Weak stems, <1 week old


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. I have a separate Grow thread for these guys, which were planted just a few days ago over the weekend.

4 White Skunks in the back, and 2 random bagseed Middies in the front. Currently, only 2 of the Skunks and 1 Middie came through the whole in my Aerogarden, but they're looking kinda iffy...

The one I'm most worried about is the back-right one, a skunk, the 1st picture. That stem looks quite thin/elongated (taking the dome off sucked, it almost pulled it out of the sponge!), and it fell over when I took the dome off. Is that the end for that one? :cry:

The other two seem to be doing decent, but also have thin stems.

Any thoughts? Am I just freaking out unnecessarily? :confused:



Active Member
so if i understand the aerogarden uses one cfl light right? this probably just isn't enough light for the plants. in general, they will not be as vibrantly green if they don't have enough light. fixtures and cfl's are a cheap thing to buy to add light. also one thing that makes plant stems strong is a fan. even a small breeze will exorcise the stems, ripping and tearing them slightly like muscles.

hope this helps lol ask if you have any more questions


Active Member
just give them a bit of time before you start calling them dead and yeah a fan definetly will help with strengthening them up


Well-Known Member
the AG comes with a pair of small CFL's on top, which as far as I know should be decent for growing a plant or two for personal use :)

The fan thing is a good idea, thanks! I just set one up a few feet away. Would put it closer, but even on high-speed its barely getting to the plants. 6" walmart fan, of course...should bought a 4", the 6 is too big right now, so i can't put it too close :(

Shell casings came off today, one had to be helped, so I hope that with the fan blowing they'll start to improve in a day or so...

Got a few pics :)
(that light there I just put in a few minutes ago...think it'll help the plants? It's a weak 17W CFL, but every bit helps, right?

The lights on the AG are as low as they get, so I can't lower them any more...



Well-Known Member
put the lite close, really close, and put the fan directly on em blowing between the lites and the plant, the fan creates friction and causes the plants to grow towards the fan. the stems will eventually thicken, bigger stem equals more yeild cuz the plant can support more.


Well-Known Member
as I said, I can't put either light any closer, as teh AG won't go any lower, and I don't have mounting for my 2 extra CFL lights. I have duct tape and velcro, but i don't think i'll be doing that just yet...

I'm gonna let the small breeze hit em for a day or so, see how it goes...maybe move it closer later.

@Babs34: What makes you say that? Does it hurt seedlings?


Well-Known Member
it doesnt hurt anything, a slight breez is perfect for them, they just need that little bit. and u want the lites close as possible so they dont stretch and you'll just continue to have this problem of having a weak plant.


Well-Known Member
Leova, I'm getting ready to hit the sack, so I'll make this short. Seedlings should be treated like babies.....GENTLY.
That being said, they really DON'T need ANY kind of wind blowing around them.
If you are trying to add additional lighting to the sides.....all sorts of desk lamps that adjust in several ways. Good luck and save the fan (and electricity) for later.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all!

I think you're right, i'll kill the fan for now...let em do their thing for my first grow, then next time around i can go tech-crazy :)