Some fucker STOLE my airtight jar of G.G, the mother plant's buds. I had an AMAZING party last night to celebrate my parents being out of town and I invited only people I trust. There were only 3 people I didn't know myself there. These 3 people were brought to my house by friends I trust. So I had my jar sitting on my kitchen counter behind a bunch of kitchen appliances and when I was cleaning up this morning, it wasn't there where I know I left it. This is the only negative thing that happened because of this awesome party, no one even vomited (and I served Jello shots!). I worked hella hard to make sure everything would run I'm pretty pissed because WTF! There was a miscreant in my house and I didn't even know. I feel like a fucking fool.

I wanted to save that was the first bud I ever grew on my own...

and the jar! I needed that jar. Now I have to buy another. Fuck thieves. Fuck assholes who disrespect the host of an otherwise successful party. This makes me not want to share my hard work/have a party again. I'm in disbelief that someone would do that...stealing medicine from a's fucked up. This is just another incident proving [to me] that people at parties can't be trusted.
Oh and more bad news more on the topic of this thread: Big Blue has a lot of bud rot inside a few more of the colas. Chopped half of her down and going to use the slightly moldy buds to make hash. I guess I have to just toss the moldier buds. It's up to about 1/2 oz of moldiness.
I've had an annoyingly disappointing weekend. Please excuse my rant. Thank you.