Waterlogged! Help!


I am not new to growing, but new to growing successfully. This is my second time getting plants to the flowering stage. They are two plants, definitely female, and one began wilting 2 days ago. Now today it is very wilted, and my soil is soaked. I am assuming that it is waterlogged bc my pot was not draining properly. I added extra holes to pot bottom so it can drain better. I followed advice on general gardening websites:
threw out waterlogged soil,
took out plant, cleared some dirt from roots, and put plant on newspaper to dry. Some websites said a few hours, some said a whole 24 hours. Then I will trim off rotted roots and replant in new soil.

Does anyone have some advice for saving this beautiful plant? Leaves are still green and buds are forming. I would appreciate any help I can get!


Well-Known Member
Pictures would do us a world of good mate, better assist you that way. From the sounds of it your not draining well at all. Have any aerate in your medium (perlite, vermiculite, hydroton, etc.)? When and if you up-pot again, try supplementing those in. Check my signature as well for some soil tricks for good draining, healthy soil mixes. Happy growing,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
I've you're flowering right now, I'd just get it back in some dryer soil, but I wouldn't leave a flowering plant overnight on the ground with a newspaper blanket.


Active Member
Just put it in new Dirt the rest of that is junk. Do not get the wet dirt of the roots, do not put it on paper, do not let it sit for any leangth of time. Just put it in a pot with new soil, and water very lighty to mosi the soil so it drys evenly Very lightly or not at all for day if its really bad off.