night, AND kinda started talking semi-serious-like with this kick-ass girl ive been diggin on lately.


Well-Known Member
i will miss...but i think it might be my turn, coughing alot this morning. i cant tell if its from excessive smoking saturday night(had a GREAT time BTW) or if im getting sick myself.

i got one of those rare all-night-sitters in the form of grammie saturday night. went to a dope-ass party and saw alot of my friends i dont get to see too often. great music all night(Pranksta crew DJ's Rock!!), danced my narrow white ass off most of the night, AND kinda started talking semi-serious-like with this kick-ass girl ive been diggin on lately.

Gotta love those kinda nights ..


New Member
Pranksters? Did you say Pranksters? They are the biker club that's near me, it can't be the same thing.

Yes if you think you are coming down with it too, you should lysol your computer and mouse and stuff too.


Well-Known Member
ive been spoiled lately, past couple weeks ive been working 3 blocks from my house. this week im an hour away, no more executive 1 1/2 hr lunches at home. shitty. i should probably be on the road by now too... c'mon motivation!


New Member
My childhood house had a room down in the basement under the stairs. If i got sick, Mom or Dad would send me down there to recover. It wasn't a big place but I like things cozy. Yah, and sometimes the drafts would be fierce at night, but it was then that I dreamed of living in the south, so that was good right? Don't get me wrong, my folks would occasionally check in on me , and that made me feel special. No matter how long I was down there (3 weeks once but smallpox is tuff stuff), Mom or Dad would bring me a new bucket and a candle. Now I am not afraid of the dark. I have that to thank them for as well.

Thanks Mom or Dad (sniff)

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
smoked a bowl, about to drive to the big city of dallas and do some christmas shopping, waking and baking and shopping. life is good:peace:


Well-Known Member
Nope I use an electric heater , I tapped into the light pole on the bridge above ..:bigjoint:
Aint that the truth .... Hows your kid? feeling better ?
Speaking of lamp poles..I was looking at your Intrepid pics and those HPS (I'm assuming) on the wharf, all those great lights...... Hmmm !!! Where's my saw..?

Gotta love those kinda nights ..
If you can survive them..I'm just now back to normal..(such as it is)...
Damn about a week to recover.....:sleep::sleep:


Well-Known Member
Pransta's, not pranksters...i dont know too many bikers into techno and house music. im sure they throw good parties too though, i havent been to a biker-type event and been dissapointed. but this is a rave crew; DJ's, dancers, artists, and shit.