Want Gavita Pro 1000

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
my 8'x13'x8' room is in a basement, not sealed and will rely on active air exchange for cooling a maximum of 3 lights. I plan on doing a s.o.g. or some sort of active training of the stems.
Question one: is it possible to use these lights in this arrangement?
Question 2: what would be the best air handling setup for this configuration?

Many thanks


Well-Known Member
I used an 8 x 12 room with 4k lights the rest of the room is for being able to move around. The dehumidifier, fan, ac, and I cook my soil in there in the winter time. I would use half the room like 4 or 5 feet of the width the line the lights up end to end with a small space between them to stretch them out evenly over 13 feet. So you would use 5x13 of the room the other 3 feet is for walking and watering and other equipment.

You can't just fill a room full of lights, you need working space too 3 to 4k is fine for that room.


Well-Known Member
Also save yourself some trouble and get a mini split and go bare bulb if your going sealed route.

Goods seem to have lots of air leaks. Cool tube might work better. And dual hose ac's suck up co2 as well.

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your input. I think I should be more specific though as I think my question was whether or not Gavita 1000's can be used in a room with 8' ceilings?
The arrangement of the lights themselves is not really an issue, rather whether or not I can use 3k lights, bare bulb, in a non- sealed room drawing consistent 70degree air in from an adjacent room. Thank you.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Thank you all for your input. I think I should be more specific though as I think my question was whether or not Gavita 1000's can be used in a room with 8' ceilings?
The arrangement of the lights themselves is not really an issue, rather whether or not I can use 3k lights, bare bulb, in a non- sealed room drawing consistent 70degree air in from an adjacent room. Thank you.
I have 8 foot ceilings, running my gavitas at 825watt. still grows HUGE buds, just make sure you have a fan to dissipate the heat around the bulb.

Maat Aatack

Well-Known Member
Lol nice- reason I ask is I hear that with these lights require up to 3.5' clearance above the canopy. Just wondering what max height of the plants are in your 8' ceiling room.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Lol nice- reason I ask is I hear that with these lights require up to 3.5' clearance above the canopy. Just wondering what max height of the plants are in your 8' ceiling room.
you can run 5ft plants on the outside. I try to keep the shorter ones directly under it.I need to take mine off the mover so i can raise it another 8 inches. i tried running it on a mover to take up the space of 2 1000's, it works better stationary@ 825