Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?

I can't. I mean, I wouldn't even know where to start. The origins of the pea coat. Whoopie Goldberg's dating history. How armadillos contract anthrax. That movie The Red Balloon...

Here's some truth... my dinner tonight: teriyaki tempeh, creamy corn grits with truffle sauce, topped with shaved burgundy truffls and a spring mix salad with daikon radish puree, fresh mozzarella pieces and a sweet italian dressing.

I'm eating well over here and people are starving outside. For that, I feel blessed. The truth..
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Here's some truth... my dinner tonight: teriyaki tempeh, creamy corn grits with truffle sauce, topped with shaved burgundy truffls and a spring mix salad with daikon radish puree, fresh mozzarella pieces and a sweet italian dressing.

I'm eating well over here and people are starving outside. For that, I feel blessed. The truth..
That’s lovely. I’d eat it.

Now tell us why you are carefully avoiding calling the Republicans out on the one obvious big main thing.
because i dont care. they're big dickheads and will never change. you could call them all out on a million things.

Thats the wonderful, awesome, truth about our country - you can believe Jesus existed along with dinosaurs and nobody can stop you for being an ignorant fool. i hold people personally acountable rather than lumping them into a political demgographics, but of course, i do shy away from those types wherever i can. i work with where i have to deal with a wide variety of people and what i have to give or get and why. life works much more easily than letting politics get in the way.

Here's a bit of truth..

I recently got a space in the underground parking garage of my apt building and low and behold I came outside last night and noticed these white dripping things on my window. Couldn't get them off, not even full blast at the car wash. I then noticed they are also running down the sides of my car. Some came off with Goo Gone, many did not. I looked up in the garage and saw these bright white icecles - the obvious source - they're calcium deposits i found out. I got a scrubb sponge and got most of it off but later realized I also scuffed up my paint... and so this morning I called 15 autobody shops and went to five of them.

The first quote was 900. yeah right.
The last 2 guys said a few hundred dollars and tommorow i got a guy bascially begging me to do it..

Now.. likely alll of them are republicans. Certainly the first guy. The high back waiting chairs in his office had nascar patterns on them. I've never met a democrat thats into race cars. He was also shiesty and ripping me off without a care in the world. I read that immediatley...

The point is, these big republicans you're calling out will likely have little impact on you. Work on the local ones first, vote against the bigger ones where you can. Thats all you can do. Just my advice.
I'm still not quite getting you...
Remember my post from earlier? You are entirely dismissing this pair of facts:

Democrats are working within the Republic.

Republicans are actively working to tear it down.

This kills your “they both suck” propaganda unless you too want the Republic destroyed.

Simple math.
How do you kill America. And is America the land we're standing on? Or the people that live here...

Every Chinese American that comes here and opens a Chinese restaurant is poisoning people. That food is of such low quality, part of the reason there's so much obesity. Are they the enemy then? Not that all other types of Americans aren't doing the same. McDonnalds... KFC... just the tip of the iceberg. Capitalism, which can't be defeated, is the root of this. Its the human condition to want more for less and so this is where we are in histroy... but hey, history is being made everywhere, all the time. There's just so little of it being covered in the media and written down in the books..
How do you kill America. And is America the land we're standing on? Or the people that live here...

Every Chinese American that comes here and opens a Chinese restaurant is poisoning people. That food is of such low quality, part of the reason there's so much obesity. Are they the enemy then? Not that all other types of Americans aren't doing the same. McDonnalds... KFC... just the tip of the iceberg. Capitalism, which can't be defeated, is the root of this. Its the human condition to want more for less and so this is where we are in histroy... but hey, history is being made everywhere, all the time. There's just so little of it being covered in the media and written down in the books..
Please provide descriptive link regarding Chinese restaurant cuisine.
Simple logic, you mean. I'm not sure what I feel about this place although I certainly wouldn't be so foolish as to believe Democrats are perfect angels and are saviors of humanitys greater benefit. I think I'm old enough and wise enough to know how people work.

I have a feeling in another year, even people who have no opinion of politics will be missing that time Trump was in office. Mean tweets and immorality aside, people’s pockets were doing better.

The Democratic primary voter turnout was not enthusiastic enough to pick an outside the box candidate. Those who voted went with familiarity it seems. The machine picked Biden. Booker, Yang, or Holder were 8 year material who would have remained more likable than Biden in my opinion. They just didn’t have the machine’s backing. Sanders had years and years of familiarity and got pretty close, but the machine won.

The midterms will be interesting to watch but 2024 is a long ways away and many political cycles from final opinions
the only reason the tax cut helped the middle class were the child tax credits, which most republicans fought against. for some reason, it was important to Marco Rubio, and he fought for it, until other republicans caved to his pressure and included the child tax credits.
the benefits would have been much less if it wasn't for Rubio.
Simple logic, you mean. I'm not sure what I feel about this place although I certainly wouldn't be so foolish as to believe Democrats are perfect angels and are saviors of humanitys greater benefit. I think I'm old enough and wise enough to know how people work.
What you say about Chinese restaurants does not evolve from first principles. Provide links or be disbelieved.
yeah right. you cant argue that. as yummy as it is, its toxic. a lot of things are. who's behind it? Banks and lenders and capitlism and everything else human that cant be fixed
go eat chinese food everynight of the week and watch what happens to you in a month. Also, I bet one day they'll find that cancer is linked to many of the things in our food..
"Democrats are working within the Republic.

Republicans are actively working to tear it down.

This kills your “they both suck” propaganda unless you too want the Republic destroyed."

If the world were really that simple... you sir/mam.. are ignorant. Life is far more complicated than that
"Democrats are working within the Republic.

Republicans are actively working to tear it down.

This kills your “they both suck” propaganda unless you too want the Republic destroyed."

If the world were really that simple... you sir/mam.. are ignorant. Life is far more complicated than that
A lovely sentiment. Provide links.
there is way, way too much truth out there for any one mind to grasp. this, obviously, includes sifting out whats false. Go on, try it. I dare you.