Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I read it this way... I was thinking that you crossed a potato and a pig somehow
He missed that. Double bacon tater skins.
I'm sorry. Bacon shortage as I here. $1.99 a pound here. Only at daily deals. And Walmart is trying to get it back. As they sell identical packages in store for 3.99. OOPS. And assorted bone in chops are $1.39. Sorry to the canadian hog farmers. The chinese processors are vulture capitalizing us all. 12 oz sorry. 001.jpg010.jpg
Step up folks. Tis Saturday and .., well, we won't discuss yesterdays floppedness. And yes. I made that up. Webster refused to get my back. Now or never. I'm still watching dreamers tour my neighbors house while making nervous disorder faces and poses as they see me looking their way. Hppy Halloween.

TnT is a tough crowd to reach.
