Watering?! *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Glad I could get ya thinkin' straight!
Any thin stick, or thin screwdriver . . . you know . . . it ain't gonna hurt nothin' to tear thru, poke a few feeder roots anyway.


Well-Known Member
I dug down in the dirt when I got home... I also dug around in the drain holes...

It was totally dry... Not one moist piece of dirt I could find....

I watered them throughly... Every hole had water coming from it... I did from the stem out... The whole damn thing....

they are either going to perk up.. or not.

I think some of the roots died or something.. maybe it's going to have to rejuvinate some roots.


Well-Known Member
Well, now you know where you are. I think it'll be fine. like I said some dry times, some wet times are all good. Come back and tell us what happens. :)


Well-Known Member
Well, as long as you don't fall victim again, it'll be worth it. Pots tough. Your plant may go thru a serious "shed" change from you fixin' the prob, but I'll bet, unless you drown it, it'll be fine?


Well-Known Member
So, I did that really good watering last night at around 6pm.

Then this morning around 4am when I was going to bed, I checked them and the leaves appeared to be not as droopy. When I woke up this morning at 9am I noticed they still we're looking slightly better.

Another thing I did was I put the fan from HIGH to LOW. I hope this will cause the dirt to not dry out as fast. Also, my temps were around 70 with the fan on high, now they are around 77 with it on low.

I looked down at the drainholes of my pots and saw that there are rejuvinating root development.

I think this tells me that my plants were UNDERwatered because the thorough watering yesterday has caused them to perk up and create new roots.

I am going to allow them to go into their normal 6 hours of darkness, and when they wake up I am going to check their dirt, if their dirt is dry, I am going to do a thorough watering. Just to help get back on track.

I didnt have dry dirt issues before, but i think my dirt is just drying more quickly than other peoples.

Here are pics.

Mainly the plant on the right:

Old dead roots from drying out. Taken this morning 9am

new roots


Well-Known Member
they look almost over watered, or heat? i see you have some fans up so it must not be heat. i just went and bought a 5$ moisture meter and it solves your watering problem

Just because you have fans doesn't take temp out of being a problem. I have acouple fans goin and mine still gets hot.


Well-Known Member
Plants still look like shit. This morning was the first morning that their dirt was actually still moist at "lights off" time.

They still look like shit and I am starting to not really have any fun growing or hanging out with them. It's annoying, because if their soil is dry as a desert they droop... If it is moist, they droop.

The ONLY time they look half decent is around 12am-2am. So about 7-9 hours into LIGHT period.

Now one of the has leaves that are kind of hooking under a little bit.

Im using no nutes, the temps are fine.....

no clue.....

Magically went from having really healthy plants, that grew at a great rate... to this.... they have been the same size for EVER now...



Well-Known Member
I'm very used to that by now my friend.. and have learned the fact that, drooping leaves are just a way of the plant to respond to overwatering.

I flush my plant with almost a litre of water every 7-8 days... no watering in between.
The plant drains itself out within the first few hours of watering..and slowly absorbs and dries out the soil for the rest of the week... and then I flush again, and the first day or 2 the leaves are always droopy.

Try to figure out a schedule for watering, and definitely dont water them till they're back up.

Goodluck man...


Well-Known Member
Oh btw, there are many other reasons a plant would droop too... But from the looks of it, i'll say overwatering.



Well-Known Member
So.. .even though the dirt, even 3 inches below the surface of the dirt, is so dry it's like a desert.... like dust dry... even at the bottom of the pot... dry... dry dry dry.. dusty dry....... you think the plant is overwatered?

That is amazing to me.


Well-Known Member
Well i'm not gonna dream of the fact that the dirt is desert dry dude..

And sometimes if it's not draining perfectly, the plant will hold moisture at the lower level and retain it for a while.

Give it atleast 12 more hours of light, and post some pics then.

The only reason I said that it must be overwatering, was becuase your plants look pretty damn healthy to me... and more or less like mine when I flush them.

Hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
When it is dry, its like really really dry....

This is the first day where it was moist the whole 18 hours and was moist going into the 6 of darkness... But they arent looking any better even with moist soil

What do you mean "give it at least 12 more hours of light"?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday at 6pm so.. 18 hrs 40 mins ago. They are in dark period until 5pm PST which is in about 5.5 hours from now


Well-Known Member
Aright, so that's what I meant... Give them another 18 Hours then... and then post some pics... its okay for plants to droop up to 18 hours after the watering time.

But what i'm a bit confused about is... how the hell did all your soil from top to bottom dry out in just 18-19 hours :s.


Well-Known Member
Ok.. Im going to explain again...

This is the first time its moist.. You said it is overwatered.. Im saying, this has been a process for days now... and I have allowed the soil to be like DESERT dry.. Today, nope, its not desert dry..... However, previously in this search for the problem, I have allowed it to be EXTREMELY DRY and it never perks up.

So, so far.. Ive allowed it to be like a DESERT... as well, as be moist... No difference.


Well-Known Member
So for how long has your plant just been drooping dude?

I'm sorry... My bad, habit not to read through all the posts.

Anyways, another reason that plants droop is when roots don't get enough space to breathe... It could be 2 things... Root bound.. or plant soil too hard.
I'm tryin to think of more things that would cause a plant to just droop like that.. Have you inspected your leaves?.. Nothing odd right..


Well-Known Member
Dude... You flushed it on the ..18...21...and 23?.. that's 3 times you flushed a plant in 1 week... that`s insane.
My last word is that the plant is overwatered, let it go atleast 5 days from the last flush and then see results.