Well-Known Member
Sometimes things go wrong even in organics.
There is a plethora of threads for discussing plant health issues but is there one for Organic Growers?
The things that can go wrong in soil are complex and we need something beyond the pale of ordinary mistakes
new growers make to support to provide insight and support on how to resolve organic soil issues.
Anywise in a lead of bat attempt to say even us experienced growers come across something that makes us scratch
our heads and check our grow journals to see what may have occurred contributing to the plant's health.
In the interest of keeping this format clear and concise use same format I have posted.
Hopefully this eliminates clutter confusing data etc. Those with questions about post please try email poster first to update edit their post with missing or requested info, in the spirit of keeping this thread helpful
Once upon a time DankSwag had 4 little blue cheese angel clones

DankSwag was particularly fond of the girl 2nd from left.
DankSwag called her My Sharona She was taken late in December 2013 from one of the ladies that
are currently finishing flowering in my current PHOGS run.
The picture on the right shows how I used Aloe Vera to stimulate rooting. Her sister received the same and as you can tell Jan 02 14, all girls happy.
Sharona grows up but DankSwag looses one of her sisters to root rot (human error, cup missing drainage hole) second from right in top picture of clones.

Sharona seen 2 weeks later 1/16/14 here upfront vegging under full spectrum LED with her siblings, after being transplanted shortly after 1/2/14.
DankSwag was no longer morning the loss of one of her siblings but was signing There She Goes
Note DankSwag will expound upon the three pots used in transplanting, here is where DankSwag believes he made a critical mistake.
As time progressed Sharona and her sisters reminded DankSwag of an Indiana Girl who had a good looking mama who never was around but she grew up tall she grew up right she shot up strong under my sweet led light!

The first two are 1/25/14 Second set 2/5/14
DankSwag is a proud papa of my Sharona and her siblings at the end of 4 weeks vegging once they took root.
DankSwag's indicators pointed to all system nominal soil, water, air and light producing desired results.
This was taken on 2/9/14 2 days just prior to noticeable color change in new leaf sets.

They just appear to look like they could use a little watering...
Winds of Change though on 2/11/14 6 days later from looking so hot on 2/5/14, 2 days after looking a little parched now color loss in new leaf sets hmm? However DankSwag noticed her sisters don't seem to be effected as much as his beloved my Sharona.

The picture on the right showing my Sharona is lacking in nutrients with new leaf sets being so light in color.
DankSwag is preparing an Alfalfa solution for water to address low N levels.
DankSwag assures himself no time to panic and proceed cautiously for at this time it appears the soil in all pots as constructed is failing to provide N.
DankSwag waters with some Alfalfa tea.
What DankSwag witness happening to my Sharona over the next few weeks was horrific and too graphic to release to the public and to protect my Sharona DankSwag has decided not to post her at her worse, but you can only image after you see her come back shots.
During this time DankSwag witness his prize lady going down hill, the initial sulking of the leaves got worse they went limp and curled up and started drying out then turning brown all at once. DankSwag was sure he has lost his my Sharona. Not wanting to rip her out of the soil he so carefully crafted and throw her into the compost pile so she may live again he stood fast for his love and committed to nursing her back to health with nothing but rain water to spray drying limp foliage and to keep soil moist.
So Fast Forward to last couple of weeks. As you can see DankSwag's treatment for my Sharona's siblings took well and DankSwag was able to continue to move forward with their main line training prepping them for flowers, and my Sharona is responding with some leaves regaining their color.

It wasn't until just this last week did DankSwag realize his my Sharona is on her way back with new leaf sets!

DankSwag is happy to have My Sharona back, can't wait till she again looks like her siblings do now.
In Summary all 3 clones had same enviroment prior to issues developing with one exception.
This is why it is important to journal your grow.
In review DankSwag created two containers using the Rev's layering and spike technique for containers. They responded well
and did not take a turn for the worse when their N defectiveness were being address like my Sharona did. However in the
third container which it is believed my Sharona resided another soil was used for the top layer and the bottom layer was a super soil mix beloved to have completed composting.
Not having complete notes on what went into that container has DankSwag irked right now but he get over it, just happy to have his my Sharona back.
Backing off addressing the low N and just watering her through with rain water on leaves though wilted and drying allowed her recovery time.
DankSwag can't wait for another couple of weeks to go by to see her grow up tall and grow up right under his sweet led light.
There is a plethora of threads for discussing plant health issues but is there one for Organic Growers?
The things that can go wrong in soil are complex and we need something beyond the pale of ordinary mistakes
new growers make to support to provide insight and support on how to resolve organic soil issues.
Anywise in a lead of bat attempt to say even us experienced growers come across something that makes us scratch
our heads and check our grow journals to see what may have occurred contributing to the plant's health.
In the interest of keeping this format clear and concise use same format I have posted.
Hopefully this eliminates clutter confusing data etc. Those with questions about post please try email poster first to update edit their post with missing or requested info, in the spirit of keeping this thread helpful
Once upon a time DankSwag had 4 little blue cheese angel clones

DankSwag was particularly fond of the girl 2nd from left.
DankSwag called her My Sharona She was taken late in December 2013 from one of the ladies that
are currently finishing flowering in my current PHOGS run.
The picture on the right shows how I used Aloe Vera to stimulate rooting. Her sister received the same and as you can tell Jan 02 14, all girls happy.
Sharona grows up but DankSwag looses one of her sisters to root rot (human error, cup missing drainage hole) second from right in top picture of clones.

Sharona seen 2 weeks later 1/16/14 here upfront vegging under full spectrum LED with her siblings, after being transplanted shortly after 1/2/14.
DankSwag was no longer morning the loss of one of her siblings but was signing There She Goes
Note DankSwag will expound upon the three pots used in transplanting, here is where DankSwag believes he made a critical mistake.
As time progressed Sharona and her sisters reminded DankSwag of an Indiana Girl who had a good looking mama who never was around but she grew up tall she grew up right she shot up strong under my sweet led light!

The first two are 1/25/14 Second set 2/5/14
DankSwag is a proud papa of my Sharona and her siblings at the end of 4 weeks vegging once they took root.
DankSwag's indicators pointed to all system nominal soil, water, air and light producing desired results.
This was taken on 2/9/14 2 days just prior to noticeable color change in new leaf sets.

They just appear to look like they could use a little watering...
Winds of Change though on 2/11/14 6 days later from looking so hot on 2/5/14, 2 days after looking a little parched now color loss in new leaf sets hmm? However DankSwag noticed her sisters don't seem to be effected as much as his beloved my Sharona.

The picture on the right showing my Sharona is lacking in nutrients with new leaf sets being so light in color.
DankSwag is preparing an Alfalfa solution for water to address low N levels.
DankSwag assures himself no time to panic and proceed cautiously for at this time it appears the soil in all pots as constructed is failing to provide N.
DankSwag waters with some Alfalfa tea.
What DankSwag witness happening to my Sharona over the next few weeks was horrific and too graphic to release to the public and to protect my Sharona DankSwag has decided not to post her at her worse, but you can only image after you see her come back shots.
During this time DankSwag witness his prize lady going down hill, the initial sulking of the leaves got worse they went limp and curled up and started drying out then turning brown all at once. DankSwag was sure he has lost his my Sharona. Not wanting to rip her out of the soil he so carefully crafted and throw her into the compost pile so she may live again he stood fast for his love and committed to nursing her back to health with nothing but rain water to spray drying limp foliage and to keep soil moist.
So Fast Forward to last couple of weeks. As you can see DankSwag's treatment for my Sharona's siblings took well and DankSwag was able to continue to move forward with their main line training prepping them for flowers, and my Sharona is responding with some leaves regaining their color.

It wasn't until just this last week did DankSwag realize his my Sharona is on her way back with new leaf sets!

DankSwag is happy to have My Sharona back, can't wait till she again looks like her siblings do now.
In Summary all 3 clones had same enviroment prior to issues developing with one exception.
This is why it is important to journal your grow.
In review DankSwag created two containers using the Rev's layering and spike technique for containers. They responded well
and did not take a turn for the worse when their N defectiveness were being address like my Sharona did. However in the
third container which it is believed my Sharona resided another soil was used for the top layer and the bottom layer was a super soil mix beloved to have completed composting.
Not having complete notes on what went into that container has DankSwag irked right now but he get over it, just happy to have his my Sharona back.
Backing off addressing the low N and just watering her through with rain water on leaves though wilted and drying allowed her recovery time.
DankSwag can't wait for another couple of weeks to go by to see her grow up tall and grow up right under his sweet led light.