Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

Stop being a fucking pussy.

i have to agree with this one. ive posted a few times in this thread and have watched it from the beginning. all these people have tried to help you and you just whine. do something to help yourself. thats all you have to do. get help somewhere and change your life. only you have power to do it.

these people care enough about you(a stranger) to wade through 7 pages of this. Dont ask for help without being willing to do something for yourself.
You are asking for help about a medical condition on a forum made for stoned people.....you need a medical professional
See, I have the opposite issue...I am depressed and MJ gives me just the little boost I need to get up and get going..and to also chill before bed...it is versatile for me in that way...So...being in a similar situation the only cure for depression is to fake it...Act like you feel fine and everything is alright...don't go a week without taking a bath cuz who gives a shit and everyone hates you and the world would be better if you weren't in it...at least those are my depressed thoughts, but if you just make yourself get up and do what you need to do it will get easier...It is just nearly impossible...I know...it is a constant source of frustration for me, that I even know how to fix it, but when "the sad" has you it is hard to think of anything else...so just try hard to make yourself do what you need to and you will be feeling better in no time.
I love it when people say the world would be better off without them in it. When's the last time the world noticed someone was gone? It's rare. People like Saddam Hussein and Adolf Hitler, OK, the world was a better place. But just Joe Schmoe keeling over? Self inflicted or not...doesn't really seem to make anything better.
in one of your posts you said you stopped for 3 weeks, then your brother came over and it started(depression)...dude...just stop the pot....it is doing something to the chemicals in your brain, which in turn is depressing you....Stop the pot.....best of luck....
Weed is a plant. It can't ruin your life. You can do a number on yourself by making bad choices though, such as smoking too much weed. The nice part is that any time you want to turn it around, you can.
Your holding yourself back on life.Everything you listed you can overcome if you really put your mind to it.There are plenty of people that overcome harder struggles.Weed didn't ruin your life,nobody forced you to smoke.
Thanks again for all the adivce guys, I know it's hard to give advice to someone when they've only listed issues..

I reckon I'm going to change my way of thinking. If anyone knows the group 'The Streets' then they'll probably know a track they made called 'Stay Positive'.

From now on this is the way I will think, just gotta tell myself this enough and it will become reality!

As for the bud, I'm still not going to quit. Although I know I should. Imagine being in my position - You love bud, you have had some of the best times of your life while high as fuck, smoking weed has shaped my personality and become part of me! Just having to drop it like that feels so massive to me, like losing a leg..

This makes me sound like I have quite a strong physical addiction to bud - but I wouldn't say I do, it's more of a bond. I have no weed at the moment and I'm not sitting here stressing and fretting about it. Because I don't work I really don't smoke it as often as I used to anyway.

I'm just trying to come to terms with that it's not the bud doing it to me, it's the way that it changes my views and mindset. I might try therapy again, to try and force myself into thinking positively.

I'm still not keen on taking the prozac again - I've got a girlfriend at the moment for the first time in years and she's got the roundest butt you'll ever see :hump: When I'm on the prozac I can't even get an erection. My sex drive is normally very very high (probably because I'm 18 and still developing.. I was a late developer) but with the Prozac it's gone - and I don't feel normal. I honestly don't think removing my ability to do some undercover lovin' is the way to make me happier, despite the other benefits mental-health wise.

Anyway guys sorry for rambling!

Keep it green :joint:
id for sure would take the prozac anymore either. stay smokin just try in smaller doses without tobacco. if you have the option of goin to a dispensary then get a strain that will make you more awake and active. shit start workin out at home an make it a routine so you get use to managin your time better and it will help you sleep at night if you workout hard enough. that'll give you some confidence and think of a career you'd enjoy and go to school for it. that right there is puttin you on a path and you'll get to meet lots of people in college. then if you feel you can handle work and school go get you a job. i know its hard cause ive had to do it before hell im lookin for a job now, but i stay active and it keeps me wantin to try constantly to get a job it just sucks i got back problems so i cant really do the manual labor i use to be able to which sucks, but im still tryin you just gotta keep a good attitude about yourself im sure you got family an friends to support you and when school comes comes more of a chance to get a girl.

ignore all the girl shit i didnt read you had a gf in the
post above.
Just get up and do something. Think of how fun it would be to get up in the morning high as fuck and take on the world. Start by going for a walk or listening to music- dance a little bit or jump around the house. Then do things that are more active. Outside is a great place to be stoned. Get a hobby! START A GARDEN! its the perfect time of year to grow anything you like.

Fuck sleeping all day. Ill be 69 years old this year and still get stoned and go for a bicycle ride around town at least once a week.

Weed should not make you sleep that much. If it does you need to either stop smoking or try a new strain. Make sure you get a sativa with no amber trichomes or something.

Just get out of bed, man. Life is short. Trust an old man.

Be kind.

Like button...true story man, you only live once and it goes by fast. you just have to enjoy it. also do you snack out alot when you get stoned? maybe your having a week long sugar crash. or maybe your having tobbaco withdrawrels. i dont know but its not the weed making you sleep for a week.
I used to sleep all day when i drank so now i dont do that.. i smoke every day at least 2-3 times and i sleep 9 hours a night every night. never more sometimes less. I know what its like to sleep too much it does suck. but like i said my problem was partying. now i just keep to myself and go to work every day. goodluck
Like button...true story man, you only live once and it goes by fast. you just have to enjoy it. also do you snack out alot when you get stoned? maybe your having a week long sugar crash. or maybe your having tobbaco withdrawrels. i dont know but its not the weed making you sleep for a week.
I used to sleep all day when i drank so now i dont do that.. i smoke every day at least 2-3 times and i sleep 9 hours a night every night. never more sometimes less. I know what its like to sleep too much it does suck. but like i said my problem was partying. now i just keep to myself and go to work every day. goodluck

It does suck. Im glad this guy is trying to find some help and it looks like he is starting to turn around. Just stay on a path that is good for you and be kind.
business before pleasure. not to be rude but quit being lazy. get up, walk it off, and just go out there and do something. work a shit job like all of us have and have hated, deal with the bullshit drama and depression. eventually when you start bringing in some cash you will feel much better. i've been there, just sat around all day not working, depressed, smoking whatever little weed i could afford. then i worked a shit job and had money. i bought bigger quantities so i never had to worry about running out and always had money cause i would sling to good friends. i met lots of good friends. i even met a lot of women. eventually i got a medical card and started growing my own and now people wont leave me alone. i kinda wish i was back to not being bothered LOL. but honestly, eventually you should meet the right people and hopefully find a job you like doing. and honestly if prozac wasnt working, try something else. a lot of people disagree with me, but i find SSRIs extremely beneficial. they dont make people suicidal either. those people are suicidal to begin with. i've never been suicidal in my life and have been on SSRIs for half my life for general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, depression, and other issues. they are also much safer than benzos. people that say ssris are dangerous and want xanax or valium instead are just kids trying to get drugs to abuse from the doctor and it will make their situation much worse. i do also take benzos but only on rare occasions when needed as the way it should be with everyone who takes it because of the addiction potential. i also have a prescription so it's not illegal.

the way i see it is your either not working, depressed and do nothing. you have no money so friends to hang out with cause you cant afford to go and do anything.
your working all the time, have lots of money and friends, but almost no free time.

pick the 2nd choice, it made my life much better anyway!
Thanks again for all the adivce guys, I know it's hard to give advice to someone when they've only listed issues..

I reckon I'm going to change my way of thinking. If anyone knows the group 'The Streets' then they'll probably know a track they made called 'Stay Positive'.

From now on this is the way I will think, just gotta tell myself this enough and it will become reality!

As for the bud, I'm still not going to quit. Although I know I should. Imagine being in my position - You love bud, you have had some of the best times of your life while high as fuck, smoking weed has shaped my personality and become part of me! Just having to drop it like that feels so massive to me, like losing a leg..

This makes me sound like I have quite a strong physical addiction to bud - but I wouldn't say I do, it's more of a bond. I have no weed at the moment and I'm not sitting here stressing and fretting about it. Because I don't work I really don't smoke it as often as I used to anyway.

I'm just trying to come to terms with that it's not the bud doing it to me, it's the way that it changes my views and mindset. I might try therapy again, to try and force myself into thinking positively.

I'm still not keen on taking the prozac again - I've got a girlfriend at the moment for the first time in years and she's got the roundest butt you'll ever see :hump: When I'm on the prozac I can't even get an erection. My sex drive is normally very very high (probably because I'm 18 and still developing.. I was a late developer) but with the Prozac it's gone - and I don't feel normal. I honestly don't think removing my ability to do some undercover lovin' is the way to make me happier, despite the other benefits mental-health wise.

Anyway guys sorry for rambling!

Keep it green :joint:

Stop being a pussy. Who gives a fuck that you can't get erection while taking whatever medication to help yourself from being a whiny little bitch. Just stop being a whiny little bitch. You do realize this is the toke n talk section. Not "I'm a puss who can't handle a j because this plant ruins my pathetic version of a life." Just kill yourself and this thread.