Way2-highs First grow.

Nice job W2H

love the clean and simplistic grow box/setup bro. I think many a newb could benefit from this.

Plant seems to be doing well, glad to see that
Here’s the closet setup I just decided on. All lights are connected to a timer and power bars.
043B5BEE-C58D-4FA3-8081-DD906A844352.jpeg 72BC0847-AF67-4401-BFF9-04AF8F9BF676.jpeg
A total of three switches for all lights. Moved the side light into the closet, I’ll just turn the plant so each side gets some side love lol.

3 fans are on a different circuit so they always run, I do turn them down at lights off because there’s no need to cool the lights.

There is 4 2700k 15w leds, 4 5000k 15w leds, 1 full spectrum 300w led UFO ( draws 140w) and 2 3000k 50w floodlights that’s the main light and I have a side light that has 2 2700k 15w leds, 1 2700k 9w led and 1 full spectrum 22w led.
Holy sounds like a lot of work! Can’t wait to see how it turns out for ya. I have a similar set up with a blurple and screw in leds
Yellow, UFO
Green, 2700k
Blue, 5000k
Red, 3000k
Purple, sidelight
The lights are all on the same circuit using a timer.

Yellow comes on at 12pm and stays on all 12.
Green comes on at 1pm and off at 11pm.
Blue and purple are together and get about 3 hours of use during mid day.
Red is on for 8 hours.

They rarely get full blast I just like to mess with spectrums.
It works underwater so I’m guessing it will above too.
I realize the act of flicking a switch isn’t work. I meant it would be a pain in the ass to make sure you do it everyday. Or that you are even home everyday to do it. Not that it would matter if you forgot anyways ... :/