Water For Soaking Seeds

You don't want Chlorine in the levels it comes out of the tap. I'm from Flint I know.

Which flint is that as there is 1 place named Flint in the U.K. and 13 places named Flint In the USA lol.

if it’s the one in the U.K. then with the Welsh water you’ll be fine lol.

Chlorination Toxicity in Plants from Tap Water
Given the above values it becomes clear that neither chlorine nor chloramine in drinking water will be toxic to indoor potted plants. The CDC agrees with this statement for both chlorine and chloramine. The University of Nebraska found no harm from chloramines.

When eight different bedding plants and nine shrub species were sprayed repeatedly with 100 ppm chlorine dioxide, there was no significant damage to plants. In another study, chlorine had no effect on the growth of radish and lettuce.

Taken from here.

there are other bits of information here but if your municipal supply is drinking safe then it’s fine for plants.
Last year I ran a little experiment and popped one seed directly in the soil (my usual method) and one through the soaking and paper towel method.

The plant from the seed popped in soil was always further along than the plant from a soaked seed. I was surprised as I thought the soaked seed would have an advantage.

One of the breeders I buy seeds from have strict guidelines for soaking to honour their guarantee. I still pop em in soil and so far, I’ve had them all germinate. *knocks on wood*
Which flint is that as there is 1 place named Flint in the U.K. and 13 places named Flint In the USA lol.

if it’s the one in the U.K. then with the Welsh water you’ll be fine lol.

Chlorination Toxicity in Plants from Tap Water
Given the above values it becomes clear that neither chlorine nor chloramine in drinking water will be toxic to indoor potted plants. The CDC agrees with this statement for both chlorine and chloramine. The University of Nebraska found no harm from chloramines.

When eight different bedding plants and nine shrub species were sprayed repeatedly with 100 ppm chlorine dioxide, there was no significant damage to plants. In another study, chlorine had no effect on the growth of radish and lettuce.

Taken from here.

there are other bits of information here but if your municipal supply is drinking safe then it’s fine for plants.
Flint, Michigan. Usa
not saying that a very few ppm chlorine are killing a plant but.

"Chlorine and chloride are different from one another. Even though chloride is derived from chlorine, they cannot be compared for similarities or used in place of the other. Therefore it is important to know the difference between the two. "

your link is refering to chloride, not chlorine as you stated.
I don't soak seeds but just plant them direct and water with straight tap water. I've been using tap water for decades and my water contains both chlorine and chloramine with a pH of around 8. I never have any issue with seeds germinating.

You don't want any water that comes out of the tap in Flint. Did anyone ever go to jail for that?
Many serious charges. One minor conviction. >:(

I soak seeds in water with peroxid 12-24 hours then into the medium. I have also drowned them with too long in water or paper towels too wet. :wink: