Watering?! *PICS*


Well-Known Member
Lol, my bad then.

I guess I just always used the term watering as a bit.. and flushing as a shit load.

But noway in hell am I giving my plants 3 times its medium lol... And yeah, MG is the fucking shit.. I Love it lol... but there are just ways of controlling it, it has worked wonders for me... considering I haven't fed my plant shit since day one.

But yeah, I guess I recommend Flushing the plant with enough water to just let it drain.. not 3 times the medium lol... or watering... however it makes sense.



Well-Known Member
Umm... I just checked out your grow box build and i see a nice exhaust... what about the intakes at the bottom?.... am i just not seeing it?
Hey, right now I dont have an "intake" in the bottom because the door to my box isn't totally sealed. Sometimes I dont even close it all the way. It has a big gap around the whole door so it gets adequate ventilation.

I am waiting for my HPS/cooltube setup. I need to receive it (hopefully by) Friday and get it all install this coming weekend. I will then be fully sealing the door the way I initially intended, so I will be putting in 1-2 intake holes in the bottom of the box.

Not sure how many or what size... right now I do have about a 1.5"x1.5" hole in the bottom of the box for the power cord to enter the box.

I will prob start with a 2" hole to begin with and see how that goes.


Well-Known Member
Currently: 5:30, Oct 27
Last water: 6:00pm, Oct 25
Time passed since last watering: 48 hours

Uhmm.. looking a little saggy again... Input guys?

And the tippy top looks pretty weird with the new growth...



Well-Known Member
Beats me...

"Whats the burn?"
I dont do nutes.. I only have twice, like 2 weeks ago.. I didnt do it! lol

Whats with the leaves dropping again? (I have a photoshop document with all the pics and what time they are taken, and I turn off the layers to see he difference.)

"Whats the temps in there"
Temp right now... 71 (lights just came on recently)... Highest temp 81. Its not too hot if thats what youre insinuating.


Well-Known Member
hmm.. dude this really has me stumped... I mean your plants always look like that?.. they seem nice and green... i did see some rusting in one of the tips...thats usually nute burn.. but it usually does it in other parts too...

honestly the plant doesnt look too bad... I would leave it alone and let her ride... did you get one of those moisture meters from HD yet?.


Well-Known Member
Dude i Still say the more air the better... Im not convinced about just leaving open holes as intakes... and an oscillating fan would be nice... i had one of those fans you got there up against the wall and it didnt provide enough wind movement... do your leafs move?


Well-Known Member
Iunno man.. Im thinking they might be root BOUND?

I mean, when I transferred them from the party cup to their current pots, they had TONS of roots and that was in just 1 week. Their roots were at the bottom of these pots in a week after transplant.

I just dont fucking know.... I do see pure white, beautiful fresh, new, hairy roots coming from the drainholes again.


Well-Known Member
Dude i Still say the more air the better... Im not convinced about just leaving open holes as intakes... and an oscillating fan would be nice... i had one of those fans you got there up against the wall and it didnt provide enough wind movement... do your leafs move?
Yeah, they blow around like crazy. Your fan mustve been broken if you had the exact one. This is a really hard blowing fan.

And my stems are tough... I mean, those fuckers are like STUCK in place. My fans on them during their life's have been real good.

I do do research brother. I know to blow them around, I know to watch temps, humidity etc.

Yes, I am having an issue with them, but the obvious things have been checked. If it was a shit environment I would know it.

I really believe it's someething under the dirt thats causing me trouble.... Watering, root bound, root rot, etc?? something like that. Knawmean?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they blow around like crazy. Your fan mustve been broken if you had the exact one. This is a really hard blowing fan.

And my stems are tough... I mean, those fuckers are like STUCK in place. My fans on them during their life's have been real good.

I do do research brother. I know to blow them around, I know to watch temps, humidity etc.

Yes, I am having an issue with them, but the obvious things have been checked. If it was a shit environment I would know it.

I really believe it's someething under the dirt thats causing me trouble.... Watering, root bound, root rot, etc?? something like that. Knawmean?
Its probably my fault that i didnt read your journal more carefully... lol..
beleave it or not I use 64 oz cups for my vegging period and in one of my blueberry sour ladies It seem to have the beggining of rot... I did get root rot bad when i did dwc my 1st grow..lol... hence why i love soil... hydro seemed all cool till i found out about water chillers ...then i was just like another 500$...fuck that... Some day..lol... Anyway my point to all that ramble was that from my experiments with the 64 ozrs i can be witness that these roots grow compact and fast ... I guess thats why i end up in 5 gallon buckets... but then you see some people that grow in small as buckets... (i do have to admit that there plants dont look as lush as mine though..lol)... anyway.... when was the last transplant?
Good luck


Well-Known Member
you know what man ...you guys might have something there with the root issue...
Blueberry clones looked like it had the commence of root rot when i transplanted... You can see in this pic... its the 2nd one from the left... the leafs look familiar?



Well-Known Member

I transplanted them when they were 10days old. They had tons of roots. I was surprised. (I have tranplanted 1 other time, it was a ghetto unserious grow and it's roots were not near as crazy as these ones, and it was much older)..

So anyways, day 10 I put from party cups, to 1.5gal pots.

Today is day 28... So it has been 18 days since the last transplant.

I'd love to get them in some 3 or 5 gallon containers. BUT, Right now I have to have the fan in there... Once my HPS/Cooltube get here then I will be able to remove the big fan I have and I can mount a smaller fan I have.. just to blow the leaves around...

In other words, I want to put them in large containers but they wont fit... Until in like 5 days...


Well-Known Member
you know what man ...you guys might have something there with the root issue...

I veg in 65 oz cups and 1 of my blueberry clones looked like it had the commence of root rot when i transplanted... You can see in this pic... its the 2nd one from the left... the leafs look familiar?

When you say root rot, do you mean root rot or root bound?


Well-Known Member
I mentioned root rot too.. Root bound just means the roots don't have enough space to grow, and hence start encircling the soil.
Root Rot is basically over watering.. or bad drainage.. causes roots to stay moist all the time.

If you can see the roots from the bottom, that's probably not a good sign... cuz that means they've outgrown the current pot. If 5 days is all you need to transplant, then wait 5 days.. and by then if they look healthy, problem solved... if the current situation persists.. then go ahead and re-pot.

Goodluck man, sorry to hear things are stressin you so much.. growings supposed to be fun.


Well-Known Member
When you say root rot, do you mean root rot or root bound?
Well I don't really believe in root bound per say.... but no i meant root rot.
Brown roots.... decaying and weak... I just pulled them off trying not to hurt the good top half and transplanted... the plant is growing fine at my buddies house. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I know the difference between rootrot and rootbound. But he kept saying he transplanted them and talking about the size of the pots. The size of your pot has nothing to do with root rot, but rather root bound...

Iunno tho.. Transplanting wouldnt hurt regardless. I mean, when I transplanted them last time they didnt stunt growth at all. They loved the new pots. I am going to build my HPS/Cooltube as fast as I possibly can and get these plants into some 5 gals. They shouldnt ever need a bigger pot than that! lol

Plus, when I do transplant then I will be able to see the roots and know if they are rotted!! lol

They just gotta stay alive ... cmon babies.... stay alive! lol


Well-Known Member
Update: I just went and checked the pot on the left. I dug in it.. about 4 inches under the surface... Which is about half the height of the entire pot. It was totally dry...

You guys sure about waiting the full 5 days? lol... Seems pretty damn dry.