Thanks again for all the adivce guys, I know it's hard to give advice to someone when they've only listed issues..
I reckon I'm going to change my way of thinking. If anyone knows the group 'The Streets' then they'll probably know a track they made called 'Stay Positive'.
From now on this is the way I will think, just gotta tell myself this enough and it will become reality!
As for the bud, I'm still not going to quit. Although I know I should. Imagine being in my position - You love bud, you have had some of the best times of your life while high as fuck, smoking weed has shaped my personality and become part of me! Just having to drop it like that feels so massive to me, like losing a leg..
This makes me sound like I have quite a strong physical addiction to bud - but I wouldn't say I do, it's more of a bond. I have no weed at the moment and I'm not sitting here stressing and fretting about it. Because I don't work I really don't smoke it as often as I used to anyway.
I'm just trying to come to terms with that it's not the bud doing it to me, it's the way that it changes my views and mindset. I might try therapy again, to try and force myself into thinking positively.
I'm still not keen on taking the prozac again - I've got a girlfriend at the moment for the first time in years and she's got the roundest butt you'll ever see

When I'm on the prozac I can't even get an erection. My sex drive is normally very very high (probably because I'm 18 and still developing.. I was a late developer) but with the Prozac it's gone - and I don't feel normal. I honestly don't think removing my ability to do some undercover lovin' is the way to make me happier, despite the other benefits mental-health wise.
Anyway guys sorry for rambling!
Keep it green