Well-Known Member
You don't want Chlorine in the levels it comes out of the tap. I'm from Flint I know.
Which flint is that as there is 1 place named Flint in the U.K. and 13 places named Flint In the USA lol.
if it’s the one in the U.K. then with the Welsh water you’ll be fine lol.
Chlorination Toxicity in Plants from Tap Water
Given the above values it becomes clear that neither chlorine nor chloramine in drinking water will be toxic to indoor potted plants. The CDC agrees with this statement for both chlorine and chloramine. The University of Nebraska found no harm from chloramines.
When eight different bedding plants and nine shrub species were sprayed repeatedly with 100 ppm chlorine dioxide, there was no significant damage to plants. In another study, chlorine had no effect on the growth of radish and lettuce.
Taken from here.

Chlorine, Chloramine and Plants - Everything You Need to Know
You have probably heard that chlorine in tap water is harmful to plants. Some cities have switched to using chloramine in tap water and that is also a concern for plants because it is much harder to remove before watering indoor plants. What is the difference between chlorine and chloramine...

there are other bits of information here but if your municipal supply is drinking safe then it’s fine for plants.