Looking good
They all received their final dose of myco-magic last week. I've been slowing increasing the P using bat guano, and added a little molasses last time. Next watering will include a dose of catalyst to help the nutrient uptake. The one BMS #3 pheno seems to have some nute burn, but she's still putting out some nice buds.
I also added a DIY vinegar & baking soda CO2 generator using a couple plastic bottles. It's very simple and less work and mess than the yeast method.
Here are the instructions if anyone is interested:
1. Quart size (or larger) container.
2. 1/2 Pint (8 oz.) plastic beverage container, with a pinhole melted in the bottom.
Baking soda and vinegar can be purchased - in bulk - very cheaply at your nearest discount warehouse store.
Pour 1/4 cup baking soda in the bottom of the large container. Then fill the small bottle with vinegar and place it in the bottom of the large container, so that it drips vinegar into the baking soda. I use the cap from the small bottle to raise it off the bottom a little just to help continue the flow out the bottom.
Mine takes several hours to finish - then I pour out the last bit of vinegar, and give it a swirl to cause 1 final reaction, getting the last bit of the CO2 out of the mixture.
The CO2 is heavier than air so the generator - placed above the plants - washes CO2 down over the tops of the plants. By adding an air tight cap on top with a small tube (silliconed air tight), you could easily target the CO2 output, but this setup works fine for me.
My ventilation runs 24/7, but it's minimal, and with negative pressure, so I'm positive the CO2 lingers in my enclosed 2 x 5' space plenty, before finally being exhausted.
Cutting your fans off, and increasing the size of the pin holes, is another option, but heat is an issue for me with 800w in a 2x 5' space.
The foam caused by the reaction only comes up about half way to the top of the container, when swirled, so I may add a few vent holes in my container, but you don't want this mix dripping on your plants.
You could also do this on a larger scale, but at some point the cost of vinegar and baking soda becomes exorbitant. This is better for small enclosed gardens.
Here's what it looks like in action:
Group shots from left to right:
I continue to soak them down - once a day - with the mister, because the humidity level is-otherwise very low 29%
And finally a little nubile bud porn
Thanks for all the great comments