Weed has ruined my life, but I love it too much to quit?

dude! take control. get a damn alarm clock so you can wake up, go to work, school, etc. you obviously have internet, you dont have a cell phone? almost all cells have a alarm clock. hell i can set as many different alarm clocks as i want on mine. dont use weed for a excuse for not doing the things in your life you need to get done. whats happening is YOUR fault not mary janes. wake up, smell the coffee, and get your ass to work man.
i have to agree with this one. ive posted a few times in this thread and have watched it from the beginning. all these people have tried to help you and you just whine. do something to help yourself. thats all you have to do. get help somewhere and change your life. only you have power to do it.

these people care enough about you(a stranger) to wade through 7 pages of this. Dont ask for help without being willing to do something for yourself.

I think the OP has been man enough to come here & explain his problems to complete strangers & ask for their advice, I don't agree with him being called a pussy at all. quite the opposite.
The sleeping all the time thing sounds like he might have Hep C or some other liver problem, he needs to get checked out by a doctor.
Just get up and do something. Think of how fun it would be to get up in the morning high as fuck and take on the world. Start by going for a walk or listening to music- dance a little bit or jump around the house. Then do things that are more active. Outside is a great place to be stoned. Get a hobby! START A GARDEN! its the perfect time of year to grow anything you like.

Fuck sleeping all day. Ill be 69 years old this year and still get stoned and go for a bicycle ride around town at least once a week.

Weed should not make you sleep that much. If it does you need to either stop smoking or try a new strain. Make sure you get a sativa with no amber trichomes or something.

Just get out of bed, man. Life is short. Trust an old man.

Be kind.

I had the exact same problem and this ^ really helps! Sometimes just GOING outside, get some fresh air and walk around can make a huge difference. It's a matter of willpower, you just gotta go "Okay enough of this shit" and DO it. It's hard but maybe you could get a friend to help. Shit I've smoked outside in a blizzard before just to get out of the house in winter and not lay around my room all day. It was actually a pretty awesome experience.

Avoiding indica dominant varieties tends to help too.
I'd have to say it's a combination of depression and something else, either CFS or Hep C. Read about Hep C and you'll see people talking about sleeping all day.

It's not a voluntary thing for him, is what people don't understand. :peace:
stop being a pussy. Who gives a fuck that you can't get erection while taking whatever medication to help yourself from being a whiny little bitch. Just stop being a whiny little bitch. You do realize this is the toke n talk section. Not "i'm a puss who can't handle a j because this plant ruins my pathetic version of a life." just kill yourself and this thread.
