Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Thank you. I'm very excited. Thought I would celebrate with some sugar shack special buiscits and some tea! haha

PS I'm lovin the acoustic version in your signiture........very breezy.
bakin 'n bakin 'n bakin .... love'n the bakin ..... splendid and so most perfect day.

yea fdd ... so good ot hear ... I wanna see that too.
I don't like wake and bake then I dont get high at night time. I like to work my ass off all day then smoke after dinner and pass out. ee well maybe on the weekends but then I dont get my shit done.
many heartwarmed congrats to you. Grow on!
Good Morning RIU! I found out I'm going to be a father last night. This morning is a great morning!

good luck with that .... hope all works out for ya'll.
Wake and bake......Just waiting for the hurricane to arrive

Chiceh! happy W/B to you this morning!!
Good Morning RIU, fire it uP.

Load Fire Ready Aim .... oh shit got it backwardss again ... Bakin on!!!!~~~~ :eyesmoke:
I finally fixed my bong!!!!

Can't break this one either, it's metal.

Proper wake n bake this cloudy Sunday morning... Is summer over already???
I love wake 'n bakes! This is how my morning started, smoking before work. I went in and they told me they were overstaffed this morning so I got to go home and smoke some more! *dances*