We need 100,000 signatures!


Well-Known Member
even if we had 100 million signatures, they still won't legalize it. they are making too much money off of it being illegal. it's all about the benjamins yo.


Active Member
ya america will not legalize weed cuz the best weed aint made in america.....simple as that...there tryin to sell there own drugs like zoloft and all that weird shit with side affects


even if we had 100 million signatures, they still won't legalize it. they are making too much money off of it being illegal. it's all about the benjamins yo.
i agree with you man, i dont think america will ever legalize, but at the same time, if it were to be legalized, it would have to be initiated by something like this, so despite my feelings, i will sign every legalization petition thrown my way.


Well-Known Member
thank you theres some positive attitude. I agree with both of you as well. But if we sit around and do nothing we are portraying the typical stoner image and thats what we should be fighting so hard not to portray i.e. lazy man smoking weed all day = weed is bad.


Well-Known Member
The only problem I see right off, it does no good to have someone sign it that does live in the US or a citizen. It will show support, but votes from anywhere outside of the US will be disqualified.


Well-Known Member
Also many people will object to signing their name and address onto a petition that basically says here i am i smoke or grow weed and i live here and my name is etc...

To be honest all though i think its great that people put themselves on the line to help to free the weed and ourselves,i doubt that any petition will do anything except give the DEA a list of drug users and possible growers.

I also don't have any better ideas,except constant and frequent peaceful demonstrations by masses of people all at once.

If you could organize a peaceful demonstration once a week they would soon cave in i am sure,but no one does this and i wouldn't have a clue on how to organize such a thing,but i do know that this is how most laws got changed over the years,signing bits of paper doesn't really do much in my opinion as they probably just chuck it in the bin.
You have to shout it in the streets or forget it:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
what we need to do is come up with a way to get everybody stoned without them knowing about it. then, when they see that this draconian law is bullshit, then they'll change their minds.


Well-Known Member
what we need to do is come up with a way to get everybody stoned without them knowing about it. then, when they see that this draconian law is bullshit, then they'll change their minds.
No they would just throw you in jail for an act of mass poisoning,in the usa i believe that would get you from life in prison to the death sentence depending on what state you live in:-|
Nice fantasy idea though:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
thats why he said no one knowing it. The mass stoned idea is a great idea. I'm going to have to think on that one for a while. The best way to do this would be to make a mass amount of those Thc drops that I've seen you can make, make a friend at the local water treatment facility and get our good stuff in the drinking water. This way people would never stop drinking water! Then we would move to china, broadcast a live television program stating we have been adding thc to the nations drinking water for 2 years now and the U.S. has done nothing but get better. That would show those suite wearing money grubbing pricks.


Well-Known Member
Also many people will object to signing their name and address onto a petition that basically says here i am i smoke or grow weed and i live here and my name is etc...

To be honest all though i think its great that people put themselves on the line to help to free the weed and ourselves,i doubt that any petition will do anything except give the DEA a list of drug users and possible growers.

I also don't have any better ideas,except constant and frequent peaceful demonstrations by masses of people all at once.

If you could organize a peaceful demonstration once a week they would soon cave in i am sure,but no one does this and i wouldn't have a clue on how to organize such a thing,but i do know that this is how most laws got changed over the years,signing bits of paper doesn't really do much in my opinion as they probably just chuck it in the bin.
You have to shout it in the streets or forget it:blsmoke:
Good realistic points. However, its going to a lot more than these peaceful demonstrations. Look, there has always been those 'demonstrations', they accomplished nothing and still dont. Come on, in most cases its just a bunch of stoned people standing in the park holding a few signs. Hell, I think the government feels sorry for us and lets us do it, they are actually throwing us a bone. Honestly, how do think the general public sees that? A bunch of people too stoned to actually demonstrate. I think another approach needs to be taken. Its time to show that we are not too stoned to even demonstrate. Its time to start making some noise out there. There is a stereotypical profile the general public sees people as that smoke weed. That needs to be changed. It will never be changed until WE change their minds about how many people that smoke that are on all levels of income and social status. The people that want it legal are going to have finally stand up and speak up. Let it be known. A real legit petition is a good way to start, but if the numbers are met then someone has to push it through the system at all costs. Petitions do work, I have seen it several times.


Well-Known Member
thats why he said no one knowing it. The mass stoned idea is a great idea. I'm going to have to think on that one for a while. The best way to do this would be to make a mass amount of those Thc drops that I've seen you can make, make a friend at the local water treatment facility and get our good stuff in the drinking water. This way people would never stop drinking water! Then we would move to china, broadcast a live television program stating we have been adding thc to the nations drinking water for 2 years now and the U.S. has done nothing but get better. That would show those suite wearing money grubbing pricks.
I understand your anger,but that kind of action is exactly what will help them to criminalize us not to free us.
You also have to understand that forcing people to use thc is not a good thing whatever our own views are as soon as we force them onto others we are as bad as the governments that control us:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
thats why he said no one knowing it. The mass stoned idea is a great idea. I'm going to have to think on that one for a while. The best way to do this would be to make a mass amount of those Thc drops that I've seen you can make, make a friend at the local water treatment facility and get our good stuff in the drinking water. This way people would never stop drinking water! Then we would move to china, broadcast a live television program stating we have been adding thc to the nations drinking water for 2 years now and the U.S. has done nothing but get better. That would show those suite wearing money grubbing pricks.
Sorry, terrible idea. Thats not the name we want to have.


Well-Known Member
Good realistic points. However, its going to a lot more than these peaceful demonstrations. Look, there has always been those 'demonstrations', they accomplished nothing and still dont. Come on, in most cases its just a bunch of stoned people standing in the park holding a few signs. Hell, I think the government feels sorry for us and lets us do it, they are actually throwing us a bone. Honestly, how do think the general public sees that? A bunch of people too stoned to actually demonstrate. I think another approach needs to be taken. Its time to show that we are not too stoned to even demonstrate. Its time to start making some noise out there. There is a stereotypical profile the general public sees people as that smoke weed. That needs to be changed. It will never be changed until WE change their minds about how many people that smoke that are on all levels of income and social status. The people that want it legal are going to have finally stand up and speak up. Let it be known. A real legit petition is a good way to start, but if the numbers are met then someone has to push it through the system at all costs. Petitions do work, I have seen it several times.
Three people can keep a secret if two are dead,and the other one didn't sign his name and address on a government petition.
-Benjamin Franklin

Read your own signature:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
There are millions and millions of tokers worldwide,if someone was to organize weekly rallys and demonstrations,peaceful ones that is,this would get results and has done throughout history over and over again.
American decriminalization is the key to world decriminalization:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I will push the petition I started even if it meant me dying for it. This issue needs to be solved and I do not want my children to have the same legal trouble I have been through in my life because of it. It sickens me to think that I have such a hard life now because of such a harmless thing. Odd really. Actually pathetic is the word I was looking for. We need to do this guys. And if your afraid the petition will not be pushed once completed, you are sorrily mistaken. I want to change this, more so then when I wanted to start my roofing company. The company turned out great and I now have the ability to take off three days a week and do what I please. We need to set goals, and make then happen. Period.

And whoever said the DEA thing. They don't have the time, resources, or willingness to go to 100,000 peoples houses to bust a small time grower thats only growing for himself. Now if your growing commercially I wouldn't be putting my name anywhere lol. But then again I'm not, and I hope people on here would be smart enough not to as well. There are so many other ways to make money. Let's just get this petition done.

Also if anyone belongs to any other Marijuana endorsed sites and could forward the link on there that would be great! Thanks for the help to all!