Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

I wasn't worried about them telling anyone. Their smart, they know how the cops are around here. When they were that age the meth thing was really out of control around here, we felt it was better to have them here where we could keep an eye on them. We knew a lot of people that are now dead from suicide from meth use, that is some scary shit.

It worked too, no meth use in my family. :)
I completely agree. Rather have them smoke a dube with me than crack down the street. Prohibition never works. Now, if my stepson was suckin dick for coke or heroine or something I would step in, but weed ain't like that. I almost prefer smokin to drinkin. At least as baked as I can get, I still know and remember what I did the nite before. Alcohol ain't like that. Don't wanna go into stories, would curl your toes. (Even camel ones. Heh heh.)

But I have discovered that my friends who hid thier habit from thier kids (and they ain't stupid, they know something is up and you are hidin something) it seems that their kids returned the favor, and weren't honest with thier parents. The ones who had kids that were honest about it, their kids were honest with them.

We are NOT a stepford household around here. More like the Adams Family..... (Oooh, that would make me Morticia. Awesome.)
Vette, you are good in the kitchen, whip them up some cool shaped pancakes or something to eat while they watch it. Maybe some nice hot chocolate with mini mallows. Yummy
Ha Puff, we're like the Adams family around here too. Funny stuff.

Slik I have the same thing with my cats, "I can open the cans, you can NOT open the cans, whos yer mommy" :twisted:

Sunny, I really want to come see your birds, I bet they can be fun when they're in the mood.
Slik the cat thing only works if you don't have a Hemingway cat! They have thumbs:)

I hate to say this......but......I AM FREAKIN COLD......Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
yeah, ive seen those furry freaks with thumbs. unnerving little bastards....lol

now im thinkin pancakes...apple cinnamon pancakes
felt like a hitchcock movie sunny??

i hope my 2 yr old can be as good as yours sound puff. (aww, she just hollered from the living room "Daddy! I love You"). i got my work cut out for me, i raise her without her mother at all.

vette, you said you do remodels and additions right?

Yep complete custom homes and additions We dont touch septic systems ...Your shit is your problem
we got heat here too, but its the weekend so ill be rockin the hoodie with the PJ pants. i dont even match if your colorblind either!
Ýeah man, I am started right when I woke up. And you know, I was thinking today, the news had on where they are promoting going "green" and I am all for it man.

and a good way to save money man and better your life is to grow some herb... I just got to harvest some of my crop man and I have enough to last me for another year, and I still have some that are not ready yet.
yeah? wow, that would be awesome, I wish that I could figure a way to do it and not spend so much money. I am glad I have my own grow or I would not even be smoking now. But that really is the way to go, wind and solar and be completely independent on others. I want to be able to buy some land, and built my own yurt, and grow my own food. than I wouldnt need anything from anyone man. haha