Water quailty ? Need some input please.


I have been using purified water that has ether been steam distilled and purified through reverse osmosis and im waiting on my pH meeter to come in the mail so i have nothing to measure my pH with. ALSO i have been using this water with the nutrients u get from stealth hydro with this water do u think my ph will be alright and what do u think about the method im using is for any reason this bad?(other than me not being able to test my ph atm)

strain stalker

New Member
yes. The one I've used comes with a small cylinder which you fill 1/2 way up...then you add 3-5 drops of the solution into the cylinder....shake it up, and there you go. Match the color of the water with the color chart that come with the test kit.


New Member
If yo have a Ph mter i on order just go to any pet store and ask them to test your waters pH. If they seel tropical fish and are evena half ass good storethey will test your water. Nearly all nutrients made for hydroponics mixes up to a pH around 5.4 to 5.6. If your water with nutrients added does not fall between about 5.4 and 5.7 then I would buy a cheap pH test kit to check your pH as you dadjust it.


Active Member
Nearly all nutrients made for hydroponics mixes up to a pH around 5.4 to 5.6.
depends on the ph of your water your starting with.

i get ro water from 2 places, at 1 its ph is 6.5, at the other the ph is 5.5. what do you think happens when i mix nutes with the 5.5 ph water? well i use alot of ph up because it drops the ph of the solution down to under 4.5.
with the 6.5 ro water i use alot less ph up.

always check your ph, dont trust the labels.


New Member
depends on the ph of your water your starting with.

i get ro water from 2 places, at 1 its ph is 6.5, at the other the ph is 5.5. what do you think happens when i mix nutes with the 5.5 ph water? well i use alot of ph up because it drops the ph of the solution down to under 4.5.
with the 6.5 ro water i use alot less ph up.

always check your ph, dont trust the labels.
You need to aerate your RO water . It sounds like its laoded up with CO2. When a RO membrane removes the calcium excetra from carbaonates it does not remove the CO2. The harder the water aws that entered the RO filter the more CO2 it leaves in the water. If the water is bottled soon after it is filtered the CO2 is not outgassed. If the CO2 was at normal ambient levels the water pH would bre 7 and it would have no impact on the nutrient pH.