I'm not criticizing anyone on the post whatsoever. Just the fact that you all took time to stop by this post shows care and concern and yes the turd joke did get a nice chuckle out of me. But the truth is youre over loading your life with stress. And to go out of the way for this grow attempt and having to do prevention methods for your grow on sprouts just kinda displaces your opportunity to grow as a grower. This situation will set you back. You instincts just wants a clean fresh stable smooth going grow. So what I think you should do is:
#Get an organic bag of seedstarter like Espoma...
#Get you some of the small party cups that was mentioned from the grow friend above.
#Do the run off first in your cup-pots. This will keep the seeds from sinking further deeper. Which will prolong gemination.
#Then plant your seeds from the tip of your finger to the first crease or fold of the finger.
#Put them in a secure place like in a dark box where theres is some air flow around the box until they sprout. And you can even start them on the 18/6 lighting cycle that works too.
#make sure you have your vegging soil and your 1 to 2 gallon pots as well because after two to three weeks your going to want to transplant for your actual first month of veg to flower. You know what I mean... like the first 28 days is your seedling maturety and the second set of 28 is the first actual mature month of vegging. And for good yeild plants must be very mature with good root systems... So starting them in small cups for their first 2 to 3 weeks then trans-p into the 1 gallon. If they grow fast and vigorous before their official first month is over then immediately trans-p to 3gallon pots. And after the three either 5g or 7g. And as far as this grow of mold and fungus I wouldnt trust that soil for outdoors. But obviously you did not have proper air flow which would have prevented that. Thus too much moister in big pots starting seeds is not so wise of a choice when you want yo raise good healthy plants. Thus the tap roots would shoot straight down deep before really offsprings or side roots start shooting from the main root causing a lousy foundation and root system which I do believe causes root boud and rot quicker than it would a healthy root system would. This is only my experiences and opinion. I'm just sitting at your table on your thread. I hope this was good info for you. Good Spirits and New Clean Sanatized Start. This is exactly how I did my grow I'm doing now. 8 weeks Veg and 1st week of flower.