Warning to Santa Cruz County Patients....Granny Purps = moldy, mite infested clones.

I think having a place to get Meds is important if you have to and can't grow your own.
But right now they are just drug pushers for Profit.
They should be held to taking care of 5 patients only.
And the prices are outlandish, it's like going to the Dentist office and seeing 3 gals working the front desk
2 or 3 more working at handing the Doc his drill and a bunch more to do other shit, all good looking and young.
GEE I WONDER WHY IT COSTS SO MUCH TO GET A FILLING?????? I only went there to get a filling and it cost me $400.00?????
If we are to ever see MMJ available to everyone then first we need to reign in the Co-Ops and their profiteering.
Today I met an MS patient that you turned away from your compassion program saying you can only do it on the first of the month. He also said the only time you ever did give him buds via the compassion program you made him do yard work for a small bag of shake. Are you fucking kidding me? You made a guy who visibly shakes from his illness do yard work to get medicine this guy needs to be functional? Then the next time he comes in needing your help you turn him away?!

In the last year you guys have bought a fucking fleet of new cars for your employees. The reason you're able to buy things like that is because there are severely sick people which NEED medical cannabis and the people of California showed compassion for the sick and passed prop 215. The very least you could do is show compassion back to the people you've benefited from so much.

I don't mind the fact that you guys make a lot of money. In fact, I think people who take the risk of running a dispensary deserve to make some money. But to then turn around and be that cruel to the truly sick is fucking disgusting. You have a moral AND legal obligation to help people.

You sir are the scum of the earth. I will never again go to your shop. I deeply regret ever sticking up for you guys.

burn in hell
Cats outta the bag now. That's fucked up, but that sounds like Grannypurps too me. I'm curious what you know about WAMM Dan?
I think having a place to get Meds is important if you have to and can't grow your own.
But right now they are just drug pushers for Profit.
They should be held to taking care of 5 patients only.
And the prices are outlandish, it's like going to the Dentist office and seeing 3 gals working the front desk
2 or 3 more working at handing the Doc his drill and a bunch more to do other shit, all good looking and young.
GEE I WONDER WHY IT COSTS SO MUCH TO GET A FILLING?????? I only went there to get a filling and it cost me $400.00?????
If we are to ever see MMJ available to everyone then first we need to reign in the Co-Ops and their profiteering.

As far as prices go... People will pay what something is worth. If people will pay $55 an eighth, then that's how much it's worth. It is a significant risk to open a dispensary. That's deserving of making some money.

I just think out of that money they are making they should have some obligation to the community. Without that community they wouldn't be allowed to do what they do in the first place. The community lets them make all that money because they want sick people to be able to access medicine. If they cut off or limit that access to medicine then they are not service their primary function to the community and are completely illegitimate both morally and in SC county, legally.
Cats outta the bag now. That's fucked up, but that sounds like Grannypurps too me. I'm curious what you know about WAMM Dan?

I love WAMM. Valery Coral has a heart of gold. Unfortunately they are soooo giving that WAMM is having financial problems and have had to severely restrict their patient lists and days of operations. I actually wish WAMM would be MORE greedy because if they had a little more income being generated they could expand their business.
I love WAMM. Valery Coral has a heart of gold. Unfortunately they are soooo giving that WAMM is having financial problems and have had to severely restrict their patient lists and days of operations. I actually wish WAMM would be MORE greedy because if they had a little more income being generated they could expand their business.
I'd like to see more places with the same mindset as them opening that being said I dream of one day opening and owning a similar operation. We can all dream right??
I'd like to see more places with the same mindset as them opening that being said I dream of one day opening and owning a similar operation. We can all dream right??

I want to see clubs make enough money to where they can afford to give out free bud to the sick, and then follow through with actually helping people. Seems that most clubs are either good at the first part of that or the second, but almost never both.
As far as prices go... People will pay what something is worth. If people will pay $55 an eighth, then that's how much it's worth. It is a significant risk to open a dispensary. That's deserving of making some money.

I just think out of that money they are making they should have some obligation to the community. Without that community they wouldn't be allowed to do what they do in the first place. The community lets them make all that money because they want sick people to be able to access medicine. If they cut off or limit that access to medicine then they are not service their primary function to the community and are completely illegitimate both morally and in SC county, legally.

I too am completely tired of the dispensaries; all of them. I cannot see the logic in letting these "businesses" have such control over something mother earth gives us ALL so freely. I too feel for those patients that cannot grow their own and have to pay outrageous prices and all the BS, hassles, etc associated with the dispensaries. They are making way too much money on aproduct that we, as growers, barely make out after all our expenses. I figure that a medium grow (10-12 lights) after all is said and done, makes about $2.25 an hour for our efforts. We are still taking big risks with the Feds, rip offs et. al. and by no means can make a real "go" of it in the current situation. Why do a few get the luxury of making all the money? If I have compassion and give some meds away for free (no yard work required) when I can barely make ends meet on my own, why cannot all the dispensaries do the same. I know of one owner who has so many material possessions now, after being granted a license to "rip everyone off, it is disgusting. He pays $hit and even offers to buy whatever on consignment! Imagine that! The little guy, who has tenderly and devotedly spent countless hours and many months bringing plants to harvest, and now he has to wait to be paid. The excuse is that if patients don't like it, he wants the option to return it to the grower, some 2-3 months later. Now it is $hit, all too dried out, degraded, far from fresh.
It is about "let's get this legalized so that everyone gets to play on the same field and one's product is the result of hard work, experience and pure commitment to producing the best one can. That's how "real business" operates. These dispensary owners are, IMHO, nothing but pimps; take advantage of a situation they are in and money is their only motivator. These guys wouldn't know $hit without their "sources" and would be better off at McDonald's training university.
Someone wrote that they believe some vendors purposefully supply infested clones. i believe this too because there are too many growers here and they (we) are competing harshly. Prices are unrealistic. I believe that those of us who can produce good, healthy and high quality bud will survive. We simply have to wait for the dust to settle.
Several years ago, i too bought clones from a dispensary and got spider mites real bad. It took me something like 6 months to finally get rid of them. Dan, thanks for your spraying regime. Too many growers think a simple spray will do the trick and do not follow up with thse daily doses. I had to learn it all the hard way being from a cold climate, i had never experienced spider mites. i am now an expert!
I want to see clubs make enough money to where they can afford to give out free bud to the sick, and then follow through with actually helping people. Seems that most clubs are either good at the first part of that or the second, but almost never both.

how are those free buds for the sick supposed to work?
how are those free buds for the sick supposed to work?

Every club is supposed to have products available for the truly sick who can not afford medicine. They have to be able to prove low income. Then patients are supposed to be able to pick up compassion on a weekly basis I believe.

I'm too tired to check the law right now, but it is written into the law, this much I'm sure of.
I too am completely tired of the dispensaries; all of them. I cannot see the logic in letting these "businesses" have such control over something mother earth gives us ALL so freely.

What it seems like is that local medical marijuana laws limiting dispensaries are fundamentally flawed. They are supposed to limit dispensaries so they can keep a close eye on them and make sure they are legit. But they are backfiring big time. Now because it's so difficult to open a dispensary everyone who tries to do it the right way gets shut out and only total scumbags who find a way to cheat the system somehow are able to open up. Now these scumbags are ending up with local monopolies over the legal bud trade.

If they just opened up the market so everyone could compete in it, then these scum bags and thieves would likely get run out of the business. But since they are the only ones allowed to compete, they jack up their retail prices and can low ball all their vendors. The result is farmers and customers are getting screwed while they make a ridiculous amount of money. It's fucked up.
SCMN is one of the best clubs in the county, and they have both indoor and outdoor between $35 and $55 an eighth.

I've grown several strains from Granny Purps including Jack Herer, G13, G13-Haze, Blackberry Kush, Cherry AK-47, Sour D x Hindu Kush, and Afghan Kush.

In my experience their clones are generally healthy. The Afghan Kush was a disappointment for me as well in terms of genetics. It didn't really seem like a Kush to me to be honest. Also, I've pretty sure what they called G13 last year wasn't G13. I think it may have been G13-Haze, which I'm currently growing, so we'll see if it's the same in a couple months.

IMO, their clone selection is good -- not great, but good. Their bud prices are a fucking ripoff though. $440 a zip, are you kidding me?
Anybody that tells you they have 100% G13 is lying. All G13 strains are crosses because it was a clone only strain and had to be crossed to get the genetics into seed.
i went in to SCNM and the budtender was wearing a dress. he would not get away with that in the real world. also their meds were all overpriced and most of the samples had NO odor
What it seems like is that local medical marijuana laws limiting dispensaries are fundamentally flawed. They are supposed to limit dispensaries so they can keep a close eye on them and make sure they are legit. But they are backfiring big time. Now because it's so difficult to open a dispensary everyone who tries to do it the right way gets shut out and only total scumbags who find a way to cheat the system somehow are able to open up. Now these scumbags are ending up with local monopolies over the legal bud trade.

If they just opened up the market so everyone could compete in it, then these scum bags and thieves would likely get run out of the business. But since they are the only ones allowed to compete, they jack up their retail prices and can low ball all their vendors. The result is farmers and customers are getting screwed while they make a ridiculous amount of money. It's fucked up.

There are still the big grows where should it be "governed" as to where the State makes money?? Thats what this whole thing is about, the State making money.
Charge a tax/regestration to grow. If you get caught growing outside the boundry of the law then they give you a fine and pull your plants, they can take and cure those plants and give it to patients on State programs for donations that go to State coffers.
Keep the same thing for getting script as they do now and collect a little sumething from the users.
The State will collect from the user, the grower, and if you want a store then the local government needs to get their share thats easy to do but no one wants to be first.
Today I met an MS patient that you turned away from your compassion program saying you can only do it on the first of the month. He also said the only time you ever did give him buds via the compassion program you made him do yard work for a small bag of shake. Are you fucking kidding me? You made a guy who visibly shakes from his illness do yard work to get medicine this guy needs to be functional? Then the next time he comes in needing your help you turn him away?!

In the last year you guys have bought a fucking fleet of new cars for your employees. The reason you're able to buy things like that is because there are severely sick people which NEED medical cannabis and the people of California showed compassion for the sick and passed prop 215. The very least you could do is show compassion back to the people you've benefited from so much.

I don't mind the fact that you guys make a lot of money. In fact, I think people who take the risk of running a dispensary deserve to make some money. But to then turn around and be that cruel to the truly sick is fucking disgusting. You have a moral AND legal obligation to help people.

You sir are the scum of the earth. I will never again go to your shop. I deeply regret ever sticking up for you guys.

Update on this. Granny Purps asked me for the name of this guy so they could make this situation right. When they looked into it, it turns out he was already back in their compassion program. Guess this was all a misunderstanding. But it's fixed now, so please ignore the above statements. Misunderstandings happen. I take back all the bad things I said.

Thanks to Grannypurps for taking care of this guy.
The owner of Granny Purps is a EX METH DEALER that has previously been charged with the crime of BATTERY/SODOMY of a minor under the age of 16. Why the county of SANTA CRUZ would let such an individual open and run businesses is a mystery to me. What a fucking disgrace to the medical marijuana industry.



Holy shit. That actually checks out.
The owner of Granny Purps is a EX METH DEALER that has previously been charged with the crime of BATTERY/SODOMY of a minor under the age of 16. Why the county of SANTA CRUZ would let such an individual open and run businesses is a mystery to me. What a fucking disgrace to the medical marijuana industry.



From just one trip inside this place I knew I would never return. Now you have just 100% solidified that.
it makes me sick to hear about these clubs that dont give an F about the patients, theres only 1 honest one in my part of CA, they have a 45$ cap on1/8s and thee sell hash and keif for like 6 dollars a gram..and then other places will sell you some buds for 60 1/8 that are sub par?? it just sucks too see that most of the people are just in it for the money