Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I need to get a life , I need spring here ,I have to get myself doing things .... this sitting around all day has gotten old QUICK.... This weather needs to break.


Well-Known Member
I need spring too. I'm so sick of winter. I have no interest in doing anything......... it makes me so ....... blah......

I have soo much to do where if the weather was nice I have an EASY month of stuff around here to do .. But getting my garden ready is a top priority ,,Its tilled ,I have to do it again and mix in compost ,, Then plant the tomatoes and corn and peppers and a bunch of other stuff ,, Gotta put up a chicken wire fence around it ,, Pour the slab for the greenhouse Set up the greenhouse , paint the house , Finish the slate flooring, I have a list

Build another deck too


New Member
I have a list of shit to do going on myself. I don't have a garden plot, I wish I did. I'm container gardening. I want to grow tomatoes in 5 gallon buckets. I'm planning a strawberry tower too.

I miss taking the dogs to the pond to walk. I want it to get warm so we can start that again. It's good exercise and they love it so much.


New Member
I'm a total plant and gardening freak. I'm going to be wanting to see some pics when you get things happening.

I'm not growing anything fun or exciting. I just want to grow some of my own produce to get away from all the chemicals they put in shit these days. The list of things that cause allergic reactions is getting longer and longer and I know it's not the produce itself, it's something they are doing to it.


Well-Known Member
My biggest problem will be prob the wild animals .. But I have a few ideas . double up on the fence and have it go into the ground 6''-10'' so the rabbits cant dig under it .. Im going to hang ammonia soaked rags in buckets on the fence.. and then staying on top of the Aphids ,last year they nearly destroyed everything


New Member
My biggest problem will be prob the wild animals .. But I have a few ideas . double up on the fence and have it go into the ground 6''-10'' so the rabbits cant dig under it .. Im going to hang ammonia soaked rags in buckets on the fence.. and then staying on top of the Aphids ,last year they nearly destroyed everything
ever use neem oil?

i usually pick up the "concentrate" that you dump into a 32 oz bottle an dilute with water..spray it all around my grow to keep aphids and mites at bay.

its worked wonders for me in the past

edit: similar to this http://www.planetnatural.com/site/neem-oil.html just a different brand


Well-Known Member
ever use neem oil?

i usually pick up the "concentrate" that you dump into a 32 oz bottle an dilute with water..spray it all around my grow to keep aphids and mites at bay.

its worked wonders for me in the past

edit: similar to this http://www.planetnatural.com/site/neem-oil.html just a different brand

Yea there is a few good products ,, Only thing is last year I did not do any preventive shit,, Therfore by the time I found out I was infested ..Its was rough,,But not a total loss


New Member
Here's a page on companion planting


planting onions and garlic keeps rabbits away,

for aphids, Anise, catnip, coriander, geranium, mint,

for tomato worms - borage

To increase oil content in herbs - german camomile , yarrow.

I wonder, if I plant some yarrow with my weed plants will it increase resin production there too? Yarrow has shallow roots, I think I'll try it.


New Member
Here's a page on companion planting


planting onions and garlic keeps rabbits away,

for aphids, Anise, catnip, coriander, geranium, mint,

for tomato worms - borage

To increase oil content in herbs - german camomile , yarrow.

I wonder, if I plant some yarrow with my weed plants will it increase resin production there too? Yarrow has shallow roots, I think I'll try it.
ive smoked yarrow, my friends band goes by the same name.

gave me a nifty buzz, for anyone curious.


New Member
on a side note, anyone have experience in pressing keif into hashballs via their hands and vynel gloves? i want to give it a try, but i wanna know if its worth it. ihave roughly a gram and a half of keif.