Was Biden a good choice or was he the only choice?


I keep thinking, like, does this person know more than I do? Could i be wrong about life, misinformed about whats going on? Just a second of guessing, and then, I'm like "nahhhh."

Perhaps we've had very diferent life experiences, we'll leave it at that.

One funny thing about Republicans - toss one a gun and point at some fish, pheasants, racoon, deer, bear, lions, a swarm of insects and whales - he'll kill the thing quicker than you can pick out what it is.

Then... tell him you're going to kill something the size of a quarter that will one day grow 5+ feet tall, never listen to what you teach it, demand to be fed, given gifts on every holidays, take wheverer and whatever it can, try and hold you responsible for choices they make themselves, add to the growing problem of over population, and suddenly they're saviors to the entire universe..

I keep thinking, like, does this person know more than I do? Could i be wrong about life, misinformed about whats going on? Just a second of guessing, and then, I'm like "nahhhh."

Perhaps we've had very diferent life experiences, we'll leave it at that.

One funny thing about Republicans - toss one a gun and point at some fish, pheasants, racoon, deer, bear, lions, a swarm of insects and whales - he'll kill the thing quicker than you can pick out what it is.

Then... tell him you're going to kill something the size of a quarter that will one day grow 5+ feet tall, never listen to what you teach it, demand to be fed, given gifts on every holidays, take wheverer and whatever it can, try and hold you responsible for choices they make themselves, and suddenly they're saviors to the entire universe..
I do not know what to make of this post. Perhaps you’ll break it down into something manageable.
I do not know what to make of this post. Perhaps you’ll break it down into something manageable.
i'd like to see that...do you think he often shoots fish? or swarms of gnats AND whales? presumably at the same time.
and how does doing any of that equate to performing an abortion? wheres the connection? is that supposed to point out...hypocrisy?
it's ok to perform abortions because you can shoot animals....and fish.....? or is it not ok to shoot animals and fish and insects because it's not ok to perform abortions?.....
I think the majority of people in the army are Republicans. And police. Give them a gun and tell them the enemy is black people or afghans herding goats, or a school bulding that looks like a missile factory and kaboom.

Just something I've picked up on. Much quicker to go for a gun, often no problem killing animals, are often terrible bullies and nasty tempered to other people ...except fetuses??

Well... I'm going on the ones I've crossed paths with.

But you're doing a mighty fine job of connecting the dots in your own special way. I think we all do..
I should also mention I know my fair share of Democrats that play the role of local humanitarians and are actually clever capitalists that pray on others..
I'm not sure what you said to earn this enmity, but i agree with you on a lot said here.

I was regular US Army, fyi. Not a Republican.
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I'm not a big fan of President Biden but he was our only option to drive Trump out of office. Personally I would have voted for an untrained monkey as long as it was a democratic monkey. Right now I'm very concerned that the trillions that are going toward infrastructure and a blend of other needy causes will go the same way as the money we send overseas. There is nothing to assure that corrupt governmental officials whether it's at the Federal, state or local levels will not get the cream off the top. Should we put in more overseers to see and ensure that the money goes where it's supposed to go and not into any individual pockets. Unemployment benefits have now been extended through September which which is great for the truly needy but how do we weed out the rampant fraud and should we aggressively pursue those individuals who have committed that fraud or should we just let it go. The vice channel has a very interesting show called "while the rest of us die". . It is amazing how many large corporations have benefited hugely from the pandemic and it also outlines the huge number of Congress who have also scraped millions of dollars of cream off the top. Do we forget about it at all levels or just write it off as lessons not learned. I'm sure there's something in this rather vague and poorly written thread that paints me as conservative or Republican but by all that's holy I am firmly left of center. Probably not sufficiently left of center to prevent my being sent to the pillory.
PS... Are we not going to be able to convict Trump of anything criminal preferably felonious before the next election and doesn't matter. I don't believe he's pushing hard enough through rallies, fundraisers etc to be contemplating a run. Then again I have 10 bucks that says he's still raking in a fortune from his minions.
Yeah, Trump was really mean.
Biden is is just a dementia riddled feeb that was installed.
Love the food and gas prices now. So much better then when the mean guy was in office. How's that Russia collusion investigation going?
How's that pee gate investigation going? Where's Stormy Daniels? She's got the goods on Trump. "He's going to be arrested soon"....umm, no. You know why? Because he's not guilty of anything. Shits all made up. They started this nonsense the day after the 2016 election. Better wake up and realize all the garbage thrown at trump was all shit the democrats were and are guilty of. That's why you'll never see any arrest of President Trump, because it's all made up political nonsense.
Including quid pro quo and Collusion with foreign governments. Hunter Biden was laundering money for his father under the guise of "working" for other countries. Funny how they called Trump "Xenophobic" when he suspended travel from/ too China and the retard in the White House just did the same thing with Africa but that's ok. The new Variant is bullshit.
Get a clue. Quit voting for a letter next to a name and actually look and see what's going on around you. Quit watching MSNBC and CNN.
Or stay in your THC induced haze and don't worry about it. Because if you think we are better off with that "optic" president that can't remember where he is and can't complete a full thought, you should sell what you're smoking for $250 a gram because it must be really good shit.
Yeah, Trump was really mean.
Biden is is just a dementia riddled feeb that was installed.
Love the food and gas prices now. So much better then when the mean guy was in office. How's that Russia collusion investigation going?
How's that pee gate investigation going? Where's Stormy Daniels? She's got the goods on Trump. "He's going to be arrested soon"....umm, no. You know why? Because he's not guilty of anything. Shits all made up. They started this nonsense the day after the 2016 election. Better wake up and realize all the garbage thrown at trump was all shit the democrats were and are guilty of. That's why you'll never see any arrest of President Trump, because it's all made up political nonsense.
Including quid pro quo and Collusion with foreign governments. Hunter Biden was laundering money for his father under the guise of "working" for other countries. Funny how they called Trump "Xenophobic" when he suspended travel from/ too China and the retard in the White House just did the same thing with Africa but that's ok. The new Variant is bullshit.
Get a clue. Quit voting for a letter next to a name and actually look and see what's going on around you. Quit watching MSNBC and CNN.
Or stay in your THC induced haze and don't worry about it. Because if you think we are better off with that "optic" president that can't remember where he is and can't complete a full thought, you should sell what you're smoking for $250 a gram because it must be really good shit.
Awesome post!

It’s like reading a list of the trumptards greatest hits.
Yeah, Trump was really mean.
Biden is is just a dementia riddled feeb that was installed.
Love the food and gas prices now. So much better then when the mean guy was in office. How's that Russia collusion investigation going?
How's that pee gate investigation going? Where's Stormy Daniels? She's got the goods on Trump. "He's going to be arrested soon"....umm, no. You know why? Because he's not guilty of anything. Shits all made up. They started this nonsense the day after the 2016 election. Better wake up and realize all the garbage thrown at trump was all shit the democrats were and are guilty of. That's why you'll never see any arrest of President Trump, because it's all made up political nonsense.
Including quid pro quo and Collusion with foreign governments. Hunter Biden was laundering money for his father under the guise of "working" for other countries. Funny how they called Trump "Xenophobic" when he suspended travel from/ too China and the retard in the White House just did the same thing with Africa but that's ok. The new Variant is bullshit.
Get a clue. Quit voting for a letter next to a name and actually look and see what's going on around you. Quit watching MSNBC and CNN.
Or stay in your THC induced haze and don't worry about it. Because if you think we are better off with that "optic" president that can't remember where he is and can't complete a full thought, you should sell what you're smoking for $250 a gram because it must be really good shit.

Trump isn't real. Have you ever touched him? He's a hologram created by Sheldon Adelson to control you. Think about it and wake up sheeple.
Yeah, show me here anything I posted above isn't a fact, you fucking communist piece of shit
“dementia-riddled feeb” is plainly false but is a favorite of the fascist press e. g. Fox.

You are simply bringing the familiar big lies because you are actually happy to stay in alt-fact Q land. But get outta here. We’re not interested in being evangelized by yet another deplorable.
Did you mean alternative facts, snowflake?

It's funny, the local rural gas station is $5/g and there's a sticker next to it with Biden pointing and saying "I did that!". However, if you go to the Costco gas station in the city, the price is $4.10/g, same as when trump was in office. It often seems like republicans create a problem for the purpose of blaming someone else.
It's funny, the local rural gas station is $5/g and there's a sticker next to it with Biden pointing and saying "I did that!". However, if you go to the Costco gas station in the city, the price is $4.10/g, same as when trump was in office. It often seems like republicans create a problem for the purpose of blaming someone else.
Insert gif of bull defecating. They’re awful quick to claim credit for the rescue work done by the interleaved Democrat administrations.
It's funny, the local rural gas station is $5/g and there's a sticker next to it with Biden pointing and saying "I did that!". However, if you go to the Costco gas station in the city, the price is $4.10/g, same as when trump was in office. It often seems like republicans create a problem for the purpose of blaming someone else.
i got a roll of "trump lost, get over it" stickers from etsy...every time i see one of those "i did that" stickers, i just slap a trump lost sticker on top of it