Week 7 of the black strain how long would you say left

Did you just say 18 to 20 weeks flower I'll have to take a pic of the widow tomorrow when I'm home but I thought indica is 8 to 9 weeks ? And sativas can go to like 15 weeks
Nope sativas go long man. Land races you better buckle up and get ready. Also the last pic doesn't look done either. More pics would be grand.
No I was saying that one looks more done then the others I only had that pic from this morning when I was talking to another person on here and saying how one looks more further than the other
No I was saying that one looks more done then the others I only had that pic from this morning when I was talking to another person on here and saying how one looks more further than the other
It can vary I take the entire plant into consideration. I wait until all of the hairs turn brown and curl in then I wait two weeks. After that I chop.
It can vary I take the entire plant into consideration. I wait until all of the hairs turn brown and curl in then I wait two weeks. After that I chop.
The whole plant looks the same as that one bud bud my other one I've bin asking about is the one that stumped me cause never had plant do this it grew the huge baseball size buds and then had very little on bottom now bottom is getting big but the tops start giving more white hairs after on the tops so I got lost